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Last night I was out late studying. How fun. Y'know what will not be fun if I fail that fucking intern test. I will literally stick a scalpel into both of eyes if I do. I need to pass and in order to make sure I do I need Callie's cards from when she was an intern.

I started off my day with a three mile jog since that's the closest I'm getting to workout for today. Once again I am very stressed so I back to hating food and loving exercise.

I was in the elevator with Mark once again but this time instead of Richard with us it was Addison. I don't think they noticed me in the corner studying the cards I made. I bet Callie's are much better than mine. I need those cards.

"28 more days and then it's you and me in a locked room for a record breaking, earth shattering, mind blowing..."Mark told Addison immediately takin my attention away from my flash cards. I did not need to hear this. How do they not see that I'm here? I am here! They aren't alone and this is a conversation you have in private.

"Okay! I get it. Thank you." Addison thankfully stopped Marks vivid description of the fantastic sex they are gonna have in 28 days.

"That was less than enthusiastic." Sloan replied his eyes still locked on Addison.

"I'm gonna be more enthusiastic when we uh...cross the finish line." Dr. Montgomery said with a slight smirk.

"Ok. Just making sure you haven't lost interest in the project." Mark told her as looked down at her 'eyes.' I want to wash my eyes and ear out with bleach a lot of bleach.

"No, not at all."

"I knew I should've taken the stairs." I mumbled as I got off the elevator shocking them both when they realized I was there the whole entire time.

"Oh my, Moore you were here this whole time?" Montgomery asked right as I exited the elevator.

"Sadly. I wish you luck with your record breaking, earth shattering, mind blowing sex." I wished them luck while the doors started shutting so by the time I was done talking they were already closed.

the other interns and I enter the conference room.

"Um, what are you doing?" Cristina questioned as we walked into the room and met with loads of tiny cakes. where Burke is setting up wedding cake samples. This would be heaven for me if I could bring myself to eat.

"The bakery wants me to make a decision by tomorrow so if you can tell me your favorite by then that would be great." Burke smiled then leaved the room. Everyone was looking at the cakes one by one and I just stood back nauseous at the sight of the cakes.

"Cakes and little place cards? Ok, he's turning into a girl." Cristina held up one of the labels and the cake was a coffee cake. That's nasty. Coffee cake is a disgrace to mankind, I'm convinced anyone that likes it doesn't have taste buds.

"I think it's sweet. He obviously cares about this stuff." Izzie defended Burke who definitely did care about his wedding with Cristina. I can imagine them in ten years living in a white house with a picket fence and possibly kids.

"This white one tastes pretty good." Alex exclaimed taking another bite of the 'white one.'

"I should bring a piece to Derek, right? That's what good girlfriends do. Take their boyfriend's cake and communicate." Meredith asked looking directly at me.

"Why are you looking at me? Alex already has his cake." I told her and immediately I knew my rudeness from not eating already kicked in. During stressful times I have a protein bar every six hours just so I don't die. It takes absolutely everything out of me to not throw it up. It feels like shallowing a pill without water.

"It wouldn't hurt to have more." Alex responded still stuffing his face.

I pick up a tiny slice of what was labeled as lemon cake and put in on a plate. I walked over to him with a cheeky grin. "Here you go, enjoy."I gently shoved the lemon cake onto his nose. There was only a little dot of icing and one or two crumbs of the lemon cake.

"Did you bring Callie's cards?" Cristina asked as George started to dig into a chocolate cake infront of him.


"No cake for you." Cristina told him taking the plate out of his hand and walking to the other side of the table with it.

"Poor Georgie come here. You can have some of this lemon cake." George fell for my trap and skipped over to me with a grin as he stared at the lemon cake. I shoved the cake into his face a bit harder than I did Alex. The white frosting was all over his chin. George licked off the frosting and took the cake from me completely unfazed.

Bailey walked in with a shocked look from seeing the cakes but thought it was better to not ask questions "Dr. Bailey, I saw hemiglossectomy on the board. Can I scrub in?" Meredith questioned.

"No, you're not doing surgeries today." Bailey replied.


"Your intern exams are in two weeks. You need to spend every available minute studying for them. Believe me, when you won't have to repeat your year as interns, you'll be thanking me for this opportunity. So, Moore and Yang, you're doing scut. O'Malley, Grey and Stevens, you'll be joining me in the clinic. Karev, you're with Ava." Dr. Bailey instructed as she picked up a whole cake and basically started drooling over it.

Cristina and I were sitting on the floor in the hallway studying for the intern exams using my flash cards that probably would never even compare to Callie's.

"Which fluid resuscitation technique is used in acute burns?" I asked my butt starting to hurt and tingle from sitting on the hard floor.

"Parkland formula. Come on Luc, step it up." Cristina answered.

"What is virchows triad?"

Cristina was glaring at Callie talking to another male resident. "Oh, I hate George. He married into the cards. You think he knew? You think that's why he married her?" Cristina questioned. She must also be very desperate for those cards.

"That's totally why he married her." I let out sarcastically never once taking my eyes off my flash cards.

"I need those cards." Cristina uttered through gritted teeth.

"If you get those cards it's only right to share with me. What is virchows triad?" I tried to continue with the study session but Cristina ran up to Callie who immediately denied her from getting those cards.

Callie walked past me and I gave her my puppy dog eyes trying to convince her to give me her cards but she just shook her head no.

1167 words
"Haven't I given enough?"

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