Chapter 231 - 232

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Finally, Qin Lu posted on Weibo, still about the scheduling, it's like dropping a stone into a boiling pot of oil, Lu's fans are getting excited.

Originally, fans speculated that the scheduling would be about a week early, but unexpectedly, it was only two days earlier when it was officially announced. Suddenly caught off guard, they happily and nervously began to prepare.

The major fans are unprecedentedly active, posting hundreds of Weibo posts a day, fearing that some fans might not know that the TV series is about to air, or not know how to effectively promote Qin Lu while watching.

In fact, it's not difficult for casual fans to watch the show and do data at the same time, as long as they know how to do it, it's just a matter of doing it casually, without consuming much time and effort.

The major fans in Lu's circle are actively educating fans with small pieces of knowledge, such as on online platforms, TV dramas are aired for VIP and regular users at different times. March 10th is a Friday, non-member users can watch one episode per day from the day of broadcast, while VIP users can watch three episodes each on Fridays and Saturdays.

So if fans can't wait to watch it first and want to become a VIP for Qin Lu, then the first video to watch after becoming a VIP must be "Journey to the Immortal Mountain." The platform backend will automatically track data, counting how many new members each drama brings in based on the first drama watched by new member users. Although it may not necessarily benefit Qin Lu, it won't hurt either, it doesn't consume much anyway, it's better to pay attention to it.

In addition, if you send barrage comments, VIP members can choose to use Qin Lu as their avatar. When sending barrage comments, there will be a prefix "Qin Lu:" in front of them. This way, the names in front of the barrage comments are counted as data, but it doesn't seem like fans are forcibly mentioning Qin Lu's name in irrelevant parts of the plot, and the content of the barrage comments is just normal discussions about the plot.

"Journey to the Immortal Mountain" is first released online. Major fans suggest that casual fans watch it online first, and then watch it on TV later to increase viewership. On the day of the broadcast, the drama team bought trending topics for promotion, and fans were very active, waiting eagerly to rush in at the appointed time.

At eight o'clock sharp, Gu Qingqing had already ordered takeout in advance, feeling refreshed and ready to watch a TV series from the first episode for the first time.

She had always followed idols, and this was the first time she was a fan of an actor as well, so she had watched countless variety shows but watching a TV series was still fresh to her.

It's really lucky to have a worry-free idol, not worrying about the day when there's nothing to watch. From variety shows, albums, songs, stages, to film and television, every day is super fulfilling.

"Journey to the Immortal Mountain" is a well-known big IP, an adaptation of an IP into a TV series. The usual process for book fans is to protest and resist the adaptation at first, believing that no one can play the role of their beloved characters as well as they imagined. However, if the word of mouth is really good after the broadcast, there will still be a part of them who can't help but want to take a look at how bad it is. If the drama is really well-made, they might go from criticizing to enjoying it.

Although there will definitely be some book fans who firmly separate the original work from the adaptation and will never click on it, not everyone minds the adaptation. If the adaptation respects the original work and the actors perform seriously and skillfully, people will still watch it.

Gu Qingqing was watching with barrage comments, feeling nervous after watching the trailer. Now, not only is she not worried about seeing negative comments in the barrage, she's even looking forward to the most direct reactions from the public.

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