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"Let's clean you up." I said as I began cleaning the wound on Marks face. Derek did some pretty good damage. Good for him, I would to if my wife cheated on me with my best friend.

"How bad is it?" Mark asked clearly making a mockery of this situation trying to seem cool after getting punched in the face.

"It's not bad." I said as he turned to look at me with that same smirk.

"So I just look super badass?" Mark questioned as I moved his face back looking straight ahead with my hand. His jaw is really sharp, that's hot.

"Dude, you fell to the ground. I think it's safe to say you don't look badass." I teased making sure the cut is super clean before I start stitching him up.

"Whatever, pretty lady. Are you interested in a career in plastics?" Mark changed the subject as he turned back to look at me. It was like our eyes were magnets. I didn't want to put I had to push his face back to looking straight.

"Definitely not, that's not even a good specialty." I teased as I grabbed the stitches and began stitching.

"What are you doing?" Mark asked once again making eye contact with me.

"Dr. Sloan, you need stitches." I told him raising my eyebrows at the man. He is actually so hot it hurts.

"I know. Hold the mirror." He said gently giving me the mirror as he immediately began stitching himself up. That's so impressive, and it's definitely turning me on.

"Show off." I whisper knowing her heard when he gave me a quick glance with a smirk.

I looked over and saw my friends watching us. I made eye contact with each of them in turn. First I saw Cristina. Cristina is very passionate about what she does, we have that in common. She is older than me by about eight whole years but she is still one of my best friends.

The last one I made eye contact with was Alex who nodded at the on call room and mouthed 'in ten minutes'.
I'm sleeping with Evilspawn and I'm too embarrassed to tell any of my closest friends or anyone at all. He keeps on paging me to the on call room, and I can tell you he doesn't need medical attention.

All these friends and I still live alone in a two story 4 bedroom 2 bathroom house. My parents bought it for me, and they still pay my bills. I told my father I could pay but he refused. Who am I to turn down a whole ass house? My friends haven't ever been to my house, they will ask questions. The last thing I need is questions, questions lead to answers. I don't have answers.

My life is a secret full of lies. I'm seen as a blonde 22 year old. But deep down I am a brunette 22 year old with a horrible family, oh and a beauty mark that I now cover with makeup. My family was so horrible that I had to come up with a fake life. Look it up there isn't a Lucy Evelyn Allen alive, she doesn't exist. Lucy Evelyn Moore does, everyone knows my family's secrets. I grew up in the public eye, in newspapers, in magazines, in articles, and on websites. Most of them are about who perfect the Moore family is my personal favorite is 'the miraculous Moore's.' Nobody knows how fucked up my family really is.

Mark finshed in under five minutes, can you believe that? "You look lost in thought. I bet you're thinking about how hot I am? Don't worry I get it a lot." Mark let out and I was pretty sure he was just teasing. This was the first time I actually caught him not looking at my eyes, but my chest.

"My eyes are up here, Dr. Sloan." I smiled as I pointed at my blue eyes, and made eye contact with his blue eyes. I had to shut it down. I have no self control that's why I'm sleeping with Alex. I had to leave or else I'd be naked with Mark sooner or later.

Like on cue Alex paged me. "I gotta go it's urgent." I showed him the 911 page that I knew meant he had an emergency in his pants.

"Bye Lucy." Mark sighed as I walked towards the door and saw Alex go into the on call room.

"Dr. Allen." I responded as I opened the door and leaned on it as I looked back at him.


"My names Dr. Allen. I'm at work." I said as I caught myself smiling again. I need to stop smiling at him, a smile leads to a kiss, that leads to sex, that leads to feeling, that leads to tears. I can't help that I'm a very smiley person.

"How about when you get off you and I strip down to our socks?" Mark let out making me remember what a player he is. I wont fold, that was such a line.

"I'm good, and I don't wear socks when I have sex." I let out being a bit bold not that that's out of character for me. I'm loud when I want to be, I don't have any interest with this man so I'm just having fun with him.

"You're a child." Dr. Sloan said shaking his head at me.

"You better tell all the men I hook up with that they are pedos then." I let out as I finally started turning away. I'm gaining self control, I'm proud. This might be the proudest I've ever been of myself, and I'm a doctor at 22 who graduated top of her class at Harvard. That shows how hot this man is, plus I have a thing for older men. It's almost unhealthy the chokehold older man have on me.

"See you Dr. Allen." Mark called out I knew he was looking at my ass. They hate to see me go but they love watching me leave.

"Goodbye Dr. Sloan." I whisper to myself as I shut the door and lean against it so he can't see me smiling. I'm like a middle school girl when her crush gives her a note.

1070 words
"I think I need someone older"

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