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"I know, I said you could use the day to study but we've got an all hands on deck situation." Bailey walked into the room where Cristina and I were reading articles on the computers to help us for our exams. We got fought to much over certain medical terms and what they mean so we moved to the computers.

"A bad car accident?" Cristina asked.
"Multiple gun wounds?" I asked.

"A penis, Chairman of the board's penis." Dr. Bailey responded making my flat face turn into a beam. Just what I needed a penis case.

"Yay that's fun." I exclaimed closing the textbook I was always reading out of. I need a break from studying even if it's for a very important mans penis.

"What's wrong with it?" Cristina questioned not sounding as excited as me about this. What's there not to be excited about? Penis cases are always fun.

"His testicles have swollen which is the understatement of the year." Bailey explained putting the cherry on top of this case.

"Fantastic. How much? No, don't tell me. Let it be a surprise." Yang finally got excited about the case just like me after hearing that.

"Look, you and Moore can take him for his ultrasound and his x-rays." Miranda instructed and pointed at us.

"The VIPenis." I let out and then bursted out laughing at my own joke. I am too funny for this world.

"Just go." Bailey demanded as I didn't even hesitate to run to go see how big that mans penis is.

It was literally humongous and purple. It looked very painful but when I heard the back story he totally deserved it. He's cheating on his wife with his assistant.

Derek walked the x-ray room where Dr. Burke, Dr. Sloan, Cristina and I were looking at the VIPenis X-ray of his penis.

"Looks like some kind of foreign object." Derek announced as he leaned against the wall to get a good look at the scan. Cristina and I couldn't see the scan over the three tall doctors.

"Ouch." Mark mumbled crossing his arms and shaking his head at the thoughts of a foreign object in his male part.

"That almost looks like..." Preston got cut off.

"A skeleton. It's skeleton like, definitely skeletony." Sloan let out as they examined the scan.

"Are those barbs?" Burke asked immediately catching my attention I stood on my tippy toes to see the scan...it did look skeletony to me.

"No...it can't be."
"Oh could be."

"It looks like a teeny tiny catfish." I said squinting my eyes to get a better look.

Dr. Webber walked in and immediately knew what it was. That friendly guy sure is wise.

"Close. You see there. Those are spines. This is a candiru fish." Webber told the group of five other doctors. The candiru fish is known for swimming up the urethra and feeding on your blood.

"A penis fish? This guy has the penis fish. In his...in his...wow!" Cristina exclaimed making Preston and Richard look at her.

"The penis fish is in his penis...This totally beats studying all day." I exclaimed making Mark and Derek join the other two and stare at us.

I was right this totally beats studying, I even able to actually eat lunch. During lunch everyone was there besides Alex. We were taking about the karma that happens when you cheat. I've never been cheated on and if I do it won't be pretty.

I was walked to the scrub room for our VIPenis and I ran into Alex.

"Hey." I put my hand on his chest and stopped him since he was looking downwards so he didn't see me.


"Where you going?" I tried to start a conversation but something was off. He looked sweaty, and he was avoiding eye contact.

"Checking on Ava." Alex answered looking anywhere but at me.

"Uh cool, nice." I let out trying to figure out why he was acting like this. It was weird. Maybe he's just been running all over the hospital that's why he's sweating.

Alex was looking ahead instead of continuing the conversation. I followed his eyes out of curiosity and saw Addison who was also looking at him.

"I'm working with this guy who has a candiru fish in his penis. Y'know how he got it? He was on a vacation with his mistress. Karmas a bitch." I said trying to carried the conversation but this just made it worse somehow.

"I gotta go." Alex told me then immediately walked away.

The surgery was interesting for sure. That fish they pulled out of him was atleast 3 inches. After the surgery I walked into the scrub room and only saw Mark in there washing his hands. As soon as I walked in her turned his attention to me.

"What?" I asked as I began washing my hands in the sink next to him. He was done washing his hands, he should've left by now...but no he's just looking at me. It's a look of desire. The same look Addison was giving Alex earlier.

"Twenty minutes in the on-call room, nobody ever finds out." Mark suggested with a serious face making me laugh.

"What are you doing?" I questioned genuinely confused. I thought he and Addison were gonna be the next power couple. What's going on.

"What? You telling me you're still dating Karev? I thought that ship already sailed." Sloan titled his head to meet my eyes as I turned my attention back to my hands. Why did he think that? What gave him a reason to think that?

"Yes, I'm still dating Alex...What is wrong with you? Are you feeling alright?" I expressed my concern for him as I dried my hands and as he got very close to my face. We were only inches apart. He's getting way too close for comfort.

"Nothing. I'm...I'm...Addison and I were gonna try and make a go of it. Things are not gonna work out." Mark explained with a sigh.

"So you make a pass at me like that'll help?" I asked as I lightly pushed him back a bit.

"She doesn't want me. Something's gotta help." Mark let out hurting my pride a bit.

"Revenge sex is not the answer. If you're letting her go, let her go. Be an adult." I advised as if I was the older one in this conversation.

Mark nodded and turned towards the door. "Wait. What do you know about Alex?" I questioned with a slight look of worry on my face. Maybe it's nothing, maybe Marks just praying on every happy couples down fall.

"Nurse Shelby, black hair, green eyes. She's the one that can't ever shut up, you know which one I'm talking about. Well Shelby let it slip that she saw Addison and Alex kiss then go into the on call room. Everyone knows Shelby's a gossip but she doesn't make shit up." Mark explained sounding a bit sorry for me. That made my heart drop into my butt. I knew I'm supposed to end up with someone else.

1185 words
"He ain't a man and he sure as hell ain't honest"

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