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forever young

Maturing. Everyone suddenly expects you to just magically grow up and be responsible. They think that you immediately know how to make good choices. I've been consider an adult for five years but by those standards I am not. Like right now I just had to kick a shirtless Mark Sloan out of my bed. What I did with Mark Sloan is not a good decision that a responsible adult would make.

I was waiting for the elevator at work with Meredith and George, who were talking about batteries. Finally the doors open up, revealing Izzie, Derek, and Mark in the elevator.

Mark and I made eye contact for the quickest second but it felt like forever. It felt like he was shooting hot lasers into my eyes which made them burn forcing me to look away.

I don't regret what I did, I wanted to do it. I really fucking wanted to do it, but your actions always have consequences.

Then Mer, George and I share an awkward look then decide to wait for the next one.

"Yeah. We're avoiding them now. It's come to that." George let out looking directly at me since he's the only person I've told about Mark and I. He doesn't approve but he has no room to talk, at all. I mean he cheated on Callie fucking Torres with Isobel Stevens? Crazy talk.

Meredith had a look of confusion on her face, "Why are you avoiding Izzie? And who are you avoiding?"

"No one!" I replied before George could answer for me.

"it's like we're not us anymore. Everything used to be so easy. Talking at least used to be easy. Now, we can't even talk anymore." George answered the question as I chugged down a protein shake.

"Oh, Derek went on a date with Sydney Heron last night. It was probably a fake date to make me think he's healthy and moving on. Do you think he's healthy and moving on?" Meredith questioned sounding totally obsessed with Derek.

"Can we just take the stairs?" I suggested. Sydney Heron is a cry for help." I told Meredith as we made our way to the stairs.

While getting changed Bailey gave us speech about how we need to grow up now that she's taking over as chief resident.

Right as I scored myself a spot of the obgyn service mine and all my interns pagers went off. She rushed down and found out there was a high school bus crash.

I help bring the traumas in but no one needed my assistance. I told my interns to go ahead and start stitching people up which I really didn't want to be stuck doing, but literally no one needs my help.

I went up to Dr. Bailey who seemed a little preoccupied with her patient, "Dr. Bailey, I understand this is a big trauma but we already have a lot of people helping and no one really needs me, so I was wondering if I could just go back to obgyn for the day?"

"Uh yea that sounds-" Bailey got cut off by her pager going off. I was already on my way back to obgyn when she called out for me. "Moore! Nevermind, Torres has room on her case. Your in. It's a plastics case as well, so make sure to stay out of Sloans way."

"Why me? That's an interns job. I have plenty of interns, you can have your pick of the pack. 1? 2? 3? or 4? Actually I wouldn't recommend 2."

"Go!" Miranda shouted so I went. I would much rather be stuck in sutures than have to work with Mark. It's awkward, I made it awkward.

I walked into the patients room and was greeted by her bare butt. I shut the door since I don't think she would want everyone walking by to see her private parts.

Callie was looking at her butt. Mark was examing her forehead, he didn't even look up when I walked in. Callie told me to start looking at her knee and lower leg scans.

"You better be able to fix my face. I have pom statewides in a month." The brown haired teenage girl told Mark in a threatening tone.

"You're a cheerleader?" Torres asked. Didn't just say that she was a Pom?

"I'm a pom."

"Cheerleaders just jump around. Poms are dancers." Mark let out earning confused looks from Callie and I, we both were wondering how he knew that. "I was on the football team."

"Hey! I was the captain of the cheer squad." I exclaimed as I compared Tricia the patients leg scans to her actual leg.

"I'm not sure you're gonna be dancing in the next month." Callie told the younger girl.

"You better be lying." Tricia responded sounding as if this news was gonna be the end of her life.

"Not lying. You have very serious knee and leg fractures, not to mention a cracked coccyx."

"What the hell is that?" Tricia questioned. This means she broke her butt, which is never fun obviously.

"That's the bone at the bottom of your spine. The bottom of your bottom." I answered after Torres looked at me too. This day has already been eventful to say the least.

"My ass? I broke my ass?" Tricia exclaimed with a loud dramatic sigh.

"That's one way to look at it." I replied taking a step back to get out of Marks way who was trying to get to the other side of the small room.

"You're gonna need surgery. Good news is that we'll put you under so we can fix the bones and Dr. Sloan can fix your face all at the same time." Torres said her hands still touching Tricia's butt.

"You better be good." Tricia told Mark slightly turning her head to make eye contact with him.

"Baby, you're not gonna find anybody better than me." Mark responded in an assertive tone. I want to-y'know what nevermind.

The three of us left Tricia's room. Mark leaned against the wall and zoned out as I turned to Callie with a forced smile. "Do I get to scrub in?" I asked sounding hopeful.

"In a nice way you won't be needed with the ortho work but maybe you can ask Sloan." Callie responded in a not so nice tone, but in her defense she did just lose her spot as chief resident and her husband cheated on her.

As much as I didn't want to I turned to Mark with the fake smile on my face."Dr. Sloan, can I scrub in?" I asked still sounding hopeful.

He didn't say anything. He just kept looking off into the distance.

"Mark..." I snapped him his face getting his attention.

"Sorry, I was just thinking of you in a tiny cheerleader uniform." Mark winked at me and I of course had to convince myself I was disgusted not that I secretly enjoy his flirting.

"You're sick." I uttered as I rolled my eyes.

Mark turned to walk away then turned back for a moment. "You can scrub in." He told me earning a real smile in return.

1199 words
"How did it end up like this? It's was only a kiss"

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