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After lunch Alex and I had to go straight to the Jane Doe's surgery. Lunch was a bit fun today. I found out that Cristina slept with Colin while she was in college. During the surgery I was watching the baby monitor as Alex held the suction.

"Suction. No, not like you're driving a tractor, slowly. Better." Mark instructed as he worked on Jane Doe's eye.

"What's the chance she wakes up and remembers everything?" Alex asked sounding like he really cared for the Jane Doe.

"I wouldn't count on it."

"Dr. Sloan, the baby's having decels." I announced as I continued to watch the baby monitor and that baby continued to have decels.

"Are you sure? Sometimes the monitors not on right, you get a false read." Mark questioned while I lift the cover sheet to reveal blood.

"She's got vaginal bleeding. That baby's in distress." I replied.

"Damn it. Page Dr. Montgomery, now!" Sloan yelled scaring me a bit making me immediately pulled out my pager.

After the surgery Addison, Mark, Alex and I left the OR after Mark finished up and Addison sewed her cervix shut. Mark and Addison are now in a heated yelling match.

"You couldn't have waited one day?" Addison shouted assertively while she pushed the scrub room door open and we all followed her out.

"She was 40% vision compromised in her right eye, it would have been gone tomorrow." Mark yelled back ripping off his mask then the two met face to face.

"No, it's would actually but there's a snazzy new chief candidates marching around the halls today and you needed to be a hero. That's what needed to happen today." Montgomery replied pointing her finger in Marks face.

"The patient was fine, Addison. The baby's still in her uterus and she's not losing an eye. Every surgery is risky, the patient chose this one." Sloan shouted in her face. This was getting good. I don't even know whose side I'm on but it's still very entertaining.

"Karev, don't just stand there. The patient's baby was in distress, go, stay with her." Addison demanded as Derek walked over after hearing the commotion. I shook my head at him and mouthed "run while you still can."

"Something happen with Jane Doe?" Derek didn't listen to my advice and involved himself in their fight.

"Yeah, she can see and Addison's got a problem with it." Mark looked pointedly at Addison while I just stood two steps away watching this play out.

"He rushed her into surgery and she almost lost the baby. I had to sew her cervix shut." Dr. Montgomery explained her voice still loud and scary.

"The complications had nothing to do with the surgery." Mark got closer to her but lowered his voice just a tad.

"Why? Why do you think Mark moved so quickly, Derek? Do you think it's because a piece of the orbital bone was floating towards the brain?" Addison also lowered her voice a bit in response but they were still yelling in each other's faces.

"Well, I think it's because Mark wants a promotion." Shepherd let out with a smirk. These grown adults fight is totally the highlight of my day.

"You're not her husband, this isn't your patient, stay out of it!" Sloan yelled as Richard walked up with my dad. I was doing a good job at avoiding him up until now.

"What the hell do you people think you're doing? You're supposed to be the leadership of this hospital, screaming about a patient in the hallway? Are you out of your minds?" Dr. Webber ridiculed them with his hands on his hips. This completely embarrassed them in front of their possible new boss aka Lucas Moore.

"There you are I've been looking for you. What happened to your forehead? And your hair? You're not a blonde." My dad pointed out everything that he possibly could that he didn't like in the two second of looking at me.

"A box fell on me, and I dyed it." I told him as he walked up to me with Richard still by his side, and the three attendings behind us.

"You always wanted to be more like Lauren. I didn't think you'd go this far with it." Lucas snickered to himself at his rude remark. I forced myself to not roll my eyes at his words.

"I don't want to be like- never mind sorry. Did you want to talk about something?" I questioned biting the inside of my lip to stop myself from saying something he wouldn't approve of, or that he would claim is unprofessional or a disgrace to the Moore name.

"Yes. I heard you've became a OBGYN and plastics junkie. We can't have that. The Moore people are Neurosurgeons." Lucas sighed at even having to say plastics. If there was anything Lucas Moore hated it was Plastics surgeons since they're all cocky and arrogant according to his words. He also hates when I do anything that isn't living up to his standards. In his eyes I have to be exactly like him or I'm the worst person to exist.

"I'm sorry about that but I don't make the assignments. Excuse me I have to use the bathroom." I mumbled with a forced smile then walked away.

I had to walk past the two remaining attendings Mark and Derek to go to the nearest bathroom. Derek had a big goofy grin on his face when I walked close to him after listening into my conversation.

"Shut it. Don't say anything." I uttered as I finally let myself roll my eyes.

"Put in a good word for me with your dad and I won't." Derek teased.

"No use he already doesn't like you. You're the head of Neuro and Lauren isn't, no amount of money can fix it for him so he hates you instead." I whisper as we both look back at my dad who's pitching Lauren to Richard. It's like he forgets that I'm also his daughter when he brags about how talented she is.

"What about-" Mark I cut off before he could even finish.

"He hates every plastic surgeon, especially the cocky ones. That's literally you all over." I informed him with a gentle joking hand on his shoulder as I broke the news. I basically just told them that their possible future boss hates them already.

1068 words
"I've got thick skin and an elastic heart but your blade it might be to sharp"

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