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"Are you okay?" Alex asked as I quickly put my scrubs back on.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?" I questioned raising my eyebrow at him as I give him a quick peck on the lips before making my way towards the door. The truth was I couldn't stop thinking of Mark's hot face. It was mesmerizing.

"You seem off." Alex let out but we both knew he didn't really care about anyone's feelings but his. He's a rude and selfish person, and he knows that.

"I'm fine Alex, and don't act like you even care. You only want sex, not that I want anything more. Gosh this is embarrassing, I'm leaving." I said as I walked out forcing myself to hold my head up high. I'm such a bad liar when it comes to little things it's hurts my soul. How can I lie about my whole entire life? But I can't lie about silly things?

Finally my 48 hour shift of delivering laps and only one surgery was over. I went straight down to Joe's and took my same seat I usually sat in.

"Hey Joe. I'll take a beer." I order then I put my head down on the counter.

"Long day?" Joe asked while sliding me my beer.

"Very long." I groan as I take a huge sip of my beer then go back to resting my head on the counter. Even as I was complaining I was still smiling brighter than anyone else in here.

"Wanna talk about it?" Joe questioned knowing damn well I didn't want to talk about it. I just want to drink my sucky day away and forget it even happened.

"Ew no." I sigh as I feel a presence next to me whoever it was smelt like expensive cologne. I looked up and guess who I saw.. Mark Sloan. Just my luck, I hate everything.

"This seat taken?" Mark asked while putting his hand on the seat basically already claiming it. I wanted to scream 'yes it is taken!' But he knew it wasn't, everyone in this bar knew it wasn't.

"I guess not." I said through my teeth hoping he would get the hint. He definitely did he just didn't care.

"Double Scotch. Single malt." Mark ordered as he sat down. Joe nodded at Mark then winked at me as Mark looks over at me. Joe had a look in his eyes like he asking if something was going on between Mark and I. I shook my head no, and turned to look at Mark. Just by the look on my face you could tell I didn't want him next to me.

"You don't look too happy to see me." Mark let out under his breath while admiring my not so happy face.

"What are you still doing here?" I questioned taking another swig of my beer and looking straight ahead. I have to admit it took so much willpower to not look back at him the same way he was looking at me.

"I'm hoping Addison shows up." Mark responded which really took me off guard.

He was flirting with me this morning, and he's still hung up over Addison? I knew he was a player but that's crazy. What a man whore. In his defense Addison is a total catch. I'm usually her intern everyday because she says I have a natural talent working in obgyn while everyone else says I'm the captain of the vagina squad. I want to be just like Addison, she's amazing at what she does, she saves lives, and she's totally a 10/10 at 38 years old! Although if I had to pick a different specialty other than Neuro I'd definitely pick peds.

"You're still in love with her?" I asked in shock as I steal a quick glance at him. Looking doesn't hurt as long as it doesn't turn into anything more.

"You're in love with him." Mark replied taking me even more off guard. Who is he talking about?

"Who?" I questioned as he stared at me for a moment then looked back down at his glass and laughed to himself.

"That guy you went to the on call room with. I saw you giving him the eyes the whole day." Mark let out making me want to throw up. He was talking about Alex, that's so nasty. I gave him a look full of disgust.

"You're wrong about that...She won't show you know." I told him finishing off my beer, I had to limit myself to only one since I have work tomorrow.


"She gives Derek's the eyes every second of the day. She's completely head over heels for him." I let out putting a friendly hand on his shoulder. It was friendly at first until I felt how hard his bulging shoulder really was.

"What if you're wrong? What if just this once ... life comes down on the side of the dirty mistress?" Mark joked letting out a chuckle. I didn't even realize that my hand was still on his shoulder until he looked down at my hand. He looked at my hand on his shoulder for a second before looking back up at me. I quickly pulled my hand off his shoulder. I finished my beer and Mark bought me another one. I guess I'm not limiting myself to one.

"Talking about another girl is totally a way to get into a girls pants." I let out under my breath knowing he would still hear me. I was being a bit too bold wasn't I? I don't want to get in his pants, I swear I don't. I'm just a bold flirty girl.

"Who said I wanted to get in your pants?" Mark asked handing me the beer he bought me.

"Why else would you have bought me a drink? To say thank you for holding the mirror? I better get going, I have work tomorrow." I joke putting my money on the counter for my single beer. I turned around, and grabbed my purse. I was ready to go home and sleep for five hours until I have work again.

"Your gonna leave poor old Mark all alone?" Mark jokingly pouted as I caught him looking at my butt again when I looked back for a second.

"Yes I am, and stop looking at my ass!" I demanded while walking towards the door knowing he was still looking at my butt. Gosh, he is a sleaze but a really hot one.

"Goodnight pretty lady." Mark called out as I reached the door. Why is he always flirting? That's actually weird, maybe he has a problem.

"Dr. Allen!" I responded trying to be respectful and professional, but having to say my fake last name made me feel like a disgraceful liar.

Hopefully I never have to see him ever again. I really hate people like him, they only ever think with their dick. Oh, and now I'm thinking about his private part! Ughh.

1155 words
"the day I met you I started dreaming"

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