Confirmations (3rd)

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Heart pounding and feeling stunned, Fan Zhu Xia's whole body froze as she listened to the masked man whisper lowly in her ear.

What under heaven's name did he mean by his words? What's the difference between knowing now or later?

He could just tell her that it was none of her business if he didn't want her to know!

What's with all his act of acting all ambigous and mysterious?!

Feeling flustered and somewhat aggrieved, Fan Zhu Xia couldn't decide what to do when thankfully the masked man retracted his arms from either side of her and took q step back as he straightened up while staring at her with an amused smirk on those enchanting lips of his.

"Go on now, hurry off. You wouldn't want to keep your lover waiting." the man drawled, his eyes flashing dangerously at the thought of the man who submitted the bid with her. Ho You, after all had already sent him a voice transmission just before he left earlier and what he told him incensed him to the bone.

How dare that man put his dirty paws around his little flower?!

Just who gave him the guts to do that?!

Unaware of his tumultous thoughts, to Fan Zhu Xia, only blatant confusion was showing on her face since even she missed the dangerous gleam reflecting on the man's eyes.

Since when did she have a lover?

"Uhhh... Lord Owner must be mistaken. This Young Miss has no ambigous relationship with anyone, let alone a lover!" Fan Zhu Xia hurriedly explained, wanting to clear up any misconceptions that this man in front of her had.

Hearing her words, the masked man felt an intense satisfaction fill him and this time, Fan Zhu Xia noticed since he didn't make any effort to hide it which made Fan Zhu Xia baffled as to why he would react that way just because of what she said.

Before she can say anything else, the man spoke in a deep voice, coupled with a small playful grin as he reached out to tilt her chin upwards until she had no choice but to meet his burning gaze.

"Well if you don't have one, then why not take this One as your lover instead?"

Dumbfounded, an expression of not knowing whether she should laugh or cry was written all over her face as she processed what he just said and just as soon as his meaning sank in, Fan Zhu Xia couldn't help but blush a deeper shade of red, that she even felt like her cheeks were heating up so much that steam must be coming out on top of her head.

The sight of her deeply flushed skin made her enticingly charming, as if just pinching her cheeks would squeeze out ruby-colored wine while her eyes glimmered like precious crystals. It truly tested a man's control even if the lower half of her face was covered by a thin silk veil.

Before he was able to do or say anything else, Fan Zhu Xia snapped back to her senses and despite her jumbled thoughts and blushing cheeks, she managed to react before him.

"Lord Owner must be joking! This Young Miss is not worthy. Now if you'll excuse me, I shall take my leave. Please feel free to send someone to inform me should you need me to fulfill my end of the bargain."

After talking, Fan Zhu Xia swiftly turned around and slid the door open and went out of the room, leaving no chance for the man to reply or say anything further.

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