Chapter 10 - Thank you, professional habit

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The mentors originally thought they had seen all kinds of 98 practice students and shouldn't be surprised by anyone anymore. But there must be a reason why the production team put this person last.

First of all, the first impression is his height, and then his attire, as if he's about to attend a press conference the next second. The white suit looks very delicate, although simple in style, but the tailoring complements his figure, making him look exceptionally tall and straight.

The lighting in the audience area is dim, and it's hard to see clearly. When he walked onto the stage, even the mentors couldn't help but stare blankly for a moment.

No wonder the production team put him last. If he had appeared first, the following practice students would definitely pale in comparison. Even now, if he were to be in the same frame with other practice students, it would likely have the same effect.

"Wow, are there really people in real life who look this good?" Land the Talker, who seems to have more energy than others, still looks very lively.

The person next to him, who had gone from feeling hopeless to seeing Han Suyan, suddenly regained some spirit: "Really good looking... I shouldn't have come to this program. My skills can't match up. I thought I could get by with my face, but now it seems impossible."

The people around are also very helpless. "If my face is in the same frame as his, who will look at me?"

"Don't mention it. I realize what 'being overshadowed in the same frame' means. I thought it was just an exaggeration, but now it seems that there really is a gap between people's innate conditions."

"If I were to debut with him, it would mean being compared in the same frame every day. Just thinking about it is terrifying, bro."

The mentors couldn't help but stare at Han Suyan up and down several times. This is really a case of being blessed by the heavens. If his skills are also acceptable, there won't be much trouble in the short term. Even if he doesn't know anything, he can probably become a flower vase male lead in a web series and still have plenty of girls paying for his face.

"Hello, teachers, I'm Han Suyan. Twenty years old, majoring in law at Beijing University." Han Suyan, wearing a business-style white suit that looks very out of place, spoke calmly and deliberately, sounding like a young entrepreneur giving a speech at an award ceremony.

"... Law major?" Yin Suli felt that this program was really amazing. Where did they dig up so many hardware-able but not professionally suitable layman elites? She looked at the information and was a bit shocked. "...Peking University? The one in Beijing?"

Han Suyan: "Yeah."

Wow. Yin Suli subconsciously raised her eyebrows and said frankly, "Why did you, a law student, come to participate in a singing and dancing talent show?"

Han Suyan, who has looked extremely calm since he stepped onto the stage, responded calmly as if he were basking in the sun in his own backyard: "All personal choices that do not violate the law are the freedom of citizens."

Yin Suli: "..."

She felt a familiar heartache sensation.

Yin Suli: "You're quite unique, aren't you?"

Han Suyan was very honest: "For now, I am. When I graduate with my doctorate, maybe not."

Yin Suli: "..."

Okay, you're quite rigorous.

Producer Cui Zhihao tried his best to control himself from laughing out loud, coughed once, and conscientiously continued the process: "Have you ever had any contact with singing and dancing before coming here?"

Han Suyan: "Yes and no."

Cui Zhihao almost choked. These practice students are a bit difficult to deal with one by one. He commented very tactfully, "Indeed very rigorous."

Han Suyan: "Thank you, professional habit. I'm trying to change. I'm learning how to make my words more flawed, but it's difficult, and it takes some time."

Cui Zhihao quickly lowered his head, tried to breathe deeply, and controlled himself from laughing too exaggeratedly.

Yin Suli took a deep breath. "Has anyone ever said you're more suited to be a comedian than a member of a boy band?"

She was just joking, but Han Suyan actually showed a serious expression of recollection, then nodded, "The director did say that after watching my interview performance."

The mentors suddenly became very curious. What kind of stage could have such an effect?

Yao Chen asked him, "Are you going to perform a dance?"

Han Suyan: "Yes and no."

Yao Chen: "Please start your performance."

Han Suyan went through the process very strictly and nodded calmly.

The practice students were all guessing what he would perform, but Han Suyan is a man who surprises everyone.

When the prelude began, everyone's expressions became very dull.

Han Suyan, with delicate features and a calm demeanor, performed very standard and meticulous movements, not even the slightest bit of slacking, and even his expression management was impeccable. It's just that the movements and music were too familiar—

The National Middle School Radio Calisthenics.

The entire studio echoed with the loud and passionate "one, two, three, four" "two, two, three, four."

It was so subversive that the mentors forgot to stop him, and the venue was silent, only the brainwashing and resounding broadcast, after listening to the whole set, even felt a bit invigorating.

Close to three in the morning, with Yin Suli's mind full of radio calisthenics, the surrealistic creative performance ended.

Han Suyan had no intention of being perfunctory; he was very serious.

After the performance, Producer Cui Zhihao said, "We already know where your strength lies. But why did you choose to perform this... radio calisthenics? Is it because it's relatively simple?"

Han Suyan: "Yes and no."

The mentors had already started to get used to his rigidly rigorous beginnings—

He continued with: "This is my philosophy of learning. Whether it's difficult or simple, if you practice it for ten years, you will definitely be able to do it perfectly. I have severe OCD in various aspects. If I don't do something well, I'll do it ten thousand times until it's perfect. Dancing is the same."

"I may lack talent in this area. But if I practice ten thousand times, just like the calisthenics just now, I can do it as well as someone with talent."

Han Suyan was not joking from beginning to end; he was using another simple and understandable way to tell everyone his life philosophy and his absolutely non-dragging belief.

Yin Suli found it interesting. Han Suyan's behavior has always been somewhat unpredictable. She picked up the microphone with interest and asked, "Do you know that your current level is F?"

He didn't use his previous rigid sentence structure "yes and no" and instead politely smiled.

"I do."

The practice students felt a strong sense of fighting spirit rising from their hearts, straight to the sky. With just one sentence, the gunpowder smell, which had already been surging, and the competitiveness that had been suppressed in their hearts, were directly pushed to the surface.

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