𝙸𝚜 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚛??

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It had been a few days later since the Vees knew that Alastor was back.

Velvette was walking through the hall, trying to find the boys. She couldn't find them anywhere. So she was heading toward their living room. She suddenly heard a loud groan. It was clearly Vox and it was coming from the living room. Velvette raised her eyebrow and kept walking towards the room. She suddenly heard Vox groan again. “Aaah!! Val!!! That hurts!!“He spoke. “I'm trying to get it in!!“ Val responded. Velvette stopped once she reached the door, now hesitant to go in. “Ah! That's to deep!“ Vox yelled. “I have get it in!“ Val responded. Velvette waited for a moment, contemplating if she should go in or not. She decided to walk in and saw Valentino messing with the back of Vox's head. Vox looked irritated. Velvette raised her eyebrow. “What the fuck is going on?“ Velvette asked. Val turned towards her. “Someone thought it was a good idea to slam his head into the desk.“ Val spoke. Vox just crossed his arms and flinched when Val put the screwdriver in his head. Velvette stood next to Valentino, watching him. Valentino looked at the instructions on how to fix an angry T.V man's head and squinted his eyes. “Can you even see, Val?“ Vel asked. Val continued to squint at the paper then at Vox's head. “Oh for fucks sake, Valentino. Let me see.“ She suddenly snatched the paper out of his hands. “It says, put a screw right there.“ Velvette spoke. Valentino just did what she said.

After a few screams and arguments they mange to get it done. “Thank Lucifer.“ Vox spoke and stood up. “Yeah, anyways. What I came in here for.“ Vel began. Vox and Val raised their eyebrows. “There are these stupid paparazzi's outside and I can't get through, without them wanting to ask me questions or trying to get something off of me.“ Velvette. “And why are you telling us this?“ Val raised his eyebrow. Velvette frowned. “Because you motherfuckers are coming with me to get them out of the way!“ She suddenly grabbed their hands and started dragging them. Vox and Valentino just allowed it to happen.

They reached the outside and saw how many people there really were. “Ha! I'll handle them.“ Vox spoke and started walking towards them. "Voxxy hold on-" Val began. "Hush Valentino, I got this." Vox soke. "Are you sure?" Velvette spoke. "Yes, I got this, you two." Vox responded. The people looked towards him and impatiently wanted there question to be answered. “Dear people!“ Vox started to use his hypnotic abilities but a microphone was shoved in front of his face and his sentence was cut off, along with his hypnosis. "Mister Vox!!!" "Sir!!!" When are we gonna get angelic protection?!?" "Vox!!!" "Do ya think there will be any more exterminations??" They all bombarded him with questions and were attempting to touch him. They surrounded Vox and pulled him into the crowd. “HOLD ON!!! PUT ME DOWN!! AAUH!!“ Vox shouted. Valentino and Velvette just watched him try to get free. They stood there for a good while, Velvette even decided to snap a picture of it. Valentino raised his eyebrow. "HELP" Vox shouted for Val and Vel. “Should we help him?“ Velvette asked. Valentino stayed quiet for a moment. “Might as well...“ Val spoke. Val stepped out in front. The people attention was turned towards him. They asked him a multitude of questions. Then suddenly Valentino let out his wings and flapped them a strong breeze pushed away the people. Velvette came up and stood behind him. People saw Val unravel his wings and wanted to get closer and touch them, Val flapped his wings again. “Get back!“ Val shouted. The reporters and paparazzi went flying backwards but that didn't stop them from trying. Vox decided to dash behind Valentino to hide with Velvette. “You had it all under control didn't you?“ Velvette spoke and looked at Vox. “Shut up.“ Vox responded and looked away. They all started walking through the crowd and Valentino would flap his wings when he needed to.

“Sir! Sir! Vox! Sir! Is Is Velvette your daughter sir?? Is she?!“ A sudden reporter spoke. The quesgion caught Vox attention and he chuckled. “Well she might as well be since we are always together...“ Vox spoke and suddenly Velvette jabbed him in his stomach. He let out a groan. “He is NOT my father!!“ Velvette shouted. “She's lying...“ Vox whispered. “Vox!!!“ Velvette shouted. Then they were suddenly pulled into a little alleyway by Valentino. The people looked like a horde of bulls running past them.

“I'm gonna kill you-” Velvette spoke and looked at Vox with irritated expression. “Calm down Velvette. They probably don't even believe it.“ Vox spoke. “Oh, they believe it.“ Valentino spoke and showed them his phone  with a post that read “VELVETTE IS VOX'S DAUGHTER!!! IT BEEN CONFIRMED!!!“ Under it had a short video of Vox saying she might as well be his daughter. Vox just busted out laughing. Velvette looked like she wanted to kill him.

854 words~

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