Chapter 71

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Rankings were announced very quickly. Chu Xin, who was ranked eighth in the previous overall ranking, dropped one spot this time but still managed to stay on the debut line.

Nevertheless, he was quite happy. When he made his speech, he tried to steady his breath, as he had originally thought he would drop down further this time.

Many trainees were very strong, and Chu Xin also thought his chances of debuting were slim, but his vote count exceeded his expectations.

Lu Zhi obtained the eighth spot in the debut line, while Jin You'en and Yu Zifei fluctuated slightly, securing the seventh and fifth positions respectively.

Su Qinglan's ranking dropped, landing her in sixth place this time.

Han Suyan eventually secured the fourth position.

Before the vote count was announced, he seemed as calm as usual, but in reality, he felt like a tightly wound string, seemingly calm but could snap at any moment due to the tension.

Qin Lu watched him, noticing that his expression remained unchanged, but his fingertips relaxed slightly. He raised his hand and gently patted Han Suyan's shoulder twice.

Han Suyan turned her head slightly, whispered something to Qin Lu, and lowered her gaze.

The camera zoomed in, capturing this moment truthfully. However, because both of them were holding microphones, no sound was recorded.

Then Han Suyan stood up, and the camera only caught Qin Lu smiling at her.

After stepping onto the stage, Han Suyan's speech was simple but had a compelling gaze. "Thank you to all my fans who voted for me. Let me share a little story with you all. When I first chose to study law, I thought I wanted to pursue and achieve absolute fairness."

His voice was calm, deep, and soothingly slow. "But after actually getting into it, I realized that absolute fairness, in fact, does not exist."

It was Han Suyan's usual style, rigorous yet calm. But he had never said these things before. Today, it seemed like he wanted to express something.

"People in this industry often say that as you learn more, the passion and zeal will eventually evolve into calmness, and the sense of justice will be confined to the pages of books. Rational thinking should not be rigid, nor should it be restrictive. However, after the burning passion fades away, the optimal solution in the ashes seems to change, yet remains the same."

"Just because you say one plus one equals two doesn't mean you'll score points, because the question itself might not be about mathematics, but rather a riddle."

The trainees seemed to understand, but they were momentarily quiet, unsure of what to say.

Han Suyan seemed to be... directly criticizing the program team for not following the rules?

But this kind of rule-breaking seemed to be a rule itself on the right path.

Even if you knew it was wrong, its existence seemed reasonable, and if you couldn't change it, you could only adapt.

But after saying this, Han Suyan smiled lightly. "I've said some nonsense. Let's skip that. Thank you to all my fans who voted for me. I will continue to work hard."

The trainees breathed a sigh of relief and started applauding, pretending they didn't understand.

It's better not to mention the unspoken rules in the industry.

Han Suyan was still very young, and this youth gave him the capital to say what he wanted without reservation, even if it wasn't entirely rational.

Among the audience, only Fan Xi and Toeisup were among the few who clapped with a grin, because... they didn't understand.

Fan Xi's performance boosted her rank to third place. When her name was called, her red hair seemed to be on fire, her smile was so bright that it dazzled the eyes, whether it was because of the dazzling diamond earring or her vibrant aura, it was hard to tell.

Her comments were always imaginative. She said, "Thank you to all my friends who voted for me! I've been on a diet these days, avoiding carbs, it's really tough, you know. Jin You'en always brags about being able to eat an extra bowl of rice, but I think today I outshone him! Thank you all! Each vote is like a happy carbohydrate to me!"

Fan Xi's eyes lit up as if she had just thought of something. She clenched her left hand into a fist and struck her right hand. "My fans! I don't know if you've given yourselves a fan name, but I'll give you a nice one—"

Qin Lu looked at Fan Xi and had a familiar feeling that things were about to go south.

Fan Xi: "Let's call you 'Rice'! Isn't it a coincidence that my last name is Fan? Do you feel how important you are to me!"

Qin Lu: "..."

He chuckled silently and rubbed his forehead.

It wasn't surprising at all, it was very much like Fan Xi's style.

Facing the trainees' reactions, Jin You'en was already sitting in seventh place. At this moment, his single-lidded eyes, which looked cool when he didn't smile, were trying hard to maintain a "painful mask" of calmness.

So when Fan Xi turned her head with a grin, she saw Jin You'en's face struggling to maintain a "painful mask" of calmness.

When this part aired in the future, the barrage would burst into laughter, and talented fans would capture screenshots of Qin Lu, Han Suyan, Jin You'en, and Fan Xi's expressions, turning them into memes that would spread widely among fan communities.

Although Fan Xi's performance temporarily eased the tense atmosphere at the scene, after the rankings continued to be announced, the atmosphere among the trainees below the stage remained somewhat subdued.

The reason was simple. Now, there were only two positions left for Qin Lu and Liao Junchen to compete for, as well as the last position, twenty-fourth.

There was only one spot left for all the remaining trainees to advance.

Everyone hoped it would be them, but they also felt it wouldn't be.

Every time the top two positions were about to be announced, there was always a familiar yet exhilarating atmosphere.

The online fans of Liao and Lu fought fiercely in the voting, and the trainees in the audience could somewhat imagine it from the vote counts, but they had no idea about this intense competition.

Every time the staff saw the live vote count, they only had one thought: exhilarating.

Once again, they were moved by the location and nature of their work. Every time they saw the live broadcast before the online fans, they felt a great sense of satisfaction.

They did this job because they loved it. The staff members followed the fans' activities on various fan communities every day, getting excited as they read the rallying cries and thoughtful messages.


Both fan communities had strong fighting power. Over the past two months, the fan circles had begun to take shape, and major fans were gradually emerging, with data groups expanding.

Now, without a collective fundraising effort, scattered fans were raising support funds through watching short videos, completing unlocking tasks, and checking in every day.

Fans even made promotional videos on certain platforms, promoting their idols' popularity while providing detailed voting instructions.

The staff members already knew the outcome of this vote in advance.

By the time the voting closed, no private scandals had occurred. If one only looked at the current vote count, Qin Lu had already surpassed Liao Junchen by a large margin. However, this time, as the previous overall ranking had Liao Junchen trailing behind Qin Lu, his fans went all out to vote, resulting in a very close race.

The camera was already focused on Qin Lu and Liao Junchen's positions, ready to switch back and forth when the results were announced.

Producer Cui Zhihao smiled and made a gesture. "Qin Lu and Liao Junchen, please come to the stage."

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