Chapter 15

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"Aw, at least he was trying to help comfort you." Kat said.

"Yeah." Riley nodded. "Alright girls, let's go! We can catch up with our bestie after the game."

"Yeah!" The girls shouted.

Layla and I watched the game. She cheered loudly and I couldn't help but giggle. She was so cute. "Yeah! That's my man! Way to go Derek!"

I shook my head and watched Brody. "Ready!" Brody shouted as he looked at his teammates then at me for a moment. He winked with a smirk. "Hut!" He threw the ball then hopped back before getting hit.

Jay caught the ball and ran down the field, dodging the other players who tried to tackle him and scored a touchdown. "Whoo! Way to go baby!" Riley cheered.

Finally it was halftime. Brody walked over to the fence as he took off his helmet. "How are you doing?" He breathed heavily as sweat rolled down his face.

"I'm ok." I said softly. "You're kicking ass out there."

Brody nodded. "Yeah, Berkeley is putting up a fight though."

"You got this." I said.

Brody smirked and came closer to the fence. "Do I get a good luck kiss?" I blushed as I stared into his eyes. Brody smiled and pressed his lips to mine. His hand came up to my cheek as he tilted his head slightly. "Mm." He said as he broke our kiss. "Let me finish this game so we can get out of here." He winked.

I turned red as I watched him jog to the field. He put his helmet on and the second half of the game. After the game he went to the locker room to change. When he came out he was in a black shirt and his blue jeans. "What about the dance?" I asked quietly.

"Do you want to go to the dance?" Brody asked.

I looked down slightly. "Even if I did... It wouldn't matter... I'm too sore to dance."

"Come on." Brody grabbed my hand. We walked to his car so he could put his bag in the trunk. He locked his car back and grabbed my hand. We walked inside the school and to the gym.

"Brody..." I huffed.

"Just come on." He walked to the dance floor. Once we found a spot he faced me and gently pulled me closer to him. He wrapped his arm around hips and gently lifted me slightly so my feet were on top of his. He kept his arm there and kept my hand in his. "Now you're dancing."

I stared into his eyes for a long moment. "You didn't have to do this..."

"You wanted to dance though." Brody said softly.

"I thought you wanted to leave?"

"Oh I do..." Brody said softly. "So I can make out with you... Your kisses are so damn addictive and I can't get enough of it..." Brody whispered in my ear. We danced for a little bit longer. I eventually got comfortable enough to lay my head on Brody's shoulder as we danced.

After the song went off. I looked into Brody's eyes. "Thank you for this, Brody."

Brody smiled a little. "Anytime."

"Can we go now?" I asked.

"Sure." Brody gave a nod. He set me on my feet and we left. When we got back to his place I took some pain medicine, before walking to the living room.

Brody turned on the stereo and before I could sit down, he grabbed my hands. I met his eyes for a moment. "What?" I asked softly.

"Dance with me." Brody said softly. He gently placed my hand on top of his shoulder and grabbed the other. He wrapped his arm around me as he held my hand on his chest.

We danced quietly for a moment. "Why are we dancing?" I asked.

"Because you seem to enjoy it." Brody said. "Plus, this way I get to hold you longer in my arms."

I blushed as I looked down slightly. "O-Oh."

Brody chuckled. "No snappy comeback or even roll?" He teased me.

"Do you want that?" I asked.

"No." Brody said. "Let me show you what I want..." He said quietly as he brought his head to mine. I felt my heart skip as his lips slowly found mine. Our lips slowly began moving in rhythm as we continued to kiss.

I felt this burning desire in my body to take this to the bedroom, but I don't know if I was fully ready for that. My body wanted it, but I mentally and emotionally wasn't ready. I mean my body was bruised and I was already sore. Brody wasn't making it easy though

I broke our kiss and met his eyes. "Brody..."

"I'm sorry..." He said softly. "Do you want me to stop?"

I looked down and turned slightly. "It's not that... I don't want you seeing my body right now. Plus I'm still sore..."

"Sky, I'm not going to do anything that you're uncomfortable with." Brody softly placed his hands on my hips. "I know that you are sore and have bruises on your body right now. That doesn't mean you aren't beautiful." He said and kneeled down. "Lift up the shirt."

"What?" I asked, looking down at him.

"Lift up the shirt just high enough for me to see your sides." I stared at him for a moment. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes..." I said softly and slowly lifted up the shirt.

Brody looked at my body. He placed a soft kiss on my stomach even though my muscles twitched at first. He then kissed my left side then my right. He moved up just to the edge of the shirt and kissed the top of my abdomen. He got to his feet as his blue eyes locked on mine. "You're beautiful."

I looked down for a moment. "I..."

"Sky." Brody said softly. I slowly met his eyes. Brody grabbed the end of the shirt and gently pulled it down. "Believe me, you are beautiful."

I wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him. "Thank you, Brody."

Brody wrapped his arms gently around me as he kissed the top of my head. "So... Does this mean I can call you my girl?"

I lifted my head to meet his eyes. "Yes."

Brody smiled. "Good, no wasn't an answer."

"What if I said no?" I asked.

"I wouldn't have accepted that answer." Brody said. "But that doesn't matter now because you said yes and you can't take it back. You're mine. I'm yours. End of discussion." Brody smiled and pressed his lips to mine as I was about to protest.

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