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After I continued to follow around Mark for about five minutes he told me to "stop following him around like a lost puppy." I saw George and Callie so I decided to talk to them.

"How's it going?" Callie asked as I made it to them. I was clearly interrupting their couple talk, but they both seemed to want to talk to me.

"Absolutely horrible." I answer with a huge smile making the other two laugh.

"Is someone missing the OBGYN to much? Is one day away from it too hard?" George teased. It's not being away from OBGYN it's just being in plastics.

"I'm stuck in plastics...oh and McSteamy is a McBitch." I rant but I stop when I notice George and Callie looking at someone behind me. I hear someone with a deep voice clear their throat. Oh fuck me.

"McSteamy? Is that what they're calling me now?" Mark asked as he leaned on the counter like I was and has a big smirk on his face.


"Yes, but I don't think you're supposed to know that." George told him so I elbowed him in the side trying to tell him to shut up.

"Do you need something Dr. Sloan? Cause like two minutes ago you told me to stop following you around like a lost puppy." I remind him as I roll my eyes. Why did I kiss him out of everyone at the bar? I could've kissed anyone else, fuck I would've rather kissed that old grandma that Alex slept with over Mark.

He just nodded at me to follow him, so like the "puppy" I supposedly am I did. To my surprise we took me to the scrub room. I didn't think he would go against Derek's consult and go through with the surgery but here we are.

After we were already an hour into the surgery Alex walked in. He basically left Mark in the dust today.

"Where's my coffee Karev?" Mark stopped an empty handed Alex who I wouldn't be surprised spent the whole day with different nurses in the on call room probably spreading Syphilis again.

"I got pulled into an emergency c-section, sorry. Alex explained as he held his mask on with his hands instead of just tying it on. I wasn't even focused anymore I was upset. Why did Alex get pulled into an emergency c-section and not me? Everyone knows I'm way better than Alex at anything medical related. I'm the best, or I was.

"Thats too bad. I was going to let you scrub in on a real surgery. Oh well, maybe next time. If OB can spare you. See ya." Sloan told Alex putting the cherry on top to my horrible day.

"What they picked you? Addison picked you? Over me? That's bullshit." I finally brought myself to form words after debating if I should. I am supposed to be giving Alex the cold shoulder but I can make one exception.

"Get over yourself Allen. I'm surprised there is even enough room in here for you and your ego." Karev mumbled as he left the OR. I scoffed at him and realized that Mark was also gonna pick Alex over me for this surgery.

"Wait Dr. Sloan did you say that you were gonna let him scrub in on a real surgery? you were also gonna pick Karev over me?" I asked to just make sure I was understanding what's going on here.

"Last time I checked you didn't think plastics was a good
specialty." Mark used my own words against me as he continued to do the facial reconstruction.

"I don't think it is a good specialty for me and I'm not gonna change my opinion just so you or anybody else will think better of me."

"I'll change your opinion for you." Dr. Sloan sounded very sure of himself while he said that as if he's sure I'll go into plastics but little does he know my future has already been picked for me. I have to be a neurosurgeon even if I enjoy being in OBGYN or PEDs, even if he somehow changes my mind about plastics.

For the rest of the surgery I was back to thinking about who am I? I don't necessarily know who I am, I'll find that out over time. Let me rephrase that I don't know who I am outside of the walls of this hospital. In this hospital I am one of the best interns here. I am not someone who would get passed over for Alex Karev. A couple of weeks ago I would never in a million years get passed over for Alex Karev. I need to focus more on my work than anything else. I need to have that hunger for saving lives like I did before I let my personal life get in the way of everything.

Later that night I was monitoring Mr. Sullivan but mostly just chatting with his very worried wife. Mark came in to give us an update on Mr. Sullivan, Bailey came in to get an update as well which made Mark very annoyed.

"Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan your face may never be exactly what it was. Even if everything goes perfectly well, there will be scarring." Mark explained making Mrs. Sullivan face drop.

"But he's a sales man. He has such a nice face."

"You have an incredible wife, Mr. Sullivan. And half a dozen car salesman in the lobby waiting to visit you. Your face may be different. But you know as well as I do, it's not about what you look like, or your job or how successful you are. Its about having people in your life who you love, and who love you. That's all that matters." Bailey jumped in to comfort the couple when Mark couldn't.

I listened to Bailey talk and I thought it was a bit hypocritical. As doctors we put our jobs before people who love us and that we love, we always do. That's what we signed up for.

1014 words
"You suck anyway"

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