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Mark decided to go through with the surgery, he never gave a reason why. He just decided to do it. He let me scrub in. So here we are removing the penis of a woman who's gonna make herself die if she continues with those hormones.

"Allen, what's our next step?" Mark questioned. It's good thing I still decided to study for this surgery even after I was certain that Mark wouldn't do it.

"Continue the primary incision in the ventral side of the shaft. I am surprised that you agreed to do the surgery." I answered as I continued to hold Donna's private part up. Yes I was holding her penis for two hours.

"People don't come to me to fix what's on the outside, they come to me to fix what's on the inside. And if that means giving someone a straighter nose, or bigger breasts, or if that helps a person get by I dont run. I don't hide. I don't take space." Dr Sloan explained as he did a dig at Alex. He just really hates that guy, I guess. I ignored that comment and just focused on holding the penis until it was removed.

After the surgery I was to check on all of Dr Sloans post-ops. The last on my list was Donna. I went into her room not expecting to see Vicky but I did.

"You came back." I exclaimed as I watched Vicky sitting next to Donna.

"I was heading home. I was on my way to the airport then...you asked before why I came back the first time. I tried not to. I went on dates. I had a lot of great first dates with guys who were planning to stay guys. And you know you have a great date and you want to tell your best friend about it. My best friend is Daniel. Donna. Then you have a few bad dates and...she's my best friend. She knows me. She loves me. She's my husband. At the end of the day, it's Donna...even when she hurts me. Even when I hate her." Vicky explained as she held Donna's hand. This made me happy for them. They deserve to be happy. If that means fighting the cancer as a woman. Who am I to judge?

"She's the one you want to talk to."

I finished my work for today and change into my normal clothes. What Vicky said got me thinking, if you can't tell I'm an over thinker. I overthink every little thing my patients say and I try to apply to my life.

Vicky loves Donna even when she hurts her. She misses her. She loves her. She wants to talk to her. Even when she hates her. I know who I think of when I think of this but would he think the same? Probably not. Should I ask his old lady friend? I need a beer.

I go down to Joes and sit in a two person booth in the corner so nobody notices me or talks to me. But of course Mark didn't get that memo.

"Since you didn't get my coffee that least you can do if get me a drink." Mark joked as he sat down across from me. We both know I am not buying him a drink.

"I'm not buying you a drink."

"I'll buy you one then." Mark said then signaled to the bartender to get two beers for us. I couldn't help but smile at Mark.

I rolled my eyes and continued to smile as the bartender brought the beers to us. I wasn't drunk or even tipsy this time around, so I was not gonna do anything with Mark Sloan.

"So this could be just a drink. Or this could be more than a drink." Mark suggested as he gave me the McSteamy face but this time I didn't really care. I just shook my head no at him with a cheeky smile still on my face.

"I cannot start something with you." I responded as I took a sip of my beer he bought me.

"You could. Start over Lucy. Start fresh." Mark tried to convince me but my thought process was interrupted by his pager going off. This is some kind of weird attempt to get in my pants. I'm not stupid, he doesn't want to start over with me. He wants to get in my pants!

"Saved by the bell." We both said at the same time, so we both smirked at each other.

I let out a chuckle as he inhaled deeply as he checked his pager. "Order me another beer." Mark told me as he got closer then stood up to leave. I caught myself still smiling after he left.

I sit down at the bar and order Mark other beer like he told me to, when I heard the bell ring for when someone enters. I saw Alex Karev barging in. As soon as I saw him we made eye contact so I turned away.

I was trying to forget about him. I was really trying but him walking in here after I've had two beers isn't helping. He's supposed to be camping. When he sat down next to me that really wasn't helping.

"What are you doing?" I questioned as I crossed my arms.

"Why are you still mad at me?" Alex asked which made my smile fade away.

"I hold grudges. I know life's too short to hold grudges or whatever, but I do. I mean I'm still holding a grudge on my sister for when she spilled nail polish all over my winter formal dress. I hold grudges and I'm holding a grudge with you. You had dirty bathroom sex with an old lady right here in this bar. So I'm holding a grudge." I explained as I turned to face Alex. I looked at him face and saw a pink hand mark. I want to ask him what happened but I can't.

"I didn't know that we weren't sleeping with other people." Alex defended himself. He had a good point but still.

"You're not helping your case." I mumbled then I took a sip of the beer I got for Mark. I look past Alex and see Mark staring at us. It was like he was waiting for me to run off in sunset with Alex.

"Will this help?" Alex asked then he just kissed me. If you think that's bad I didn't pull away. Mark watched the kiss and just ordered a beer for himself. That proves he only wanted to get in my pants. What a McWhore.

"You have a sister? What's her name?" Alex asked as he pulled away making me realize that I told him that I had a sister. I forgot that I'm Lucy Allen and not Lucy Moore. I'm so stupid.

"What happened to your face?" I questioned just to change the subject which surprisingly worked.


"George did that? Good for him." I laugh as we left the bar holding hands when we walked past Mark he winked at me. That McSlut is so disgusting. He was joking about starting over with me just to sleep with me. How naive does he think I am?

1217 words
"when you call my name do you think I'll come running?"

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