Chapter 90

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The theme and overall style of the band's performance needed to be decided first.

The most basic and common style is the pop genre, with a light and pleasant atmosphere suitable for a fresh stage style.

They first ruled out the rock style and heavy metal genre. These two styles are relatively difficult for the trainees to handle, and the stage is not easy to control. So, they settled between the country style and Jazz.

The jazzy style and the warm and comfortable country style are relatively easy for the trainees to adapt to and rehearse together as a temporary group. Moreover, both styles have a wider audience compared to rock or punk. Many European and American pop singers have globally popular songs that can be adapted.

Wei Zige had some ideas when it came to song selection. He wanted to try rearranging and designing a rearrangement of a relatively unpopular European and American country-style song and write lyrics that matched the mood with his teammates.

The final song selection was "Falling In Summer."

Due to the limited time, after deciding on the band's performance song, each member chose their own solo stage performance project.

Qin Lu originally lacked an understanding of the world's songs, and he hadn't been able to access the internet during this time. The iPad provided by the staff only had a few songs related to the performances pre-saved. Therefore, there weren't suitable options for him to choose from.

So Qin Lu didn't agonize over various songs like other trainees did. Instead, he quickly submitted the song he wanted to perform on stage.

Although Qin Lu rarely listened to songs in his previous life, he still knew a few familiar ones. Besides the one he performed on the initial stage, there was another song he really liked. Since accompaniments didn't exist in this world, when Qin Lu submitted his choice, he simply indicated that he would use a friend's original song, just like during the initial evaluation.

"Original song?" When the staff received Qin Lu's submission, they were a bit surprised. "Are you sure you don't want to reconsider? According to the performance songs I've received, many of them are already popular songs with their own buzz and topics. I haven't heard of this song. Can we find an audio source online?"

Qin Lu shook his head. "There's no audio source."

When the staff met Qin Lu's clear, translucent eyes, their tone softened a bit. "Have you figured out how to solve this problem?"

Qin Lu replied with an "Mm," indicating he already had an idea.

The staff didn't ask any further. They weren't worried that Qin Lu would mess up the final stage. Instead, they were a bit excited.

Based on Qin Lu's performance in the past, he wasn't an impulsive person. He must have had a plan before making such an important stage decision.

An original song. The staff recalled Qin Lu's singing during the initial evaluation and still had a serious expression on their face, but they were secretly excited.

On the second day at noon when the rules were announced, all the trainees submitted detailed information about their team performance songs and individual stage performances. The next step was to allocate time for practice reasonably.

The preparation time for the debut night was longer than the previous performances, so it didn't feel like there was not enough time as before. However, the pressure was even greater because the performance would take place at the Silver Torch Stadium. The outcome was closely related to whether they could successfully debut as a group. Even the trainees with the best psychological resilience couldn't help but feel a bit nervous.

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