Chapter 26

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“Word.” Hiro gave a nod, then walked to his car. I got in the car, looking out the window for a moment before looking down slightly. I didn’t notice before, but I actually like him. He’s a great friend and has been since this whole mess with Brody, but now that I’ve spent some time with him each day, I’m starting to feel some type of way. Hiro is honest. He’s not going to sugar coat anything, but he’s sweet. He seems to be caring about the people he calls friends. Respectful for sure and loyal.

Hiro waved his hand around. “You there?”

I looked at him and smiled. “Sorry.”

“It’s all good. What were you thinking about?”

“Just how much fun I had tonight.” I said softly.

Hiro smiled warmly. “I’m glad you had a good time.”

Once Hiro dropped me off, I walked inside, locked the door behind me, and walked to my room. I grabbed some shorts and a baggy t-shirt and then walked into the bathroom to shower. I dried off, put on my clothes, and then looked at my phone.

‘Riley, I need to talk to you.’ I texted. I knew she was going to call when she saw that message, and sure enough, she did. “Hey.”

“What’s wrong?” Riley asked.

“Nothing is wrong. I went to Dave n Buster’s tonight with Hiro.” I said, then laid on my bed. “We made a deal that we would go to Dave n Buster’s ever Thursday night.”

“Oh really?” Riley giggled. “Did you have a good time?”

“I haven’t had this much fun in ages.” I chuckled. “But… I think I’m starting to like Hiro… Like more than just friends.”

“I knew you would. It wasn’t going to be long before you did.” Riley said softly. “Girl, it’s completely ok to like him. You’re single, and there is no crime in liking someone new. Don’t let Brody make you feel guilty about that.”

“But, what if Brody is being genuine?” I asked softly.
“He cheated, Sky! Do you honestly think that you could trust Brody again after that? I know I wouldn’t. If I knew the guy I was with cheated on me and still gave him a second chance, I would have so much anxiety about whether or not he’s doing it again. There is no trust. Without trust, honesty, and communication, there is no relationship.”

I let out a deep breath. “Yeah, true.”

“Sky, you deserve someone who is head over heels about you. Someone who is going to be loyal to you. Someone who would drop anything just to be with you. Hiro seems like that kind of guy already. He’s been there more for you than Brody has in the short time you were together. Hell, he’s been there more for you than us girls have. I’m sorry about that.”

“That’s not true. You and the girls have always been there for me. You girls were there for me first when this shit happened.”

“Yeah, but strictly guy wise, Hiro has been the first guy to be there for you. He’s made time to take you to school and even pick you up. He’s made time to spend time with you.” Riley said softly.

“I still want to be single for a while, though. I want to completely heal before I get into another relationship.”

“That’s absolutely understandable. I think that’s the best thing to do.” Riley said. “I am glad you are having fun, though, and smiling again.”

I smiled. “It’s so easy to smile with Hiro… Like everything just comes natural… There is nothing forced. I’m not even nervous when I’m with him.”

“That’s a very good sign.” Riley said with excitment. “The person you’re with shouldn’t make you feel nervous. You should feel everything naturally, like as if you and the guy have known each other for years.”

“Were you ever nervous with Jay?” I asked.

“No, I literally felt like I’ve known Jay my entire life. I think the only time I ever felt nervous was when we had sex for the first time. Which is understandable. He was nervous too.” Riley explained.

I thought back to the time when I almost had sex with Brody. Looking back on it now, I’m glad I didn’t go all the way with Brody. That would have hurt me more. “I’m glad I didn’t go all the way with Brody, though I almost did.”

“What? When did this happen?” Riley asked.

“When I was staying with him. It was homecoming night, I believe. We came close to having sex, but Owen walked in.” I explained.

“Damn… I’m glad you didn’t too. I can’t imagine how much more that would have hurt you.” Riley huffed.

“That’s what I was thinking, too.” I said softly.

After I finished my conversation with Riley, I went to bed for the night. I know Hiro doesn’t want me to wear a skirt, but something told me to do it anyway. I was feeling risky. I woke up the next morning, walked over to my closet, and pulled my black pleted skirt. It had a cute little chain attached to it, too. I kept the crop top that I had pulled out as well. I got dressed, slipped into my boots, and found a little jean jacket to wear with my outfit. I slipped into my boots. I put on some black eyeliner and then put my hair up using a hair stick. I grabbed my bag as I walked to the door. I stepped outside, closed the door behind me, and locked it.

“I thought I said no skirt.” Hiro said as he leaned against his car.

“I know. I decided to wear one anyway.” I smiled as I walked over to the car.

Hiro gave a nod, then opened the car door for me. “You just want to see me fight some dudes.”

“That’s not why I’m wearing a skirt.” I shook my head as I got in the car.

“I know.” Hiro smiled. He closed the door, walked around the car, and then got in. “I will get you after school, we’ll get some food then go to the venue. I have to be there early to do a quick rehersal.”

“Sounds good.” I nodded.

“Cool.” Hiro smiled. Once at school, I got out of the car. “See you later, Sky.” Hiro smiled.

I met his dark eyes with a warm smile. “See you later, Hiro.” I closed his car door and walked into the school.

“Someone looks cute today.” Riley walked over to me with a smile.

“Just today?” I raised a brow.

“Well, every day, you look gorgeous.” Riley smiled. “So, the concert tonight, we get to be in the VIP section.”

“Yeah, so does Brody, I guess.” I huffed.

“Only because he’s Jay’s friend. Kenzo is cool like that.”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “Maybe he won’t come.” I said softly.

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