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i am a tree

I spent the day dealing with a boy in a tree, safe to say today was eventful. I'm ending my night by going to the bar, my happy place beside the OR. George just left to get laid by Callie and Cristina's here, oh and Meredith is having boy troubles. I left to go get a drink and I saw Alex talking to an old lady who was his patient today.
That's disgusting she's at least forty years older than him.

When I came back to Meredith and Cristina I saw Meredith holding a coin. "What are you doing?"

"Day's over. I'm flipping a coin. Call it." Meredith told Cristina. She was really flipping a coin to pick a man?

Cristina and Meredith kept talking while I tried to read Alex's lips, but I'm not very good at that. Unless he said "I have really hairy watermelon."

"What are you doing?" Meredith asked me just like I asked her earlier.

"Does it look like Alex is flirting with that lady? It does, doesn't it? I'll be right back." I said not even letting them answer my question before I left the table.

"Don't do something you might regret." Cristina called out she knew me very well.

I just took a seat three seats away from them using a menu to hide myself.

"What are you doing?" Joe came up to me and asked in a very loud voice.

"Shush! I'm spying" I tell him side eyeing Alex and his lady friend, who is old enough to be his mom.


"Alex and that lady. Have you heard them? Are they flirting? Oh they are totally flirting." I sigh still looking at Alex and the outmoded lady from over the top of my menu.

"Why do you care?" Joe questioned wanting the goss. Joe basically knows everything about everyone that works at the hospital.

"I don't care." I uttered sounding like someone who cares a lot.

"Sure you don't." Joe whispered as he left to go get someone's order. Finally I could spy in peace.

"I wish I'd had more fun. I didn't want to be a slut. I didn't want to be a tramp. I didn't have any fun. My ex husband...he had fun. All sorts of fun with all sorts of women who were a lot more fun than me. Nobody called him a slut. Why is that? Men can do it but women can't." The aged lady explained while Alex stuffed his face.

"Women can. I know some who do." Alex replied and he better not be talking about me.

"Not without being called names." The old lady uttered turning back to her six drinks infront of her. Was she having a 2/3s life crisis?

"What do you care what people call you? I get called an ass, I don't care." Alex told her washing down his food with his beer. He gets called an ass because he acts like an ass!

"I dont think you're an ass." The wrinkled lady reassured him. She was clearly flirting.

"I don' t think you're a slut." Alex reassured her. He was clearly flirting!

"You have a girlfriend Alex?" The lady who belonged in a nursing home questioned laying it on thick.

"No, no girlfriend." Alex responded looking into the empty beer bottle. Why was I spying on him if we're not even dating? I'm crazy, but I can't stop now.

"So you're single?" The elderly lady questioned basically asking the same thing she just asked.

"Yes. Definitely. I'm single." Alex answered with a huge smile. He was telling the truth, he wasn't dating anyone just sleeping with me. It still hurt my ego tho. He's not supposed to have sex with other women, he could give me an STD.

"I'm single too. And I'm very bad at this. Never actually had any practice. So..um. I'm going to go into the bathroom. And if I find myself alone in there after two minutes, I'll just touch up my makeup and come back out. But should you have any interest in fulfilling the wish of a potentially dying woman...you know where I'll be." The ancient lady told him before standing up and walking to the bathroom. I think I just threw up in my mouth. Surely he won't go..right?

To my surprise Alex followed the senior citizen into the bathroom. I sat there in shock for a good minute, Joe saw and just passed me a beer.

Just if tonight couldn't get any worse I heard a familiar voice from behind me. "Is this seat taken?" The same Mark from like two months asked, just like last time but this time I was a bit drunk.

"Yeah, can't you see all my friends?" I joked thinking I was just hilarious while he took a seat next to me.

"What are you doing?" Mark questioned as I continued to watch that bathroom door, it's been like thirty minutes already.

"Why does everyone keep asking that? Mind your own business. Why are you even here?" I quickly turned from being a joker to a rude woman.

"I'm waiting for Addison, she called me." Mark explained.

"You came all the way to Seattle because she booty called you?" I turned my attention away from the bathroom door and to Mark. I looked at him with a confused expression.

"Why are you staring at the bathroom door?" Mark changing the subject back to me.

"Alex went in there with an old fart who was very pretty for a dying old lady." I told him while checking the time. They have been in there for 35 minutes.

"Oh, I get it you're jealous of that old fox." Mark teased smirking at me. I notice how white his teeth were, in fact I noticed a lot about him. He's super hot, I'm melting.

"Your teeth are very white." I pointed out and for some reason I reached out to touch them, and for a weirder reason he let me.

"Here they come." Mark said as the bathroom door started to open.

"Tell me what you see." I demanded putting my hand on his chest. I was being very touchy, but in my defense I was drunk.

"She's wearing his jacket. You were right she's a total fox." Mark told me not being a supportive person at all. I didn't want to look at the fox and the man whore.

"He's looking this way." That's all Mark had to say before I was kissing his passionately. Not because I wanted to, just so Alex would see.

The kiss lasted long after Alex and his charity case left. Mark wasn't pulling away and neither was I. We were close, one of his hands was on the back of my head and the other was wrapped around my waist. The kiss was fast and firm. After several seconds, I eventually pull away, taking a few deep breaths while he smirked at me then walked away to greet a very drunk Addison.

1180 words
"We could've been so good together"

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