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staring at the sun

I woke next to Alex Karev this morning. We didn't wake up to our alarm. We woke up to George and Lauren being extremely loud as they made breakfast downstairs.

"Why do you live with Moore and O'Malley? Y'know there's a homeless shelter right down the road." Alex asked he rubbed his eyes awake.

"They're my friends! I can't send my friends to a homeless shelter." I defended my friends living with me. Lauren isn't really my friend she's family. And George is basically family.

"Do they have to be loud every single morning?" Alex asked as he grabbed a pillow and used it to cover his ears.

"You need to get up anyway." I hit him with the pillow he used to cover his face with. I got up and immediately went to go shower before Alex could.

George, Alex and I carpooled to work. We didn't talk the whole way since George is tense from his dad getting admitted last night. We went to the intern locker room after George grabbed his father's chart.

"Today is the day people. Today is the day when dark and twisty Meredith disappears forever. And bright and shiny Meredith takes her place. You're probably not going to want to be friends with me anymore cause the sheer intensity of my happiness will make your teeth hurt. That's okay, 'cause life is good. Life is good. What's going on?" Meredith asked as she had a big smile on her face. If she's bright and shiny does that mean I have to switch and be dark and twisty now? a bright and shiny is basically me!

"George's dad was admitted last night." I informed her as we all gathered around his dad's chart.

"Oh my God, is he okay?" Meredith questioned after happily shutting her locker.

"He's fine."

"He passed out, hit the floor and fractured his clavicle." I explained as I tied my hair back into a messy bun.

"His clavicle is fine. Callie said... she said it's fine." George added.

"Are those his AM labs?" Meredith wondered as she looked at the chart with George since everyone else already did.

"Yeah, complaining of severe abdominal pain." Alex let out not being very supportive to George. I know they had like a slap fight but still.

"He doesn't have peritoneal signs, that's good." Cristina analyzed the AM labs.

"Has anybody seen..." Bailey trailed off as she saw what she was looking for in George's hand, his dad's chart.

"I was just looking at it." George replied as he handed her the chart back.

"Don't you think me reading it is more important than you reading it?" Miranda said as she flipped the chart back open.

"Sure. Fine. He's going to be fine." George whispered under his breath as he looked up to the sky.

"You're on SCUT today. You'll be distracted." Dr Bailey instructed.

"No I wont."

"Family members do not treat family members. SCUT." Bailey reminded him.

"I'm scrubbing in on a surgery with Dr. Burke this morning." Cristina informed as she tied her hair into a low ponytail.

"Of course you are. Karev and Allen, Sloan. Grey, pit. Stevens shadow Grey." Bailey gave out our assignments which made me groan. If I have to deal with Sloan for another day I might actually turn all dark and twisty.

"Dr Bailey with all due respect does Dr Sloan really need both of us? Whats I'm trying to ask is when can I get back to Dr Montgomery?" I question avoid eye contact with Bailey at all cost.

"Sloan specifically requested the two of you. And you'll get back to Montgomery when I say you can. Now go!" Bailey shouted. Alex and I did as she said and went to Sloans service.

We found him in the hallway getting the charts ready for us. "Ah, excellent. My invaluable interns. Is it bring-a-hot-blonde-to-work day? Nobody told me." Mark gave me the McSteamy face for a quick second so I glared at him.

"Sexual harassment." I fake cough as I continue to glare at him.

"Which one of these case do you need us on?" I questioned as I looked at all the case files he had for today.

"It's a really tragic one. Just this morning I found out that I have over two weeks worth of dry cleaning that needs to be picked up STAT." Sloan explained as he handed Alex a dry cleaning ticket. You would think for someone who's filthy rich like Mark would have his own washing machine and dryer. I am not picking up his dry cleaning that's all Alex.

"That's it? Cool." Alex let out like this was the best assignment ever.

"See, we're like a well-oiled machine, you and me. I also need you two to get me a sandwich from that pathetic excuse for a deli, Karev you know the one I like. But go easy on the mayo this time. I think you're trying to kill me." Mark winked at Alex like he wasn't talking bad about him just yesterday. I am not getting him a sandwich or picking up his dry cleaning.

"You go do that and I'll stay here." I told him with an overdramatic smile. Alex dragged me out of the hospital and made me help him.

About an hour later I was actually carrying Mark Sloans sandwich as Alex carried the dry cleaning.

"I hate plastics, I hate Mark Sloan. This is torture. Tell me again why you put up with this crap?" I asked Alex as we left the elevator and saw Mark in the same spot he was leaning against the counter.

"Cause one of these days he's going to crack and let me in on a case." Alex responded making me sigh. That's sad. Plastics is not even worth it. Alex wants to be here on Marks service and I most certainly would rather be anywhere else.

"Are you sure you want to do plastics that badly?" I questioned as we walked up to Sloan. I hate him.

"There you are. Did you go all the way to New York for my pastrami?"

"Yep how did you know? They want you back. They miss you, maybe you should go back and stay there for like ever." I let out sarcastically making Alex elbow too lightly to shut up.

"Extra spicy, extra lettuce, low on mayo." Alex told him as I shoved the sandwich on his chest.

"Mark what are you doing?" Addison Montgomery put her hand on her hop as Mark opened the sandwich to make sure we got his order correct.

"Lunch. You want my pickle?" Mark asked holding up the pickle making me laugh.

1128 words
"for you I would ruin myself"

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