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"Did Dr. Bailey see the chest x-ray?" Dr. Montgomery asked as she looked at the baby through the ultrasound machine.

"No, but with the low pulse ox. and decreased breath sounds, she suspects Janelle will need a chest tube." I explained exactly what Bailey said to me earlier.

"I'm dabbing out freaking glass splinters, and she gets to do a chest tube?" Alex complained so I hit him lightly on the head making sure to not make him mess up.

"You signed on for this." Mark reminded him.

"This is not a good day for me. This is not a good day for me at all." Janelle sighed as Mark continued to stitch her face up.

"The baby looks good, Janelle. Heart beat is strong. Do you want to call the father?" Addison questioned

"You could, but that would require me speaking to him, which I no longer do. Hearing he's a daddy from some random doctor might not go over so well." Janelle responded as I listened in to the drama while setting up for the chest tube.

"So the father doesn't know." Addison pointed out the obvious.

"No, and he's never going to."

"Allen, can I speak with you?" Callie barged in asking for me cause she somehow knew where I was.

"I'm setting up a chest tube." I told her without looking back at her. I'm focused on what I'm doing since I have not done this yet.

"I need to talk to you when you're done." Callie let out.

"I'll find you." I replied looking back at her from over my shoulder.

"You know I can suture. I've done it before." Alex went back to complaining about having to remove glass.

"When you've can do a z-plasty and barely see the scar, give me a call. Until then, dab and clean, dab and clean." Mark looked up at Alex as he continued to suture without even looking at what he was doing. That's actually pretty impressive, I can't lie.

"How's plastics, Karev? Everything you've ever dreamed of?" Montgomery questioned in Alex's ear with a hand on his shoulder.

"I can answer that...no, no it is not. It's hell." I answered giving Mark a snarky smirk. Before Mark could make a stupid comment back Bailey walked in.

"We're not doing a chest tube Dr. Allen." Bailey said as she came in with the scans in her hand.

"What's going on?" I asked cause I heard the urgency in Baileys voice.

"Ms. Duco. There's a shard of glass going into your heart." Bailey showed Janelle her scan. This is bat shit crazy at this point.

I know that if I stay I'll be stuck removing glass with Karev so I thought of a way to leave just for a little bit. "Dr. Sloan would you like a coffee? You have been stitching your ass off. You deserve one." I buttered him just he would let me leave since he probably could see right through me.

"Actually I could use a coffee. Go!" Mark demanded so I left like he said.

I went into the intern locker room and paged Callie since she said we need to talk. Someone opened the door. I thought it was Callie so I didn't look up from the text I was sending to Derek as a desperate attempt to get him to talk to me. It was a meme...don't judge me.

"Hey, have you seen George?" Izzie asked scaring me a bit since she was not Callie.


"He is acting so weird." Izzie told me as she took a seat next to me on the bench.

"So is Callie." I replied as I tucked my phone back into my locker.

"What is wrong with everyone today?" Izzie questioned as Callie stormed in. She did not look happy to see me...oh no. What did I do? Think Lucy! Think! What could you have possibly fucked up this time?! I don't fucking know!

"Hey Callie. What did you want to talk to me about?" I walked up to her trying to ignore her face, maybe it's not me she's mad at. She could just need someone to rant to.

"The kiss." Callie said as she rolled up her sleeves. That is not good...not good at all.

"Uh Callie whatcha you up to?" Izzie questioned while Callie was staring at me like I just ran over her cat.

"I'm gonna kick Lucy's ass right now." Callie informed Izzie and before I could take a step back she shoved me up against a locker.

"Get off of me!" I told the girl I consider my close friend who just said she's gonna kick my ass.

"I kept your secret, I was discreet. I was a really good friend to you when I didn't have to be. And now you go and do this?" Callie's words confused me as we both kept pushing each other.

"What did I do?" I asked completely clueless.

"Callie use your words! Use your words Callie!" Izzie instructed trying to save my ass, cause Callie would sure as hell kick it.

"The kiss Lucy! I'm talking about the McFreaking code of silence. You told me about your steamy little kiss with McSteamy! And I kept your secret! Remember that?" Callie shouted as Izzie pulled Callie off me and gets in between us.

"I'm sorry, but she's very little and you're hurting her!" Izzie defended me and I just nodded my head in agreement.

"You told George. My night with McSteamy was not yours to share!" Callie accused me as she put her finger in my face. I did not tell George anything!

"That's what this is about, your sex with McSteamy?" Izzie questioned moving Callie's finger away from my face.

"You told Izzie?"

"Callie! You told me you slept with someone. You never said it was Sloan. George told me it was Sloan." I let out hoping she'll change her mind about kicking my ass now.

"George? George told you? Who told George?" Callie questioned thinking out loud. I wish I would've just stayed with Janelle picking out glass from her cuts.

"Maybe perhaps the guy you slept with?" Izzie asked still shielding me from scary Callie.

"George thinks I betrayed him. I didn't. We were broken up." Callie told us in a whisper as if we were George.

"You should probably go tell George that...don't worry I forgive you. I would've probably done the same, actually no I would not. I wouldn't kick anyone's ass. I think that old lady in 3974 would kick my ass. But I understand where you're coming from. Thank you for keeping my secret Callie. Let's just put this past us so I can't stop talking." I talk way too much and all Callie does is smile and nod then leaves probably to go find George.

"Dude she went all cagefighter on you." Izzie laughed as she turned to look at me.

"I know."  I laugh with her.

1169 words
"I've never heard silence quite this loud"

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