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We follow Mark into a post-ops patients room. It seems like whatever Addison said changed his mind about letting Alex and I in on a case.

"How you doing Mr. Jeffries?" Mark asked flipping his patient switch being all nice. I scoff and make a face at Mark making Alex chuckle.

"Oh Frank's doing okay. He'd be doing a lot better if the twins were even." The guy who I believe is the patient answered. His torso was wrapped up...I wonder what procedure he had done.

"Uh, twins?" Alex said in a confused voice as we stood at the end of the bed.

"Frank's new pecs." Mr. Jeffries told us as Mark turned around just to glare at us for Alex's comment.

"Who is Frank?" I asked.

"You're looking at him." Frank winked as he continued to talk about himself in third person.

"Frank, these are interns. Apparently this is a teaching hospital. I'm supposed to be teaching them. Karev?" Sloan told Karev to read the chart out. This isn't apparently a teaching hospital it is a teaching hospital.

"Frank Jeffries is post op day 3 for pectoral enhancement surgery. There was a slight complication when a seroma formed." Alex read out making Mark yawn.

"And what is a seroma?" Mark continued yawning.

"It's a build up of blood and fluid under the skin." I answered before Alex could.

"That concludes today's teaching. A tube was inserted into Mr. Jeffries chest to drain the fluid. I want you to monitor him, check the tube for fluid output and change his dressings. Dr. Allen...I guess you can watch." Mark instructs earning a fake smile and a dramatic thumbs up. Instead of spending the day watching I could be on Addisons service but no I'm stuck watching.

"Actually Dr. Allen is an excellent Doctor." Alex defended me which he shouldn't do. Mark likes it when you let him walk all over you. I touch his arm and shake my head no signaling him to just shut up.

"Yeah. That's what I hear." Mark throws me a smirk then leaves.

"You really want a career in plastics? Then just do what Sloan says. Don't talk to him unless you're spoken to, don't even look him in eyes. He's like a possessed doll that will steal your soul if you ever dare to go against him." I say the last sentence in a creepy voice as I rub my hands together making Frank laugh but Alex roll his eyes.

Alex unwrapped Franks chest to reveal his new and improved pecs. I don't understand why you would need pec surgery but it's not my body.

"Oh yeah! that's what I'm talking about. Look at you! Do they still look lopsided? From the seroma?" Frank asked Alex who was right next to him while I was still at the end of the bed watching.

"No it looks like most of the swelling has gone down." Alex was checking out another man's pecs...how cute.

"Yeah? Oh yeah. Hey Dr. Allen would you take a look at the twins? Frank would like a woman's perspective." Frank asked me gesturing to his twins.

"Of course I would." I basically jumped at the chance to get a better look at his pecs.

"Uh yep. Looks pretty even to me. Very defined. And the redness should go away in a couple of days." I told him as I got my face close to his chest since I wasn't wearing my contacts.

"Good. Frank got them for his girlfriend. He doesn't want her to see them until they're perfect." Frank shared making me and Alex look at each other with a strange face.

"Your girlfriend asked you to get pec implants?" Alex questioned as we both did our judgy face. Callie was right I totally do have a judgy face.

"No Frank's girlfriend joined a gym and got a trainer named Lars. What kind of name is that Lars?" Frank informed us. I bet Lars has bars and cars.

"So you got fake pecs cause you're jealous of a guy with a fake name?" I questioned.

"My last girl friend, Leena, left me for a guy with hair, so I got plugs. This time Frank's not taking any chances. Frank sees the signs of discontent, Frank's fighting back." Frank overshared a bit but this is the best part of my whole week. I noticed Alex keep glancing towards me when Frank spoke.

"I don't know. I just don't get the whole fake boob thing, no offense." I let out as I looked down at his "eyes."

"No these are top of the line. They look real they feel natural. No really. Feel them, really. Feel them." Frank insisted that I felt his pecs. Hey I'm complaining.

"Ooh, very solid." I exclaimed as I poked his new pecs.

"And real."

"I don't know about that." I teased as I continued to poke his chest.

"Well compare them to his." Frank points to Alex. I smile at Alex to try to convince him to let me compare.

"I'm not involved with this." Alex put his hands up as I gave him my puppy dog eyes.

"Come on it's for science." I quiver my lip and before I know it he lifts up his scrub top and I puts one hand on each guy's chest.

As I'm analyzing the two pecs and trying to spot a difference in walks Mark.

"This... this is why I don't work with interns." Mark let out then immediately left just as quick as he came.

"Lucy's came to a conclusion. Lucy thinks they feel exact same." I smile at Frank as I talk about myself in third person like he was.

958 words
"sometimes I wish I could really hate you"

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