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During lunch I didn't join my friends in the old man's room I sat on an empty stretcher and read a textbook on neuroscience. I won't actually call it reading I just kept looking at the same page over and over again.

I look up when I see a taller man's shadow reflecting on my book. It was Alex. "What?"

"There's a woman with two uteruses. I thought you might want in?" Alex told me and this was all I needed to throw the neuro book down and go with Alex.

"This doesn't mean we're friends." I replied as we made it to the counter where his computer was which he had a paged pulled up about woman with two uteruses. This I was actually reading until we go interrupted by Mark Sloan.

"You say you want a career in plastics, but you can't tear yourself away from the baby catchers long enough to show me you want it." Mark spoke down to us with a smirk but I for one has never said a single word about wanting a career in plastics.

"Being on hold with the DMV doesn't have anything to do with a career in plastics Dr. Sloan." Alex smirked back as we both took a tiny step closer to Sloan for an unknown reason.

"Only it does. Cause being on hold with the DMV has to do with me, and I have everything to do with your career in plastics." Marks smile grew then he walked away. I could punch him, it probably wouldn't hurt but I could. I hate him.

Alex picked up Marks phone and called the DMV. He actually being Marks bitch right now I look at him as he puts the phone to his ear. I hate him too.

"Tyler, Addison Montgomery needs two units of B-Positive blood in L&D stat." A nurse told the other nurse so I took Marks phone from him. I was now gonna be Marks bitch.

"Go help, I'll stay on hold with the DMV." I told him as I put Marks phone to my ear. He nodded and went to go help. I'm not a heartless troll, I could see he wanted to help so I let him.

I went back to check on Gretchen and saw Izzie waiting for me. If I'm being honest I forgot about them, like completely forgot. I put Marks phone in my pocket since I already got everything sorted with the DMV.

"So the biosynthetic dressings should ensure that you won't need skin grafts. And that's good." I told Gretchen as I wrapped her hand with the dressing.

"Would that take long? I mean, how long would something like that take? If I had needed them?" Gretchen asked earning a look from Izzie.

"Oh that would depend on the severity of the burn." O answered with a comforting smile.

"So you mean more severe than this one? It would have to be more severe." Gretchen replied making me a bit worried as well.

"Just to make sure that I have everything accurate, you burned your hand..." I trailed off waiting for her to finish since according to Izzie she gave Mark and I two different stories.

"We've been over this."

"I'm sorry.."

"Look I have a test Friday and I have work to do. I want to get out of here. I'm ready to go home." Gretchen let out closing her textbook and sitting up.

"Gretchen did you burn your hand on purpose?" Izzie ignored the rules once again. Why does she insist on always acting like the rules don't apply to Isobel Stevens? Maybe she should get off her high horse!

"Izzie you heard what Dr. Bailey said." I reminded her once again.

"It's okay if you did. It's just... did you... burn your hand to get out of taking your test?" Izzie continued to ignore what both I and Dr. Bailey told her. How hard is it to just butt out for once?

"I can't fail that damn test one more time. I just can't. It's all anyone if my family...anyone in my life talks about. It's all I'm known for. Oh Gretchen the failure. Can you imagine failing the bar exam five times? Five times! I mean that's absurd. It's just...that's pathetic. I cannot sit for 2 1/2 solid days of testing...again...just to prove to everyone again...how pathetic I am. Not...when." Gretchen admitted to Izzie making me feel bad for not listening.

"You feel that pathetic all by yourself." Izzie responded looking up at me as I continued to wrapped Gretchen's hand up.

"Take her upstairs."

"What? why? Wait what's upstairs?"

"The psychiatric floor. You need to be placed on a 72 hour hold." I inform her as I leave the room.

I went into the elevator and saw Karev. It was awkward in there just the two of us. It was weird. It was weird cause I stopped being rude out of nowhere.

"Uh Dr. Sloan needs his phone back." Alex told me before he got off the elevator. Great now I have to go on a wild goose chase for Dr Sloan instead of going home.

I try paging but he doesn't answer. I check the burn unit. I check the ORs. I checked the on call rooms. I even went as far as checking the boys bathrooms. Then finally I thought to check the attendings locker room. I didn't have any luck finding him there but I did find Lauren.

"Hey how's it going?" I asked as I sit on the bench next to her cubby.

"Good." She answered in a soft tone.

Just as she was leaving a card fell out of her purse. I go to pick it up at the same time she does. I get to it first and I see it's a card for the Archfield Hotel. She's living at an hotel?

"Lauren...you're living at a hotel?" I asked in shock still holding the card. She's rich enough to have already bought a three story house. Why is she staying in an hotel?

"Uh yeah."

I take my spare key out of my pocket and throw it her. I didn't want to pry or anything. I just want her out of the hotel. "You can live with me and O'Malley." I tell her just as she leaves. I follow closed behind and finally I run into Mark.

"I got through to the DMV and your license and registration are switched to Seattle." I said as I reached into my pocket and gave him his phone.

"Thank you." Mark smirked at me as he touched my hand for a second too long when I gave him his phone back.

1129 words
"I hate wasted potential that shit crushes your spirit"

burn.    mark sloanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt