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where the boys are

I was late for work today since I had to help George pack for a camping trip that I don't think is a good idea. Why would you want to sleep outside? Derek is still giving me the cold shoulder so I am just trying to give him space.

I was rushing to find the other interns. I found them infront of the OR board with Mark Sloan.  Instead of joining them I stayed back just so Mark wouldn't pick me to be on his service.

"Have you seen blondie?" Mark asked them as he stood infront of the board that they were reading.

"Lucy? No we haven't." Cristina told him as she rolled her eyes.

"Have you seen what's his face?" Mark questioned.

"Alex Karev." Izzie said with a bit of sass.

"Those poor bastards seem to get a thrill out of tagging along after me." Mark laughed as he flat out lied to them. Alex and I do not enjoy "tagging along after" him, we hate it.

"That's a lie." I utter as I walk up to my friends and stand next to Mer.

"There you are. You're with me today." Sloan told me just to get a dig at me. He knows I hate him and plastic, he just enjoys torturing me.

"Dr. Bailey makes the assignments." I replied with a fake smirk.

"Dr. Bailey says it's fine." Miranda Bailey came out of nowhere and allowed me to go with this cruel man. I let out a soft groan and followed Mark.

We got into the elevator which was of course empty. You would think in a hospital this big there would be other people in elevators at all times, but no. I looked over at him for the quickest second ever and I saw him giving me the McSteamy face. What a McWhore.

"Stop giving me the face." I demand turning my attention back to the elevator doors waiting for them to open.

"The face?" Mark let out as he continued to give me the face. As if he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"The McSteamy face. It doesn't work on me. I'm immune." I respond as I cross my arms and face him.

"You know, if I had gone off to the woods, I'd have invited you to keep me warm." Mark flirted making me turn back to looking at the doors. I rolled my eyes at him making his smirk grow.

"So you and Alex. You guys together or..Just answer the question and I'll quit asking." Dr. Sloan asked as we finally got off that tiny elevator. He just loves drama and stirring the pot he doesn't really care.

"Not that it's any of your business. No, we are not. I think he just needed space, and I didn't give him that." I answer with a sigh. Today is supposed to be an Alex free day. I'm not even an hour in and we're already talking about him.

"I think it kinda is my business when you kissed me to make him jealous. Space is overrated." Mark stopped walking just to wink at me as he gave me the McSteamy face. I totally forgot about the kiss for a good twenty four hours. All I can remember is that neither of us pulled away until way after Alex left...

"You're doing it again! And we don't talk about that." I tell him as he opens the patients door for me.

"My knight in shining poly-cotton!" The patient greeted Mark that he was the most amazing person on the planet but to them he probably is.

"Good morning, Donna. Vicky. How was the trip?" Sloan questioned as he shakes both of their hands in turn. How is he so nice to the patients but an ass to everyone else? It's like he has a switch or something.

"Smooth, perfect." Donna the patient replied.

"Seak for yourself." Vicky the patients wife if I'm not wrong answered.

"She's still having some penis issues." Donna told Mark making me even more confused about what's going on here.

"I'm sorry? Am I missing something?" I asked with a grin.

"I think you're missing the fact that Dr. Sloan is planning on removing my husband's penis this afternoon." Vicky informed me like that was no big deal, but you can tell it's a big deal for her.

"Oh and your husband is?" I questioned.

"Right here." Donna responded making me have to try to not drop my jaw. Donna does not look like a husband, but I support the patients decision.

"Daniel Gibson, 34, in for sexual reassignment surgery." I read off the chart that I was given.

"Donna, not Daniel. She's been living as Donna for 2 years, come on Allen." Mark tapped the top of the chart as he ridiculed me.

"So essentially, today we are inverting his...um her...uh.." I mumbled and slowly got quieter when I didn't know what to say. Mark glared at me like I just committed murder. This is unprofessional of me I'll admit it.

"Her penis. That's okay. You'll get it." Donna reassured me with a smile that made me smile back.

"You know the steps for a vaginoplasty?" Sloan questioned just trying to get under my skin even more.

"Most of it."

"Well if you want to get in on this operation today, you better learn it all." Mark responded as he crossed him arms and turned to give me a dirty look.

"Don't pay any attention to him, you're doing very well." Donna reassured me once again.

"Better than I did when I first found out." Vicky uttered with a smile.

"We just need to run a few pre-op labs. Make sure everything's in working order." Dr Sloan said as he put a hand on Donna's shoulder.

"Then surgery today?"

"Yeah. Big day Donna. You excited?" Mark asked in a soft gentle tone which made me a bit confused. Maybe people would like him more around here if he was like that to everyone.

"Excited doesn't begin to cover it." Donna responded.

"You're going to do great." Mark reassured her in a whisper as he took his hand off her shoulder and held her hand in his.

After they stood like that for a moment or two Mark and I left. I stop walking after we get around the corner, he does the same when he sees that I've stopped.

"What was that?" I questioned as I raise my eyebrow. How can he be so nice yet so rude?

"I can be nice."

"It was like watching a dog walk on its hind legs. Weird but somewhat charming. You should do that more."I sort of compliment him but that was not my intention. I'm simply just trying to help change him for the better. 

"Charming? You think I'm charming?" Mark took the lest important thing from what I said and smirked about it as he leaned against the wall.

"Not at all." I responded with a sigh. Good thing I decided to fix people's health and be a doctor and not change their personality and be a therapist.

"Go get me a coffee." Mark instructed so I happily skipped away. Anything to be away from that McWhore who's also a total McBitch to everyone except his patients.

1228 words
"finally found a girl you couldn't impress"

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