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physical attraction...chemical reaction

Today I'm with Sloan which is giving me Deja vu from when I was an intern. I can't lie I am definitely physically attracted to Dr. Sloan. Who isn't? But if you make moves strictly based on physical attraction it's horrible. Like remember when I first kissed Mark at Joes? It felt right in the moment but then boom.

"We'll infiltrate with a mixture of bupivacaine then lido with epi along these areas here." Mark told me as he drew on Harriet face to show what will be done in her enhancement.

"Is there a surgery that can make me look like her?" Harriet asked after letting out a loud sigh taking about me.

"You're much prettier than Dr. Moore." Mark replied. This is why they formed a club.

"Then how come I can't even remember the last time I had sex? I'll bet Dr. Moore can remember the last time she had sex." Harriet gave me a look as if she was expecting me to tell her about the last time I had sex.

"Harriet, don't harass the residents." Mark told her making me actually weak in the knees. I'm gonna be on my knees if he keeps that up.

"She's young! She still has her looks! Although, sweetie, you're already getting worry lines. What do you possibly have to be worried about?" Harriet gave me a backhanded compliment making me suddenly insecure about the worry lines I didn't even know I had.

"Nothing...I- I don't have worry lines." I let out sounding worried that I might have worry lines.

"Oh, oh, your frown line is already prominent. Whatever is wrong in your life you need to fix it quick because once this stuff starts to turn south, honey. It is was long way back, trust me." Harriet pointed out sounding as if she was the plastic surgeon in this room. I covered my frown line and walked out Mark trailed behind me.

"Oh my gosh. I don't think she got hugged enough as a child." I whispered to him still covering my frown line.

"You're very hot, trust me." Mark told me as he moved my hand away from my frown line. Holy shit, I'm gonna faint.

"I gotta go." I let out under my breath as I slowly turned away on my heel.

Harriet's surgery got moved back to the afternoon, which was probably a good thing. I don't think I could've handled any more of Harriet pointing out my flaws so early.

The next day I came to work early just to check on Harriet. "Morning, Harriet. Let's get you out of bed, get you mobile."

"Mm, I'm in too much pain. Leave me alone." This ray of sunshine told me as I checked her face wrap.

"Yep, the best thing for pain is to get you out of bed, get you moving. You'll feel much better." I responded checking her pulse.

"I will feel better if you leave."

"Harriet-" She cut me off. Isn't she such a morning person?

"Stop scowling! You can scowl later. When you actually having something to scowl about. When your ass expands and you get a double chin, but right now you are young you should be having fun. Go, start enjoying your life." Harriet shouted which should hurt for a woman who just got a face lift. I listened to her and just grabbed her chart and left. "You're getting uglier by the minute!" She called out earning a glare. This is why I like working with younger kids more than old people.

I was pacing in the hallway in attempts to make sure my ass doesn't get fatter. I go to the gym before work every day, I do squats! As I was pacing Derek stopped me as he was laughing. "What's so funny?"

"Mark had a thing for you, can you believe that?" Derek informed me making my cheeks turn a light pink. It's only physical attraction Lucy!

"I can't. That's funny." I responded hiding my excitement as I walked away from him in hopes my butt stays the same size forever.

My shift had just ended and I was walking towards my car when I saw Mark. "Hey." I greeted him making him stop to let me catch up with him.

"Hey." Mark greeted back in a much more flirty tone than I did.

"I don't know how I survived two whole days with Harriet. She's a handful." I let out with a slight laugh just thinking of how Harriet got into my head earlier.

"You're good with every patients. It's skill. I have a skill or two I could show you." Mark flirted once again.

I didn't say anything back I just turned my head to meet his eyes. I smiled at him and he smirked at me. It could be more than physical attraction.

I wanted to find out if it was more than physical attraction. I want to enjoy my life like Harriet told me to. So I kissed him once again, but with different intentions. Mark was taken completely off guard by the sudden kiss, he obviously didn't see it coming at all, but he definitely enjoyed it. It was clear to me we had some sort of chemistry, which could still just be physical attraction. It probably is but whatever.

I wrapped my hand around his neck having to stand on my tippy toes just to reach his lips. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer. The kiss started off slow and sensual but quickly became fast, passionate, and steamy. He took control with confidence. I knew this wouldn't end good for either of us but the chemical reaction can wait until after I explore the physical attraction.

970 words
"Im stronger than all my man except for you"

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