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I walked up to the old guys room and stood at the door. I saw Meredith, Alex and Mark and not a single one of them noticed me.

"Can't the nurses help?" Alex asked after they got their assignment for the day. I didn't hear what it was but they didn't look too happy about it.

"They could but I like nurses. They're helpful and smart and already good at their jobs. So as a going away gift to them, I'm going to let you hang with Jim while I go do one last rhinoplasty at Seattle Grace. I do like to leave a city a little prettier than when I came." Mark smiled as he walked towards the door where he finally noticed me. He's leaving?

"Did I hear that correctly? You're leaving?" I asked as I shove the scans on Mark's chest. I didn't know why I cared that he was leaving, but I did.

"Don't be too sad." Sloan said as he walked away leaving the scans on a close by counter.

"I will not be sad! But you're like actually quitting?" I shouted as I followed him into the elevator.

"As soon as I find the Chief and hand him my letter of resignation." Mark answered while looking at me for maybe the last time, not that if that were the case would be so horrible.


"I hate it here. I hate the town. I hate the weather. I hate the people. They're mean. They're unforgiving." Dr. Sloan was clearly referring to Derek and Addison but I hate to agree. Most people here aren't very forgiving, I for one isn't.

"You're like the meanest person alive, you probably eat babies. The people of Seattle are unforgiving or are Derek and Addison?" I said with a snarky tone and a snarky smile as I turned to face him in the tiny elevator.

"What's your point?" Mark questioned turning to look at me back. We made eye contact that I quickly broke.

"What about your contract?" I changed the subject to something a bit less awkward but no matter what it's always awkward with Mark. He's just too hot for his own good, I always feel like I'm melting under his gaze or atleast until he opens that mouth. He's such a McBitch.

"My non-binding verbal agreement with Richard? Yeah. I'm breaking that." Mark nodded as he continued face to me. Kill me.

"Well it's not as if he's going to be around to enforce it so..." I uttered spending a rumor that I've heard around the hospital. Apparently Richard is stepping down as chief.

"What do you mean?" Sloan asked completely clueless about what I was talking about.

"Well rumor has it he's stepping down so." I informed him as I noticed this elevator ride is taking forever. Maybe it's for the best Mark leaves there's enough hot doctors in Seattle.

"The chief? Well who's going to take his place?" Mark questioned as the doors finally opened.

"Why do you care? You're leaving anyway." I replied as I got off and didn't look back. Sadly that was not the last time I talked to Mark Sloan.

I walked into Jillian's room and in order to do that I had to walk past her Amish parents.

"Where's Rachel?" I asked Jillian as I checked her heart beat.

"She went to go make some phone calls. Try to get her shifts covered." Jilly answered as I backed up from her after having to get all up close and personal.

"You know Jilly, your parents are still here." I informed her as I put my violet stethoscope down.

"They are?"
"And I'm not the one who called them."
"You called them right? And I'm guessing they had to fly in from somewhere. So you called them what...yesterday, the day before?"
"I went to the ER a while ago. And they told me to see an oncologist. But, I couldn't afford my rent let alone pay a bunch of medical bills. But, then I got scared."
"You called your parents."
"I didn't know what else to do."
"You sent them away because..."
"Rachel's my best friend. And after she was baptized, she decided to leave the community. Which means she's shunned. But I couldn't let her go out in the world all by herself."
"So you're shunned too?"
"No. I hadn't been baptized yet. But Rachel, she'll never..."
"Do you want to go back?"
"I think about it. It's my home you know? If I'm dying, I want an Amish funeral. I want to be buried in the white dress and I want everybody to be there."
"It's your home."
"But...I made a promise to Rachel. Cradle to grave."

George and I both got to scrub in on Jillian's surgery.

"How did Jilly let it get this far?" I question as I hold the clamp for Addison during the operation.

"It's frustrating isn't it? And it's entirely preventable. And treatable if you catch it in time, but you've got to catch it."

"Maybe she'll pull through. It's like that saying the luck of the Amish?" I let out sounding hopeful and also stupid to everyone else in the room.

"No, no, Lucy it's the luck of the Irish." George corrected me. That made a lot more sense compared to what I said.

"Ohhh that makes more sense." I mumbled earning a dirty look from Bailey.

"I need suction. Oh no." Montgomery let out so I suctioned the blood, but something was wrong. I could tell by the time of her voice.

"My God." Bailey uttered.


"The tumor's invaded through the cervix and into the bladder." Dr. Montgomery informed me making my jaw drop behind my mask.

"Which means she's a stage 4." Dr. Bailey added looking up at me.

"We're not doing this operation today. We've got to close her up. There's nothing more we can do here." Addison Montgomery said as George freaks out a little and leaves the OR.

"O'Malley?" Addison called out for George as he ripped off his mask and scrub cover.

"It's his dad." I announced as my eyes follow George into the scrub room.

After the surgery I was filling out paperwork for Jillian's case in the on call room trying my hardest to give George space until Derek barged in looking upset.

"You told Sloan?" Derek whispered then shut the door. How did he even know I was in here? And what is he even talking about? What did I tell Sloan?


"Mark Sloan. You told him Chief was stepping down." Shepherd raised his voice but immediately lowered it when I glared at him.

"I didn't know that was a secret. It's all basically everyone's talking about." I defended myself as I went back to filling out the paperwork. I don't need this unnecessary fight with Derek. He should just drop it and go save a life.

"He was leaving Lucy. He was leaving town." Derek told me after he reached for the door but turned right back around to keep dragging this on.

"Ok, and now he's not?" I questioned with letting a slight chuckle slip. I shouldn't have laughed but this is so stupid.

"No, he's not. And you gave him a reason to stay." Derek responded still in a normal tone but he was really mad. He walked out and slammed the door.

1248 words
"too shy to say but I hope you stay"

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