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time after time

Everything just seems to be going up hill for Lucy Moore now that she's actually identifying as Lucy Moore. My dad backed out of the race of chief since he thinks a different better hospital could benefit from his skill. I think the competition just got under his skill. Who am I kidding? Lucas motherfucking Moore doesn't let anyone get under his skin. He remains unbothered. He probably just hated the cold rainy climate of Seattle. He didn't even bother to say goodbye or anything he just left. Gee, thanks dad.

I was in the elevator with Richard and Mark when a beautiful black haired woman enters. She stood right next to Richard.

"Nice sweater." The woman complemented his royal blue sweater catching both Mark and I attention.

"Yeah...my wife." Dr. Webber trailed off.


"My wife, she gave it to me...the sweater. Actually, it's my ex-wife. It's amicable." Richard kept on talking after the woman clearly stopped listening. This is absolute torture to have to watch.

"I'm sorry?" The woman responded as I shook my head in embarrassment for Richard as I stood the far left corner and Mark did the same in the far right corner.

"The divorce, it's amicable. Very friendly. I'm a friendly guy." The chief told her. This physically pained to me watch. I've never seen someone be so horrible at flirting.

The woman got out of the elevator on the third floor when I saw her hit the fifth floor. Mark and I gave each other a look. I think we are both thinking the same thing.

"I'm a friendly guy?" Mark and I let out in sync.

"Sloan. Moore." Webber just said our last names to basically tell us to stop and just let it go. He needs help serious help.

"She pressed five and got off at three. She'd rather walk up two flights of stairs than flirt with you." I told him in the nicest way possible but there isn't any way to say that nicely.

"Hell, she'd rather climb up the outside of the building." Sloan added not trying to be nice at all.

"I wasn't flirting." Richard was definitely lying. He was probably just as horrified as we were after that sad attempt at flirting.

"You're telling me. There's no need to be embarrassed. It's time for you to shake off the rust and get back in the game. You need a wing man." Dr. Sloan replied as he walked up closer to Richard. Mark would probably be the worst wingman in history.

"Or a wingwoman." I let out making them both turn back to look at me. I smiled at Richard. I firmly believe the best way to get over someone is to get over a someone else.

"I don't need your help. I'm-" I cut Richard Webber off with my snarky comment which probably wasn't the best thing to say to my boss...

"A friendly guy?" I laughed at my own response still in corner.

"I have patients to see." Dr. Webber mumbled as he got off of the elevator now in a grumpy mood.

"We'd make a great team." Sloan called out as he stopped the doors from shutting.

"We'd make an even better team." I shouted loudly so Richard would hear me.

"Why do you always have to turn it into a competition? We could work together." Mark winked at me and I immediately understood what he meant by we could work together. He's just being the natural flirt that Mark Sloan is everyone basically knows that Addison has him on a sixty day sex ban. I'm honestly surprised he could even last a day.

"I would rather climb up the outside of the building than work with you." I responded also getting off the elevator even though this isn't my floor. I wonder where I learned this from?

During rounds today we obviously had to go to Jane Does room who now identifies as Ava. I was told to take her photo of her new face so we can publish it so maybe someone will recognize her even tho she looks different now.

"Smile." I told Ava as I held the camera right over her new face. I don't know what she looked like before but she looks beautiful now.

"Aww, come on man, that's not a smile." Alex told her with a huge grin and he was giving her the eyes. The same eyes I always see him giving Addison but I pretend I don't see it.

"Can I see? It's me? Oh my god. I know this is gonna sound terrible but I'm not bad looking." Ava exclaimed as I handed her the camera to look at the photo I took of her new and improved face.

"Beautiful is the word you're looking for." Meredith let out from the end of the bed with the rest of our intern group. I was standing on the left side of her bed and Mark was standing at right.

"I was gonna say hot." I complemented her with a dramatic cheeky wink.

"I was gonna too but I think I would've gotten in trouble." George uttered.

"You would have."

"Still a little swelling. In a day or two I'll raise that hot to smoking." Mark told her as he admired his magnificent work. I would be proud to if I made someone a face.

"Then shouldn't we wait to take the after pictures?" Ava asked still holding the camera and looking at her picture. She sounded unsure I don't know about what but she was unsure about something.

"We could but the sooner we take them the sooner we get them out there." Dr. Bailey answered.

"Your picture's gonna be everywhere. The police, the news, the internet." Sloan said in a calm tone but on the inside he can't wait for the face he created to be everywhere.

"But if my face looks completely different then what good would pictures do?"

"I was able to maintain aspects of your bone structure so your face bares some similarities to your old face. Plus, your hair and your eyes are the same." Dr. Sloan replied.

"You think? Do you really think someone will finally recognize me?" Ava questioned looking directly at Alex sounding more hopeful than unsure now.

"I think you should smile." I told her as I held the camera back up to her face waiting for her to smile before I take the photo.

1086 words
"I keep my distance, but you still catch my eye"

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