Chapter 31

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The ticket price wasn't high, it was almost considered a "bargain", after all, the trainees were still just idol reserves, not officially debuted yet.

However, despite the fact that the number of people scrambling for tickets couldn't even compare to third-tier idols, the enthusiasm of Show fans was unmatched by the relatively indifferent seniors' fans who had already debuted.

Some people relied on their previous ticket grabbing experience to find computers with fast internet speeds, while others paid someone to use a bot, and after going online, the tickets were sold out in a very short time.

Those who managed to get tickets happily shared screenshots in the "Infinite Youth" super topic.

[Have you voted today v: [Infinite Youth Super Topic] Qin Lu, I can finally go see you! Excited to go downstairs and jog around, always unlucky, but since I started liking Qin Lu, it seems like my luck has been improving! You know, before, I bought ten scratch-off tickets, and didn't win a single one, the last one I gave to a classmate, and they won twenty [crying laughingly] I never thought I could grab a ticket today, magical!]

At first, the comments below were filled with lemon emojis and a few congratulations from Qin Lu's fans. But after a certain comment appeared, gradually, starting from who knows who, everyone started to divert the discussion to make wishes and pray for good luck—

[Eating oranges or grapefruits v: I just finished reading this Weibo and then I went into the game and drew a card, and I actually got an SSSR!!!]

Actually, if you look at it rationally, the traffic coming into the "Infinite Youth" super topic is quite large, and this post is easily seen floating at the top. In such a large base, these kinds of small lucky events are not uncommon. But since a certain online shopping platform exploded with a lucky "goldfish" that swept the entire network, everyone likes to follow suit and repost similar Weibo posts that have good luck. It's just riding on the wave of joy, making a wish without spending much time or money.

So this Weibo, which originally only had dozens of likes, was reposted more and more, and the comments and reposts gradually became unrelated to the original post, with everyone making their own wishes.

The fans of each Weibo account are not necessarily all star chasers, so when they see a Weibo reposted to the homepage, they just give it a like without knowing who Qin Lu is. But to not seem too out of touch, they also respect the original Weibo, so even if some don't know who Qin Lu is, they still casually add, "Qin Lu, bless me to make a fortune this year."

This Weibo unexpectedly gained some attention, although it's not breaking the internet, at least it brushed against the awareness of some people who don't follow talent shows, giving them a bit of an impression of this name.

Training base.

Each group practiced intensively, spending these two days working overtime to rehearse the newly modified moves and formations, striving to deliver the best performance on stage in the limited time available.

The afternoon before the public performance, all trainees boarded a bus to the recording venue and conducted a nighttime rehearsal.

Because of the large number of people, there was little time for each group to rehearse separately, and the time allocated to each team was limited, with the overall pace being so fast that it felt like flying.

In order to save time, not only were the trainees too busy to sleep, but the program team also stayed up all night to adjust the lighting and stage effects for the best results.

The four mentors actually only needed to watch one run-through of each group's rehearsal and give a few comments and guidance, leaving the trainees to make the necessary adjustments themselves. But after spending some time with these trainees, the four mentors had become familiar with them and truly felt like they were watching their own students, so they stayed longer than necessary, correcting the mistakes of trainees who clearly needed guidance.

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