Chapter 9 - It can make a fierce tiger shed tears on the spot.

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It seemed that only a few were moved like Qin Lu.

  Originally, the trainees' levels were relatively similar, even if there were a few strong ones, they mostly excelled in certain areas. When considering overall ability, they were not outstanding. Nan Xiao's abilities were also strong, but he was older than most people and had some rough experiences. Even if others had thoughts, it was mostly envy, not jealousy.

  With the appearance of Liao Junchen, it was like adding a vivid reference point. Suddenly, their shortcomings and inadequacies were highlighted.

  "If the standard for debut is the level of Liao Junchen, then I think I'd better go home and study honestly, stop dreaming of debuting." Several trainees who were discouraged were obviously more than one.

  "Isn't this a blow... I can't even touch the edges of Liao Junchen's skill. I'm afraid I won't reach this level even if I practice for another hundred years."

  "Can't those from big companies debut solo or debut together with those from the same company? Why do they have to come to this show to compete for debut spots with us..."

  "It's worthy of being Tianmeng Entertainment. I didn't expect it to be so difficult even for the juniors of 4seven. I thought that if I just entered the same company, not everyone would have to be that strong."

  "The ones from big companies are different... Maybe the teachers are really amazing. If I could join Tianmeng, maybe I would have this skill too."

  There were quite a few people who felt sour in their hearts, but most of them didn't show it overtly. Except for a few who couldn't hold back their words, most of them just kept their thoughts to themselves.

  Liao Junchen, standing in the center of the stage, was far away, unable to hear what they were saying specifically. Even if he did hear, with his personality, he wouldn't care.

  The mentors all gave him very high praise. Even compared to already debuted boy groups, his performance definitely exceeded expectations.

  Even though Liao Junchen himself didn't mention it at all, anyone who had studied dance knew in their hearts that his current skill was definitely achieved through countless hours of hard work and practice.

  Dance would never disappoint hard work. To dance well, one could only do so through continuous practice; there were no shortcuts. Although everyone's talent was different, the effort required to achieve the same level of skill varied, but mastering any skill to its fullest required unimaginable effort and perseverance.

  Many people understood the simple truth that "hard work never lies", but only a few could truly live up to it.

  Liao Junchen was such a person. As long as he sincerely wanted to do something, he could persist day after day, year after year, until he touched the highest barrier, breaking through it time and time again.

  This kind of character, which achieved success through absolute effort, would make anyone, even if not a fan, involuntarily admire his strong personality charm.

  Even the trainees who felt uncomfortable watching him were not quite comfortable, but they had to admit that he was undoubtedly worthy of being the first A.

  Perhaps the reason why the stage could move people was because the sweat under the lights reflected a radiance that could bring tears to one's eyes.

  All four mentors unanimously gave him an A grade. Considering that Liao Junchen was still quite young, there was still a hint of a smile in his eyes.

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