Unsealed, Unexpected Reveal (2nd)

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Meeting Fan Zhu Xia's questioning eyes when she just entered the room, Fan Hui Zhong couldn't help but slowly shake his head in a daze before turning back to look at his father who was wholly focused and concentrated on unsealing the young boy.

Although he was watching them, his mind barely noticed his daughter's presence when she moved to stand beside him because his head kept replaying the words father told him before he started the process of removing the seals.

"This boy... Zhong'er this boy is your son!"


My son.

Father just told him that the boy his daughter had just picked up was his son.

How under heavens name could that be?!

Didn't he bury his son along with his wife more than a decade ago?!

His father's words threw his mind and emotions into chaos.

That familiar dark abyss he'd climbed out of with difficulty felt like it was slowly creeping in, threatening to throw him back as memories of seeing his beloved wife dead with his newborn son in her arms all due to an attack by unknown assailants which also caused his already injured father to fall into a coma that he only recently woke up from.

The memories he tried so hard to accept and move past from once again filled him with that familiar grief that he felt his chest tighten painfully as if an extremely heavy rock was pressing onto him making it hard for him to breathe.

His eyes, although wide open seemed as if they were unseeing as his memories filled his head and it was as if he was reliving his nightmare all over again.

He didn't register his surroundings anymore.

It was as if he was sucked back into that particular day once more.

Fan Hui Zhong had received reports that a possible beast wave was brewing at Abyss Valley Mountain Range and since it was dangerously close to the capital, as one of the most trusted generals and as the newly appointed Lei Wangye, he had to go and check it despite of his reluctance.

It wasn't like he didn't want to go but he was just worried since his wife; Su Yue Wan was quite close to giving birth and it made extremely anxious since this was his first child and on top of that, his wife was a frail and fragile woman, a total opposite of his sister-in-law; Wei Rou Xiang who was a pretty decent cultivator despite her petite and dainty looks. Instead, his little wife was truly a delicate, sickly beauty which is why he has been on tenterhooks ever since he found out that she was pregnant. 

Knowing that he had no choice, Fan Hui Zhong could only inform his wife and kiss her goodbye after telling her that he'll just quickly check things out to make sure nothing is amiss and immediately come back.

Although he was worried about his wife, he was also worried about a possible beast rampage since that can also put the capital in danger and if that happens, even his pregnant wife will be placed in danger so his only choice is to finish things as fast as possible.

Fan Hui Zhong has been gone for three days and on the day he was scheduled to go back he felt a sinking feeling on his stomach, filling him with anxiety which urged him to hurry back.

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