Chapter 118

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The advertisement shoot was only partially done indoors.

Lohwa Yipin's advertisement concepts were always brilliant, with many in the industry even joking that while Lohwa Yipin's jewelry might not be top-tier, its outstanding advertising could ensure it would never be phased out of the market.

Lohwa Yipin had always been willing to invest heavily in advertising short films and poster promotions. It had been proven that captivating advertising concepts could maintain the impulse for customers to make purchases for products that were visually appealing but might not have a "must-have" advantage.

It could be said that their marketing team had a keen understanding of customer psychology. For non-luxury jewelry like this, without the halo of a well-known brand, and with products that were inherently difficult to differentiate from similar ones, marketing strategy became exceptionally important.

Inviting Infinite9 to endorse them was because they recognized their appeal and influence in the young female market. With the brand already having a good level of recognition, what it needed was to generate purchasing desire among the target audience.

Basic jewelry consisted of only a few categories: rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. These were not essential items in life, and there were many options with significant price differences but similar appearances.

Standing out among many competing products and becoming the first choice was the main focus of advertising operations.

The shooting location was in Beihai.

The city here was different from where Qin Lu had lived before, so every familiar place to his teammates was unfamiliar to him.

As soon as Qin Lu stepped out of the airport, he felt the moist sea breeze coming towards him, but it didn't alleviate the heat.

Beihai was in the southernmost part of the country, belonging to a tropical region where it was summer all year round.

Palm trees could be seen everywhere, with a long coastline, and the warm and comfortable tones of lush greenery and azure sea formed a warm and comfortable atmosphere. The airport in Beihai was different from those in northern regions. After coming out, there was a wooden summer resort area, and the locals who came to pick them up were casually dressed, indicating a relaxed way of life with floral shirts and flip-flops.

Most of the locals had darker skin due to long-term sun exposure compared to people coming from the airport from other places. Qin Lu and his group, as idols, were already whiter than ordinary people, making them stand out even more in comparison.

Due to the heat, Qin Lu took off his sports jacket shortly after arriving. He had always liked traveling around during vacations, and although he didn't have much spare time for this work trip, he enjoyed warm and sunny places. Although he didn't show it, he planned to come to Beihai again when he had time in the future, just to relax and explore.

Being by the seaside always made people involuntarily relax. Even though they were here for work, on the way to the shooting location, all nine of them were in a good mood.

Qin Lu sat by the window, feeling the fresh sea breeze, which matched the strong scent of sea salt and the intense sunlight.

The core of the filming team was a renowned photographer from Japan, who excelled at capturing emotional nuances in his work. The short films he had previously shot had won international awards.

It had taken a lot of effort for Lohwa Yipin to hire him.

The main shooting location was a carefully selected deserted sea area. Due to the rugged terrain, vehicles couldn't pass, so they had to get out of the car and walk for about fifteen minutes.

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