Chapter 78

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The training time passed quickly, and the final performance was approaching.

Fans who had secured tickets early knew the exact time of the performance in advance, so after the trainees left the training base, many fans were already waiting at the entrance with banners to cheer them on.

Unlike the beginning when there was no one outside the training base, after experiencing the fans of 4Seven as flight guests, the trainees finally had fans specifically coming to cheer for them.

These fans were often sisters who frequently attended offline events. Some of them had been fans of three or four idols, big and small, since their debut, always passionate and enthusiastic.

Perhaps it was a kind of nurturing mentality. Before debut, the number of fans for trainees was limited, and at this time, if they were seen by fans, they would mostly recognize a few familiar faces, and might even have the chance to exchange a few words.

Whether it was eye contact or casually saying something while following them during airport pickups, it always gave a feeling of excitement. Many fans at the scene had this idea. Facing trainees who were still somewhat awkward in front of fans, they found them really handsome and cute when they smiled.

Moreover, when fans were the first to discover a hidden gem, there was an indescribable sense of accomplishment. If they accompanied them from being unknown trainees to well-known stars, the feeling was even more satisfying.

Nurturing a potential star, watching them gradually shine through polishing like a raw gemstone, felt like one was also improving little by little.

Every time fans fell into the fandom, they would feel that their home was still a "raw bean" (a newbie) but would definitely shine brightly and become popular overnight. This unique joy of accompanying and witnessing the growth process, giving encouragement and watching them grow, was exclusive to nurturing fans.

With twenty-four trainees gathered together, fans' eyes were searching for their favorite idols, and once found, their phone cameras immediately aimed in that direction.

The feeling of meeting trainees in real life that one had only seen through screens was hard to describe. It was exciting yet subtle, as real people often differed from how they appeared on programs. Though there were no filters, it felt more authentic.

Every time they went to the performance venue, fans could see the trainees' casual wear, which gave them a feeling of getting a glimpse into their idols' private lives, making them excited.

Today, Qin Lu wore a dark green jacket without a hat. Suddenly, a fan with a particularly good voice shouted, "Lu Ge, your shoelace is untied!"

Qin Lu, who was talking to his teammates, paused for a moment and subconsciously looked down.

Then he realized he had been tricked: "..."

Being fooled by such a simple joke, Qin Lu looked up at the fans and blinked slowly, asking, "Who said that?"

The fans burst into laughter, some recording Qin Lu's momentary confused reaction with their phones, while others teased that the sister was too naughty.

"Lu Lu will remember this and take revenge hahaha!"

"Hahaha, who did it! Why are you teasing our Lu Ge like this!"

"It's her, it's her, it's her——"

The fan who acted on a whim to see Qin Lu's reaction blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed when meeting Qin Lu's gaze from a distance. All the fans thought she was going to perform a complete turnaround, but her instinctive first reaction when facing Qin Lu was to mutter under her breath, "Ah, so handsome, Lu Ge."

Qin Lu: "..."

The trainees around him couldn't help but chuckle.

The fan was relieved that she was wearing a mask, otherwise if Qin Lu remembered her next time and associated her with today's "bold words," her impression of her would directly turn into a bad one.

No, today she seemed to have become a girlfriend fan, but it didn't matter.

Because the fans were laughing all the time, it wasn't clear if they were laughing at the fans or at Qin Lu, so when the bus arrived, Qin Lu waved goodbye to them and was the first to board the bus.

"Sisters are really wolves hahaha."

"I'm just amazed. If it were me who Qin Lu was staring at, I definitely wouldn't dare to speak like that... although I wish I could."

The pickup photos wouldn't reveal any details about the performance, so the fans quickly uploaded the videos and photos to various apps, especially the video from today.

The support near the venue was already underway, but because they couldn't set up too early, it had just started, and the scene was still chaotic.

The trainees had entered the venue for rehearsal from the back door both times, so they hadn't met the busy fans.

There were only four stages left for the fourth performance, so the rehearsal time was much more relaxed, not as rushed.

During the rehearsal for the first two groups, Qin Lu and his group received the costumes prepared by the program team.

As foreigner Toeisup, it was the first time for him to come into contact with traditional Chinese costumes in real life, and except for Qin Lu, the other teammates had only seen them in TV dramas.

After all, it was a talent show stage, so the costumes prepared by the program team were not entirely traditional Chinese style.

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