Chapter 144

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Infinite9's fan sign event consists of three sessions, scheduled in Huainan City, Yuma City, and Viking City.

This means that fans who purchase the album have three chances to win a spot, with each ID information only eligible for one win, and cannot participate in subsequent events. When entering the venue, ID information will be checked to confirm that the ticket holder is present.

This approach not only prevents scalpers from disrupting the market and reselling tickets at high prices but also ensures strict verification of ID information at entry to avoid any disorder caused by anti-fans. After all, their identities can easily be traced, and most anti-fans are unwilling to risk legal consequences for their actions, as there's a fundamental difference between real-life and online behavior.

Infinite9's popularity has been visibly skyrocketing, and the enthusiasm of their fans, both online and offline, is different from that of actors. Therefore, a large number of security personnel have been arranged on-site to prevent any accidents caused by overly excited fans.

The members flew to Huainan City for the first fan sign event. It's now autumn, with temperatures neither cold nor hot, and the vegetation in the north has already started to turn yellow.

Their outfits and hairstyles were carefully designed by the company's team. Each member's style for each fan sign event would be completely different, providing fans with a greater sense of surprise.

Most fans arrived in Huainan City the night before. Many fans who planned to meet up had arranged to share a hotel room in advance to avoid loneliness and ensure safety, especially in a unfamiliar city, and it also helped save costs.

Before the fan sign event started, fans could explore and enjoy the local attractions and cuisine in Huainan City together, as if they were on a short vacation while meeting their idol, which made them super happy.

Gu Qingqing was just like that. Qin Lu wasn't the first idol she chased, but it was her first time winning a fan sign event ticket purely by luck—

Seeing that even a girl who bought two hundred albums couldn't win a ticket, she felt incredibly lucky to have won one with just five albums. Her luck was truly unbelievable.

It felt so magical. Ever since she started supporting Qin Lu, Gu Qingqing, who used to have terrible luck, felt like her fortunes had changed.

She decided that she would make a wish to Qin Lu's card before every exam from now on.

May the blessings of Lu be upon her!

The first fan sign event was held outdoors. The weather was as good as the fans' mood, with rare clear skies in Huainan City and pleasant temperatures.

In fact, it wasn't just the fans who were nervous; Infinite9 members were also about to have their first close encounter with fans. They had imagined what their future fan sign events would be like before debut, and now that it was happening, they couldn't help but feel excited and expectant, even though they didn't show it.

The expected start time was 2 p.m., but most fans had been waiting nearby for several hours in advance.

The queue for entry started at 1:30 p.m., as announced by the official rules. The members would sit in a row, giving each fan the opportunity for a close interaction. If the time exceeded the limit, staff would remind them.

Gu Qingqing couldn't contain her excitement while waiting in line. She chatted on Weibo with her friends and saw posts from big fans she followed who had already arrived, sharing their plane tickets and location tags.

The well-known fierce fan of the Lu circle, "Momma Bear of Furious Lu Babies," joyfully informed everyone that she had won a ticket.

The comments section was full of laughter at Gu Qingqing's expense. Unlike the usual "congratulations" or "I'm jealous" comments found under other big fans' posts, all Lu fans were nervously asking Momma Bear to protect herself and avoid getting exposed by Liao fans. They even suggested getting a privacy screen protector for her phone to prevent Liao fans from recognizing her and wanting to beat her up.

Although it was a joke, it was quite comedic, especially since Momma Bear was known for her strong retaliations during previous disputes between the two fan groups. Many Liao fans probably wanted to bury her in anger.

Momma Bear replied with a spy emoji wearing sunglasses, indicating that she would wear a mask. She also reassured everyone that she was actually very nice in real life, so they didn't need to worry.

Thinking about the possibility of having many familiar content creators and various big fans around her, Gu Qingqing felt quite amazed.

As one of the early birds, Gu Qingqing was among the first batch to enter the venue. The queue was spiral-shaped to save space, and long tables with each member's name tag were already set up inside, with huge group posters behind them.

All the fans excitedly looked at the name tags, searching for their idols' names. Once found, they couldn't help but smile, then took out their phones to take pictures of the huge posters behind the long tables.

Almost everyone wanted to take the posters home, but unfortunately, they couldn't. The posters used were enlarged versions of the "IFN Galaxy" album, and the members' positions had been edited, leaving many fans feeling like their idols were at a disadvantage.

Overall, it felt like heaven here.

The venue started playing Infinite9's new songs as fans entered, and the moment the intro started, all fans couldn't help but scream with excitement.

After several days, fans had learned the songs and could sing along. Listening to the album on repeat a hundred times was standard, and they even found themselves unconsciously swaying along to the music, imagining themselves dancing handsomely and even pausing "devilishly" along with the rhythm—

Although it was just random gestures, it brought them immense joy.

The catchy hooks and intense electronic beats gradually got the fans excited.

The scene could be described as a large daytime rave.

As the clock struck half past two, Gu Qingqing, who had been chatting with her friends on Weibo, heard the deafening screams from the venue.

Infinite9 had arrived.

The first to walk out from backstage was Han Suyan. He was dressed in a casual suit, his tall and slender figure complemented by the well-fitted silver-gray suit, giving off a restrained and elegant vibe. With a rare silver-gray hair color, his features were so refined that they didn't seem human, and coupled with his slightly aloof expression, he looked like an inorganic, artificially modeled figure.

He was followed closely by the other members of Infinite9. As each of the nine members walked out from backstage one by one, the feelings of the fans at that moment were beyond imagination.

Your idol must be seen in person. Each member looked several times better in real life than on camera.

And you could be in the same space with them, even catch their gaze and exchange smiles.

This was the paradise fans longed for.

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