Chapter 107

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"Hey, isn't that Qin Lu?" The girl who came to the airport to pick someone up nudged her friend. "It really looks like him."

Her friend, who wasn't interested in idol stars, glanced casually. "Uh, how can you tell when he's all covered up like that? You're too much."

"You're not familiar with him. I can tell it's him right away... You wouldn't understand."

"I don't understand what you're saying, haha. But yeah, it's possible. Didn't you say he signed with New He Entertainment? That's here in our city."

"Damn, that makes sense!"

"So, if you want to see him in the future, you can just wait outside the company. Seems pretty easy to run into him."

"Oh, no, that's not okay. That's like... private stalking... I can't explain it to you."

As the two spoke, a tall, slim boy in casual sportswear had already picked up his suitcase and gotten into a taxi.

After giving the address of New He Entertainment, Qin Lu sat in the back seat and looked out the window. This world resembled the place he used to live, but every detail was completely different. For example, there wasn't anyone he recognized, and Yijing City was also a very unfamiliar city to him.

Like Huayan City, Yijing City belonged to one of the top four cities in the country. As the taxi gradually entered the urban area from the airport, the street facilities were very similar to the capital of his previous life.

New He Entertainment was located relatively far from the city center, in the opposite direction from the airport. So, all the way there, Qin Lu was practically crossing the entire Yijing City, which allowed him to become a little more familiar with the city.

He could see many huge billboards advertising various brands in the large shopping malls along the way. Qin Lu had an excellent memory, so after seeing them once, he had a basic impression of the currently popular brands.

Most of the celebrities appearing on the giant billboards on the side of the malls were now well-known A-listers in the country. Qin Lu originally didn't understand this world, although he had studied a bit through the internet after getting his phone, the information conveyed by the appearance of the malls was the most direct and effective.

Qin Lu silently memorized a lot of information along the way, which might be useful for recording variety shows or movies in the future.

He also saw some familiar faces among them, such as the sports brand endorsed by Mentor Yin Suli and the luxury jewelry endorsed by Lucy.

His phone vibrated twice, and Qin Lu unlocked it.

[Liao Junchen: I've arrived.]

Qin Lu glanced at the remaining time displayed on the navigation and quickly replied.

[Hmm, I still have about fifteen minutes.]

Liao Junchen replied even faster. His style of sending messages was as concise as his speech: [Okay].

Just after Qin Lu finished speaking with Liao Junchen, a message from Fan Xi also came in, also in text but completely different from Liao Junchen's style -

[Fan Xi: Lu! How long until you arrive! I brought hot pot ingredients for you haha, hurry up!!]

Qin Lu looked at Fan Xi's hot pot profile picture and silently shook his head.

[A quarter of an hour, soon.]

[Fan Xi: Ah, it's already been three days! I feel like I haven't had a good time for two days and I have to go back to work... But Lu, I miss you so much [Groundhog Roaring.gif]]

After Transmigrating Into a Male Idol Talent ShowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang