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what am i

It's been a week and a half since the events at the bar. I am so embarrassed and disappointed in my drunk self. I do not claim that version of me. I kissed Mark Sloan! What the fuck was I thinking? I don't even remember if I enjoyed it.

I was at work today thinking today would just be a normal day, man was I wrong. We just finished rounds and I was stuck in obgyn with Alex. The pregnant lady we were helping refused to get a c-section at all cost, she really wants a natural birth.

Alex and I followed Addison downstairs like her puppies still not even looking at each other. We stood as opposite sides of the wall when she went to go talk to Dr. Bailey. As they were talking I looked up and saw Mark Sloan in a Seattle Grace white coat. I hate everything.

"Is that-" George asked but didn't get to finish.

"McSteamy." Cristina let out with a big grin. I haven't told anyone I kissed him, it's way too embarrassing. I looked at Cristina checking him out and I saw my sister checking him out. Yuck.

Mark looked up at Addison then looked past her to me. I looked away and saw Mr. Sullivan lighted a cigarette after he specifically told Dr. Bailey he wouldn't.

"No, Mr. Sullivan! Do not light that!" I demanded a little too late. Mr. Sullivan lit the cigarette and burned his face. What a dummy. While all the older doctors who were more trained for this type of situation tried to help the interns ran to the staircase.

"Holy shit! Did you guys see that?! This face was on fire! Like actually on fire!" I exclaimed as we all took a seat on the steps.

"Yea, he was on fire big deal." Alex mocked but I didn't pay any attention to him or his stupid remarks.

Since I was the intern who pointed out the man lighting the cigarette, I got put on his case. I was just thankful I didn't have to deal with Karev today, even though I like being in obgyn.

"Make sure he has an airway. Sir can you hear me? Sir?" Mark was talking to the male whose face was all black and blistered. I couldn't look away, it was creepy but cool.

"No he's out. hit his head. Small hematoma in the occipital region."Bailey explained as I just stood in the corner not knowing what to do to help. I was just as helpful as a knitted condom.

"Get him to the burn unit until he's stabilized and get a CT. Go!" Mark told me as Bailey helped me take him out of the room.

"Right away." Bailey replied.

As I was strolling Mr. Sullivan with Bailey I saw Meredith who had just thrown up with Cristina.

"Hey, Mer. How you doing?" I called out just before we walked past them.

"I'm fine." Meredith clearly lied.

"You don't look fine. I'll bet twenty she's pregnant." I say to Cristina who was handing her a cup of water.

"Dr. Allen, this isn't recess. Go take him to get the CT, I'll stay with Grey!" Bailey let out in her scary voice so I kept on walking.

I took the man to get the CT and then I took him to the burn unit. After that I went to go find Mer and Cristina.

"I'm not pregnant." Meredith told Cristina in a fearful tone.

"You don't know who the father is, do you?" Cristina questioned as she looked as Meredith's stomach.

"It would have to be Derek's. There's no way it could be Finn's."

"You haven't had sex with the vet yet? You gotta get out of that relationship immediately." I said going on the other side of Meredith who looked really pale.

"I can't be pregnant, can I?" Meredith asked still in a fearful tone.

"With McBaby!" Cristina and I both let out with a smile.

"Was I this mean to you when you were pregnant?" Meredith asked Cristina with a groan.

"I thought you said you weren't pregnant." Cristina uttered.

"She's not. We'll have to run more tests. Allen, what are you doing in here? You're supposed to be with Sloan today!" Bailey shouted at me as soon as she saw me next to Meredith. I nodded and left with my head down.

I went to the burn unit and saw Alex approaching Sloan at the same time I was. Oh hell no. This was supposed to be my day off from having to work with him on everything.

"What are you doing?" I talks to him for the first time in over a week.

"I'm with Sloan today." Alex told me with a slight smile.

"No you're not. I'm with Sloan."

"Yeah, I know I saw you two getting comfortable at the bar." Alex laughed at me when he saw how disgusted I was when he brought up that night.

"This is my case." I let out right before we walked into Mr. Sullivans room.

"Try to take it away from me."

"Dr. Sloan." We both said at the same time in a very different tone. He was trying to impress Dr. Sloan while I was just trying to get through today.

"Your my interns?" Mark

"Yeah. I'm your intern."

"My face..." Mr. Sullivan uttered in pain. His face looked horrible and horrifying. It was all wrapped up but you could still see most of it.

"No need to talk Mr. Sullivan. Now, it's going to be painful for a while." Mark told him as he finished wrapping him up.

"My face..." he repeated as I saw parts of his skin literally coming off.

"He wants to know that you can fix his face. He needs to know that you can fix it." Mrs. Sullivan said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm going to remove the burned tissue and bandage your face with a dressing of live cells." Mark explained while Alex and I watched from different sides of the bed. Alex was next to Sloan while I was next to Mrs. Sullivan. I didn't even make eye contact with Mark once, I couldn't.

"And that'll do it? His face will be back like it was. Cause his face, it was a nice face...He's a salesman." Mrs. Sullivan said holding back tears but you could hear the pain in her voice.

"I'm going to do absolutely everything I can Mrs. Sullivan. We'll need a neuro consult before we operate." Mark told me as I handed him the chart. I was gonna page Lauren since I don't think Mark and Derek would work very well together right now.

"Anything else? I mean I can do debriedment or " Alex asked even though Mark wasn't even talking to him. I knew Alex wants to be a plastic surgeon that's why I wanted to do better than him today.

"Actually, there is one more thing...bone dry cappuccino. Make it a double." Mark instructed before walking away making the smile on Alex's face fade away.

1191 words
"I can't remember to forget you"

burn.    mark sloanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें