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a change is gonna come

What a wedding that was. I got all dolled up just for them to not even get married? We had seventeen days off after our intern exams and ten of those days I was with ten different guys. Don't worry I wash my sheets after every time and I strictly believe in no glove no love.

Enough about that, today's my first day as a resident! I'm completely over the moon! I can't wait to teach the fuck out of those interns!

I got my four interns, two boys, two girls. One of them kinda looks like Meredith but I could just be seeing things. Even though they are all older than me, I'm their boss. I get to teach them. Yay! "I'm Dr. Lucy Moore-" I got cut off two seconds into my first sentence. It's okay, they're new. They don't know yet.

"Like Lucas Moore's daughter? You're the prodigy?" A taller blonde male whose name I intend on learning later asked as he had to look down to me.

"Yes. Before I start showing you around is there anymore questions?" I ask in hopes to not get interrupted anymore. They didn't have any questions but they continued to interrupt me every chance they got like they were small children.

Us residents got paged to the ER as Alex, Mer, Cristina, Izzie and I all walked toward the ER I had to ask a question. "Did your interns interrupt you a lot?" I asked after clearing my throat.

"Not really."
"They wouldn't dare."

We enter the ER. "Right, yeah." I let out as our interns walk up to us.

"Where have you been? We have multiple MVC'S due any second." Callie's asked clearly this whole chief resident thing is getting to her head.

"We're here, aren't we? We're here." Karev responded as he rolled his eyes.

"Just...just get ready, okay? And monitor your interns." Torres instructed. Cristina referred to her interns by numbers, Alex told them to just get up against the wall.

"Okay, this is what's called a trauma situation. So there's gonna be lots of activity and a lot of patients, so if you guys have any questions at all, just ask, okay? Oh and I promise I'll learn your names later" I tell my interns trying a different approach than everyone else did. I walk away so I can go wait for an ambulance but I stop when I overhear them talking about me.

"Why is she the one kissing our asses? Y'know she's barely just turned 23? Prodigy my ass." A male intern said making my passion for teaching these interns go right down the drain.

"Great. We're stuck with a goody two shoes." A female intern who I will now refer to as two replied.

"Dr. Goody!" The other male intern said thinking his nickname for me was just the smartest thing ever.

"Follow me." I snapped at them just to let them know I heard their snarky remarks.

The ambulances finally arrived and I picked one that I thought would have a good case. The middle one. "Unrestrained driver, DOA at the scene. Just need someone to pronounce him." A male paramedic told me as they took the dead guy out of the ambulance. I hate today.

"Oh, fun. Dead guy. Why'd you get me all excited with the sirens? Okay, who wants to see a dead guy?" I asked taking the cover off the dead man's face to show my good for nothing interns.

"Okay, everybody get a good look? Time of death...8:22." I sighed as I checked my watch for the time.

Like on cue the man breathes. He came back from the dead. I win the best case and yet the worst interns.

"Not time of death. This guy is not dead." I said with urgency in my tone as I pushed the interns out of my way.

"He was dead." The paramedic told me after I shoved him out my way as well.

"Well, he's not dead now. Let's bag him. Okay, we've got a...we've got a guy who's risen from the dead over here." I shouted as I checked his heart beat.

I took him to a trauma room and told my interns what to do. I hate them. I really hate them and I haven't even know them for a whole hour yet. They are so disrespectful it's really embarrassing.

Finally number four came in with the scans I've been waiting for. Which she made me wait for far too long.

"Where have you been four? I've been waiting for these." I snatched the scans out of her grasp and went to go hang them up on the light.

"I got...I was...I met my sister, uh, for the first time ever." Four told me since apparently something about me tells her that I care.

"Hm don't care."

"Which, uh, got me, you know, weird. So then I got, um, lost on my way to x-ray 'cause I was all in my head, you know, about...about meeting Meredith." Four explaining still trying to catch her breath. That did catch my attention, I knew she looked like her.

"Meredith is your sister?" I questioned.

"Meredith Grey. Lexie Grey. We're half sisters. So you know her?" Lexie asked as I examined the scan.

"Oh, we need to page Dr. Shepherd." I let out not even a second after looking at the scan.

"Dr. Shepherd. He...he's the, um...neurosurgeon?"

"Okay, somebody page Derek shepherd right now." I yelled since this is really urgent. Like life or death, and this guy already was dead! The back of his fucking skull is disconnected from his cervical vertebrae. He's internally decapitated.

The family came for the man. They wished him luck for his surgery. That could be the last time that mom and daughter ever see their husband and dad again. They blinked three times at each to signal I love you.

I was sitting on the floor outside the OR waiting for when I'm supposed to scrub in. I didn't help my interns prep the guy, I can't stand being in the same room as them for too long. I taught them how to do it at least. I was holding my head in my hands as I looked down at the floor. I didn't realize it until he cleared his throat but Mark Sloan was standing over me.

"I need help." Mark told me as he took a seat on the floor next to me.

"With what?"

"I need Derek, that sounds wrong but he's my best friend. How do I get him back?" Mark asked me probably since I'm Derek second closest friend besides Mark.

"Just tell him that, don't make stupid comments. Don't make stupid comments like those interns." I replied turning my head to meet his eyes since he was staring at me once again. I always catch Mark staring which always makes me think I have something on my face.

"What'd they do? Come on tell me. I need to laugh."

"It's not funny at all. They don't respect me cause I'm younger than them and I'm nice." I responded making him think I was lying and I wish I was.

I stood up to go scrub in. "They call me Dr. Goody." I told him making him laugh right before I walking into the scrub room.

As I was in the OR I was thinking about how much I hate change. I also thought about Addiction. Addictive by definition is the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. Since I work in a hospital I see addiction every day. What am I addicted to? Money, sex, brandy, working out, and saving lives. I am not addicted to change, interns, or bed head.

1318 words
"as i'm with you i've got a smile on my face"

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