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losing my religion

Nancy Drew aka Richard Webber is calling each one of us interns into his office separately, trying to find out who cut the lvad wire. I was the last one he called in..I had to keep my mouth shut. If everyone else could so can I.

"Dr. Allen. Have a seat." The chief told me with venom in his voice. I guess he expected me to come clean earlier, and now he's mad I didn't.

"You wanna tell me who cut that wire?" Richard asked taking off his glasses and making intense eye contact with me. If I can lie about my whole life I can surely lie about who cut that wire...right?

"No." That's all I could say, that's all my brain let my mouth say. Lauren and I are both blabbermouths once we start we can't stop.


"No I don't want to tell you. Actually I do, but I can't." I started and now I can't stop.

"And why is that?" Richard interrupted me which was probably a good thing. The less I talk the better.

"Those five interns are my dysfunctional family, you can't betray your family. I have to stand with them. I'm sorry, like really sorry." I blurted but meant it. It was like word vomit, I couldn't stop it from coming out.

"You can go." Chief let out even more mad than before, so I obviously immediately left.

When I left I saw Lauren getting charts for some patients. I heard she's doubling up so she can become the head of Neuro but in order for that to happen she has to be better than Derek.

"Hey, whatcha wearing to prom?" I asked scaring her because I came up from behind.

"I don't know yet." Laur answered with a soft sigh. I think someone forgot about prom, already.

"Whatever you pick you're gonna look like a total snack." I told her making her smile and roll her eyes.

"Do you have a hot date to prom?" Lauren questioned making my smile turn into a frown. How could I not have a date to prom? I'm a hot person, one of hottest here if I do say so myself and I don't have a date? No one's even asked me! Why hasn't Alex asked me?

"No.." I groaned slamming my cup of coffee on the desk making some spill.

"What? How?"

"Alex hasn't even asked me. Do you think he's even thought to ask me? I bet he's going with that nurse from PEDs." I let out sounding a bit desperate for someone who doesn't like him.

"He'd be a total fool to not ask you, I mean look at yourself!" Laur tried to hype me up but it wasn't working.

"Oh whatever, you're only saying that because you're my sister! I look exhausted, this is yesterday's mascara, my hair is in a messy bun, and these scrubs hide my curves."I exclaimed with a dramatic sigh. I went from saying I look hot in scrubs to saying they hide my curves. That reminds me of Mark, he was hot like really hot.

"Says you! You just told me I'll look like a snack." Lauren laughed making me have to fight a smile.

"You will. I bet you have a date." I muttered under my breath but loud enough that she heard.

"I do." She replied softly hurting my pride. Good for her and all but what the fuck? Where is my super hot date?

"Congratulations...I hope you have a fantastic night, while I sit in the corner by myself." I huffed as I walked away leaving my coffee. I did want her to have good night for the record.

I found an empty stretcher to lay on and prepare myself for a lonely night. One thing is for sure I am not dancing by myself, I'll just sit down and watch all the happy couples being happy cause they have each other..

I was laying with my face on the pillow when I felt someone sit down next to me. By his scent I could tell it was Alex..by the way he smelled!

"What do you want?" I threw the pillow my face was on at him which hit him in the head.

"You. Me. On call room." Karev answered but I was mad.

"In your dreams Karev." I responded.

"My dreams are much worse." Alex winked.

"You're disgusting." I said while I sat up.

"You flatter me." Alex got closer to me, back up.

"I hate you." I uttered pushing him back a bit.

"Thank you."

"Leave me alone. You probably already gave me herpes." I exclaimed.

"What did I do this time?" Alex asked. How did he not see that I wanted him to ask me to the prom? I guess he isn't a mind reader but still.

"Nothing." I didn't want to look at him so I just looked straight at the brick wall, which was kinda like Alex since whenever I talk to him it's like talking to a brick wall.

I didn't say anything I just left, I was done here anyways. I had to go get ready for the prom..again. Last time I was 16 year old senior who was the captain of the cheerleading team, valedictorian, and was crowned prom queen.

I was wearing a red dress, it was simple but I didn't even have a date to impress. I walked into the hospital ready to go to prom with a whole bunch of old doctors.

I was in the dancing mood so I just sat at a table and looked at everyone else dance. I didn't want to ruin everyone else night with my crappy attitude. Some seemed happy others weren't enjoying themselves.

Cristina ran up to me, she even wearing a dress. "It's Izzie, they said it's urgent." Cristina told me with a worried look. Hopefully she didn't cut anyone's LVAD wire..we ran up to Dennys room and saw that Denny had died and Izzie wouldn't leave his side. Poor Izzie, she lost the person she loved right after he had just gotten a new heart.

1031 words
"I got my red dress on tonight."

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