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wishin' and hopin'

I was running labs today voluntarily. I would rather be running labs than stuck in that empty clinic. A lot has happened over the past eight days Derek apologized, the clinic got built, Callie is now an O'Malley, Meredith's mom is lucid, and I touched up my roots so nobody could tell I'm a natural brunette. Oh and my dad might win a Harper Avery for the clinical trial he completed. He better not win cause then he'll be back into the public eye, and you'll never know what could come up. I'll find out if he won at six o'clock exactly.

I went down to the clinic but left faster than I came when I saw how bad George looked. His exact words were "I'm sick, shaky and sweaty. My mouth is dry, my body aches." I for one dont want to catch whatever he has got going on.

After about an hour passed I ran to OR 1 gallery trying to watch since apparently that girls blood is basically poison and it's making everyone that comes in contact with it sick aka George. Now the chief and Alex are both down and Shepherd and Burke are trying to go in with hazmat suits. The patient fucking woke up right before they could go in so Addison went in and saved the day. Addison looks sick and rushed towards the door. She knocks things over on her way out and Mark catches her as she collapses at the door.

As I was watching I didn't even realize Meredith, Mark and Richard were in the gallery with me until Izzie walked in.

"What's going on?" Izzie questioned as she sat down next to me.

"Chief figured out the anesthesiologist didn't have time to drop an NG tube so now they have to place one and decompress and repack her intestines and close. And they're about to run out of air." I explained never once taking my eyes off the two surgeons in the OR.

"Holy crap! This so beats Tampon training." Izzie exclaimed.

"How's George?" I questioned as I noticed how sick Derek looked. They need to get out of there soon.

"Medically, he's fine. Emotionally, he's a little stunted if you ask me. You don't marry the rebound girl, am I right?" Izzie excepted me to agree with her but I didn't. Callie's a great catch and George sealed the deal.

"You don't marry anyone on a whim." Meredith let out.

"He needs our support." I replied defending my best friend still not talking my eyes off of what's happening in that OR.

"He doesn't need us. He's got his Vegas show wife." Izzie said sounding salty making Mer giggle.

"Chief they're at 32 minutes, you gotta pull them out." Mark for once said something I actually agree with.

"How you doing on air?" Richard asked as I saw that Burke looks sick as well.

"I'm out." Burke answered.

"You go. I'll wrap it." Derek told him.

"Alone? You can't." Burke said right before he passed out. Derek tried to help him and passed out as well.

"That's not good." I stated the obvious after the three of us stood up to see what was happening.

The four of us left standing went into the scrub room, Richard has already got Derek and Burke pulled out. Izzie, Meredith and I are scrubbed in.

"Ok, damage control. We still have to pack her and wrap her so that she's stable for transport. We work in shifts. One doctor at a time, no one stays in for more than 20 seconds. Dr. Sloan do you want to go first?" Richard explained then asked Sloan as Mer tied my light blue scrub cover.

"I'm not going in there." Mark responded kinda sounding like a wimp.


"It would be irresponsible for the remaining healthy attending to expose himself to the neuro-toxin. A neuro-toxin whose long-term effects we're still unaware of. So, I'm staying in here." Dr. Sloan came up with a responsible reason to not have to go into the toxic room. Meredith raised her hand to go first.

"All right, you're up Dr. Grey. Let's get her masked. Sloan give her the lap pads. You're gonna wet them and pack the cavity." Richard explained and in goes Meredith. "If you feel faint get out. Come on Grey, hurry." Dr. Webber said from over the intercom. Meredith did as told and left the OR out of breath.

"I packed the wound." Meredith told us as she leaned over the trash can.

"Dr. Stevens." Richard called Izzie for who's up next.

"I couldn't get...I couldn't...wrap it." Meredith announced.

"Remove the drape and secure the plastic along the sides. It's gotta be tight." Richard instructed as Izzie enters the OR. "Hurry. Come on Stevens. Come on." Richard let out then Izzie leaves just as fast as she went in. She didn't hold her breath for as long as Cristina but she still did good.

"I couldn't...the seal uh it got twisted." Izzie told the other four of us in the room completely out of breath.

I took a deep breath and walked up to Sloan who put my mask on and glasses.

"Ok, the seal needs to be as close to airtight as possible. It'll inflate and then you'll know it's secure." Richard instructed as Mark gave me a somewhat encouraging look.

I took one more deep breath and walked into the toxic OR. I rushed to untwist the seal and made it "as close to airtight as possible." And ran out of there. I was completely out of breath and lightheaded. I threw my mask into the bin and Mark took off my glasses as I put the mask to the oxygen tank over my nose and mouth.

"Are you ok-" I cut Mark off and put my hand on his shoulder to keep me from falling.

"What time is it?" I questioned hoping it wasn't past six. My plan was to go home and find out if my dad won the Harper Avery.

"6:08." Mark read the time from his watch and gave me a weird look when he saw my face. I was seeing three Marks which for some would be a dream come true.

I walked out the OR door unable to walk in a straight line holding my oxygen tank. I sat in the on call room and made sure to lock the door. I turned on the tv hoping the news might have something on the Harper Avery Award winner. He won and this is what the news reporter that had to say about it.

"It would be an understatement to say Lucas Moore is one of the best neurosurgeons to ever walk the planet. Lucas Moore isnt just amazing at what he does he is phenomenal and just overall perfect. He is an absolute genius that has changed Neuroscience. Not only is he a selfless surgeon he is a family man who taught his oldest daughter Lauren Moore to follow in his footsteps, as for his youngest daughter Lucy Moore she has been out of the public eye for some time now after she graduated from Harvard med school at the super young age at 23! but we know with Lucas as her dad she is probably off doing amazing things for the neuro speciality like her sister and father was at her young age."

The news showed a picture of my family. My dad Lucas, my mom Katherine, My sister Lauren, and me. It was an old picture but you can clearly see that it's me. This news channel is always playing at the hospital, everyone knows I'm a liar. I'm a good for nothing liar. I'm so pathetic, my life was so pathetic that I had to make up a fake one.

1318 words
"I know that if you hide, it doesn't go away"

burn.    mark sloanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن