𝚅𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎'𝚜 𝚗𝚊𝚙

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(I'm back! Hopefully I'll be able to update like I usually do.)

At Velvette's runway

Velvette had the girls putting on a show. She had the girls walk up to stage with a good-looking outfit and show it off. "Come on girls! Smile! Smile!" Velvette yelled. The girls were trying to do what she said so they wouldn't make her to mad. "Lindsey fix that strand of hair sticking out! Melissa! Tuck in the shirt! Xia go put on a different shade of lipstick, it doesn't match the dress!" She yelled. "I swear you bitches have absolutely no fashion sense..." Velvette mumbled to herself.

After the show she had to look at some of the outfits that the girls made and she rejected over 80 percent of them. She was very irritated on how the girls made outfits that she didn't like. She was now walking towards the living room. The first thing she heard was Vox and Valentino fighting. "Oh my fucking god... I just got home..." Velvette spoke and started to walk towards them. She walked towards them, she saw Val turned away from Vox while Vox was trying to get his attention. "What is going on?" Velvette asked. Vox turned towards her. "Val is being a gaint baby because I won't have sex with him." Vox spoke. "You fucking promised me yesterday you asshole." Val spoke. "Yeah and I changed my mind cause I didn't feel like it." Vox responded. "You can't just change you fucking mind!" Val spoke. "You fucking whore, you always want sex! That's all you think about, sex!!" Vox spoke. "You have sex with any fucking body." Vox spoke. "I do not!!" Val snapped and looked at him. "Yes you do!" Vox responded. "Oh, Shut up you fucking Radio demon simp!!!" Val yelled then turned away again. Vox snapped his head towards Valentino. "Excuse me?" Vox spoke. "You heard me, you literally have a whole Alastor collection in your room. You fucking bitchy ass-" Val was suddenly cut off by Vox grabbing his face and jerking towards. "Valentino, do NOT bring Alastor into the conversation." Vox spoke in a low voice. Despite the pain, Val wasn't going to lose this argument. "I bet Alastor is a better business partner." Val spoke, clearly trying to piss him off. "BETTER? BETTER??? HOW THE-" Vox began. "ALRIGHT. ALRIGHT. That's enough, the both of you are acting like gaint fucking babies." Velvette interrupted which caused Vox to let go of Val. "He fucking started it." Vox spoke. "Did not." Val responded. "Yes-" Vox began. "OH MY GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Velvette suddenly yelled and it caught the both of them off guard. "For fucks sake all you guys do is fight!!! That's you twos favorite thing besides sex!! Fuck then fight! Fight the fuck! I don't get it!! I dont fucking get it!!!" She yelled. They both stayed quiet for a moment. "Babydoll-" Val began. "No! I just got home from some bitches who have NO fashion sense and piss me off them I get home to deal with your idiotic asses." She continued. They both of them stayed quiet again. Velvette took a deep breath. "I'm going to take a nap, the least you guys can do is leave me alone." Velvette went over to the sofa to lay down and take a nap.

After a while she fell asleep. Vox and Valentino sat on opposite sides of the room and just glared at each other. "Aplogize." Val spoke. "You fucking aplogize." Vox responded. There was a long pause. "I'm sorry." Val spoke. "You're forgiven, I'm sorry." Vox responded. "You are forgiven as well." Val spoke. "I love you." Vox spoke his gaze softened as he spoke. Val just gave him a glare. "Val don't be like that. I know you love me." Vox started walking towards him. Valentino turned away from him. "Come on baby..." He titled Val's head up towards him. Valentino couldn't help but let out a slight smile. "There's that beautiful little smile. I love that little smile." Vox teased then gave Val a gentle kiss on the lips. "Okay stop... You asshole..." Val was gently pushing him away. "No~" Vox got on top of Val and started to smother him with kisses. Valentino let out soft laughter and squeaks.

Velvette suddenly turned over uncomfortably and it caused both of them to look towards her. "Is she alright?" Val spoke. She suddenly shifted uncomfortably again. They looked at each other than at Velvette. "Go see what's wrong." Vox spoke. "Why me??" Val responded. "Because I said so go check." Vox spoke and got off of him. Valentino rolled his eyes and went to check on her. Valentino got on his knees to see what was wrong. "She's cold, go get her a blanket." Val spoke. Vox just did what Val said. "And get her another pillow too!" Val continued. A very irritated sigh could be heard coming from Vox in the other room.

Once he came back, they both placed the blanket over her and placed the pillow under her head. She looked much more relaxed. They both smiled as they looked at her. "Let's let her have her nap, she's had a long day." Val spoke and stood up. Vox went over to turn off the lights. "Goodnight babydoll." Val spoke as they existed the room. Vox just smiled as they left. "You wanna have that sex I promised." Vox asked. "Fuck yeah." Val spoke. Then they went to the bedroom and did the dirty. (I don't feel like writing smut so use your imagination ig)

914 words~

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