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  Lucy's POV
  It had taken months for my parents to agree for me to come live with the pack. I love it here but dad has always hated pack life and hierarchy and all that bullshit. I personally didn't mind it and I was so happy they finally let me come. Mum just found out she was pregnant again so that spurred Their decision to let me come early, I was never going to find a mate on a deserted island, it was lonely growing up there watching my parents so In love all the time, it's a hard pill to swallow so I was happy to come back and find my own way. I sat on the deck waiting for the girls to finish getting ready for some dinner. Isla hasn't shut up about the meatball that was coming, completely harmless but she loved to watch Jake's reaction and I had to agree it was fun to make him squirm.
  Deacon and Ailm came out to the deck and took the seat next to me, he never left her side, not that I blame him after everything and it didn't bother me because they weren't any different around them. They were still completely crazy and had a total death wish but I loved them both a lot.
  "Do you think you will miss the heat?"
  I lay back on the daybed and look to the sky, it was getting dark now and the stars were coming out
  "No, as long as I can watch the stars I'm good"
  I loved the sky, there is nothing better than laying under the stars to sleep. The cold or heat didn't bother me much and at home I spent most of my time camping or laying on the balcony.
  "Well we have plenty of those"
  The doorbell rings and deacon gets up kissing Ailm on the head before he leaves. I hear someone talking, I ignore it as I lay back and look at the sky but a buzz of energy runs past me and stops dead in front of my feet.
  He was outrageously handsome, definitely as Ailm and Isla described. Jason Momoa's younger hotter brother, long dirty blonde hair pulled back and in a bun of the back of his head and the added scruffy short beard almost made him look even better. His eyes were silver, they were bright and luminous under the moon, they basically glowed and I swear I could see right into his soul with those eyes. His build was all momoa and damn he was built like a wall, all muscles and curves. He wore brown shorts and a vest T-shirt that gave me an amazing view of his tight toned stomach, Tribal Tattoos and all and fuck he was humpable.
  My mouth went dry as I looked him over. I had never seen a human being this good looking before and I've seen some serious lookers. A little voice in my head that I didn't recognise forced its way forward making me sit up with my jaw on the floor. He kneels down in front of me and wags his finger at me. His eyes swirl and I feel almost hypnotised but them.
  "Come on little wolf, come forward and tell me what you see"
  A presence I've never felt before woke up and started to purr through my lips.
  It said, I had no control of my body as she purred at the man in front of me.
  "As you are mine. Now go back until you are ready to come back again, give control back to your human"
  She started to whimper, his eyes never leaving mine.
  "You will see me again soon"
  Suddenly she was gone. I took a breath and blinked
  "What the fuck just happened?"
  I looked to Ailm and deacon who looked as confused as I felt, I looked back at momoa for an answer
  "We are mates little wolf but I had to be sure so I called on your wolf early so she could confirm it"
  Mates? With the walking sex god infront of me? He called on my wolf early? How? Damn I'm so confused. He puts his hand out to me and I frown at it and poke it and it buzzes, scaring me. I snap my hand back and Ailm starts to laugh
  "What is so funny?"
  "That's the matebond. Hold his hand I promise it won't hurt you"
  I could read him as Intouch him. I took his hand and a bolt of electricity ran straight through my body right to my core, I groaned at the feeling, taking a breath. When I get used to the feeling I read him. My head snaps back and I'm pulled into his head.
  "Mate. Mate. Mates in head, mates in our head"
  I chuckle at his beautiful brown and white wolf
  "He showed me his trick so I'm showing you mine. What's your name wolf?"
  "Nice to meet you Jasper"
  Suddenly I'm pulled back to reality as Momoa jumps up and away from me, snapping his hand back. I chuckle as he looks at me like I have 10 heads.
  "What the fuck was that?"
  "My party trick, what's your name?"
  "Jax. What are you?"
  He growls and steps back. His eyes darted to everyone but me. Ailm steps forward with her hands up
  "She doesn't even know. I never even thought about this, please don't blame her for something that happened hundreds of years ago please"
  Now I'm the confused one
  "What happened? What do you mean?"
  I look at him and back at my family, they all look around awkwardly, Jax steps up and his face is hard and so is his eyes.
  "Your kind eradicated mine. Your kind were made to kill my kind"
  "I'm confused, are you not a wolf?"
  "No im Lycan"
  I was still confused,
  "I don't get it? Why are you mad at me?"
  His jaw ticks and he looks pissed as he closes his fists, his knuckles turn white
  "Because you were born to kill me and my people and I'm meant to mate with you? Your kind basically killed off my entire existence. How am I meant to trust you around my pack? How can I be sure you won't do the same to them. I can't fucking believe this. I'm sorry I need to go"
  He storms off leaving me, my jaw was on the floor as I look to the water unable to say or even think, well except for fuck..
  Ailms POV
  My heart started to hammer in my chest as jax left Lucy on the deck looking lost and broken but as he stormed away anger pumped through my veins and I followed after him furious
  "What are you doing?"
  Deacon asks me as I walk out after jax
  "I'm going to talk to him"
  He storms out of the house and jumps in his truck I jump in the passenger side and grab the keys from the ignition and take them climbing back out, he growls at me completely furious and if I wasn't so pissed I'd probably Pee myself in fear but I was and I wasn't going to let him do this to her.
  He says through gritted teeth, I growl back furiously, his eyes widen in surprise as my entire body trembles in anger
  "Get the fuck out of the car jax NOW!"
  I throw my aura at him and he gasps, his eyes widen in surprise as he grabs the door pushing it open and falling out gasping for air. When he's out he takes a breath of relief and looks at me in shock
  "What are you doing"
  He says in shock
  "You wanted people who are not afraid of you and now you have got them, you can't do this to her. You can't hurt her like this. You're her mate. She hasn't even lived in a pack since she was a baby, she moved to a deserted island when she was a child and has been alone with her parents since then. You can't hurt her like this, she doesn't even know what you are or why her kind were made. You can't blame her for the stuff her ancestors did to your kind just like we can't blame you for the stuff your father did to all packs"
  He closes his eyes and he sighs rubbing his face with his hands, deacon comes up behind me pulling me into his chest.
  "I know you're right but you need to understand it's all we have been taught, me accepting her would be like a Jew marrying hitler. That's how frowned upon her kind is to my kind"
  I gasp, pulling back, deacon freezes. This is fucked. To my surprise Lucy comes out of the house crying, she walks up to him shaking, devastation written all over her face.
  "I'm so sorry my kind did that to yours, I understand why we can't be together"
  She sobs quietly into her hand, Jax looks at her and he looks pained watching her cry.
  "What's your name"
  She asks him, he swallows hard, his eyes looking almost glassy.
  "Jaxon Mcgregor"
  "I Lucy Beatty reject you jaxon mcgregor as my mate and alpha"
  She gasps grabbing her chest, he grabs his own falling over with a cry of pain
  "No no I didn't want this"
  He gasps through the pain, she drops to her knees in front of him.
  "But it's the way it needs to be, you won't ever forgive me, it can't work, we need to accept it"
  She places her hands on his face, he leans into them with tears in his eyes. He shakes his head
  "I wish this could be different"
  He whispers, he pulls her face closer and kisses her gently, both of them are crying now. Even I was crying at the heart breaking scene in front of me. I wipe the tears from my face as Lucy pulls away and drops her hand.
  "Accept it jaxon"
  He closes his eyes
  "I jaxon Mcgregor accept Lucy Beatty's rejection to become my mate and Luna"
  They both fall forward screaming in Pain as their link and bond breaks forever, I gasp, grabbing my face and turning in deacon's arms. He welcomes me, holding me tight as Lucy pushes off the ground crying her eyes out and she turns to me.
  "Can I borrow a car"
  Deacon pulls keys from his pocket and hands it to her, she wipes the tears from her face and smiles at me.
  "I'm going to stay at Ardens for a while"
  She pulls me into a hug and walks off towards the car, Jax watches her leave then he climbs up and gets into his car, he punches the steering wheel a few times as deacon takes his keys from my hands and goes to the car.
  "Here dude, don't be a stranger and I'm sorry about all this"
  He nods, taking the keys and putting them in the ignition, Deacon steps back, closing the door and coming to my side as he leaves.
  "That was so messed up"
  I whisper as deacon takes my hand and leads me inside and out the back where Isla was crying her eyes out on Jake's knee. We say nothing, just lay there smoking in silence.
  Lucy's POV
  I couldn't stay there, it hurt too much to even be around the thought of him. My chest constricted, squeezing my heart in a death grip, I was still gasping for air by the time I got to the human town so I pulled over outside a bar and I cried my heart out. I crumbled, I had prayed for this moment, I had wished on it so many times, then it happened and I lost him before I even had him. My mate didn't want me and I didn't want to be bonded to someone who was never going to accept me or love me. He deserved to find someone he didn't class as hitler and I deserved to be treated better than that. I don't blame him but it still hurt and I didn't know what to do.
  Go back to Bora Bora and live on an island forever? Go to Ardens and watch him and Fay love each other, be a family? Or my grandparents? They were all in love, they were all mated and fated and I was alone and I'd probably be alone forever. I decide against all those options and I pull up at a motel and climb out of the car. I hadn't even taken clothes with me but I could buy some. I went to the office and checked in, not even bothering to go near the room and deciding on the bar instead. I walk in and take a seat at the bar, the place was basically empty but the beautiful barman walked up to me and grabbed my hand
  "Sorry darling but your to young"
  I placed my hand on his and got into his head, I thought of myself as older, urging him to believe I was. Making him believe I had shown him my I.D and that I was a lot older than I look. He pulls back smiling.
  "Sorry about that love you just look a lot younger than you are. What can I get ya?"
  "Whiskey, leave the bottle and keep the change"
  I throw him some cash, he raises his eyebrow but takes it grabbing a bottle from the bar and placing it in front of me.
  "You want ice?"
  I answer, he places a coaster down and puts a glass on top of it, I open the bottle and fill the glass, lifting it and downing it. He watches me in surprise grabbing a stool and sitting opposite me. I refill the glass and take another chug.
  "Bad day?"
  "The worst"
  Tears prick the back of my eyelids again so I distract myself with the drink taking another mouthful.
  "It can't be so bad"
  I sigh and hold out my hand
  "Gimi your hand"
  He frowns but gives me his hand, I make it known what I am and that he must not be afraid of me. I show him what happened tonight and explained why it hurt so bad. He felt it all. I made him not freak out and made sure he would keep my secrets when I let him go.
  He stares at me wide eyed then he turns and pulls another bottle from the bar and opens it filling his glass and drinking half of it. He had tears in his eyes
  "Ok so it was that bad, what are you going to do"
  I don't know why I wanted to tell him this, why I needed to confide in him but it felt like I needed to be honest with him. His aura was warm and inviting and he felt safe and comfortable. So I give in to my urges and I tell him the truth
  "I don't know, run. I want to run away from here and never come back but I'm also so fucking lonely and have been my entire life. I want a mate but not one that thinks I'm hitler, damn I've never hurt a soul in my life and I don't plan on it either. So I don't know what to do"
  He looks at me thought fully
  "Stay in the human world, make some friends. Make a life for yourself"
  He suggests wiping the last tear from his eyes, he places his hand on the glass and pushes the glass between his 2 hands, playing with it.
  "I can't, soon I'll have a wolf and I need to be able to run, be free without fear of being caught. Plus I live way longer than any humans"
  I drink some more and refill the glass and take another drink. It wasn't doing much to give me a buzz. I sat in silence with him for a while as more people started to crowd in, I refilled my glass and people watched with him in silence, I pointed to one blond man. He looked like he was electrocuted
  "He is a crazy scientist, he's spent all week studying victims of alien abductions, they were taken and subjected to anal probing"
  He burst out laughing, spitting drink all over the floor, it's a contagious laugh and I can't help but join him. And for the first time I actually noticed him. He's 20, maybe 22, strong build, tall, so tall for a human, in fact he's probably the same size as jaxon, he is very bulky and there wasn't an ounce of fat on him, he has a 5 o'clock shadow that makes him look even more attractive. A strong jaw and blonde hair, his eyes brown and beautiful. He points to another man, he's skinny and tall with large freaky eyes
  "That is one of the victims, he's been probbed the most and now he can't help but like it so he's out trying to find a victim for himself"
  I snort and chuckle, nodding my head in agreement. I point to a blonde next, huge boobs in what I can only describe as a bra and a tiny denim skirt.
  "She got kicked out of the playboy mansion for being too slutty"
  He giggles and points to the old man she's with
  "Secret millionaire that bought her off hugh"
  I nearly choke on my drink, coughing and laughing at the same time.
  "You have a beautiful laugh"
  I blush as he watches me, he is so genuinely beautiful.
  "No, you're really really beautiful. Fuck him if he can't see that their are men out there who would drop at your feet just to have the chance with you. And look your not lonely anymore you just made a friend in me"
  I put my hand out to shake his, he grabs it
  "I'm Lucy"
  "Hey Lucy, I'm Scott it's nice to meet you"
  I pull my hand away and smile, the door opens and he sighs checking the clock.
  "Listen, my shift ends now and I'm heading to a match, do you want to come watch? We can drink after?"
  I frown and grab his hand, I check his thoughts and make sure he's not kidnapping me, he isn't so I pull away and smile, his head feels different from other peoples, it's calm and comforting and I really like being inside it.
  "That would actually be kind of great Scott my new friend"
  He grins at me, his teeth are straight and white. He's really kind of beautiful. He jumps the bar and places the lid on my bottle of whiskey and he hands it to me
  "Let's go, see you tomorrow Jen"
  "Good luck tonight Scott I'll be rooting for ya"
  I smile at the nice older woman walking behind the bar, Scott takes my hand and leads me outside to a black jeep, he opens the passenger door and waits for me to jump in. Feeling reckless and crazy I decide to just go with it and I climb into the seat, he closes the door and gets in the driver's seat.
  "So where are we going?"
  "Well the fight is in the stadium in the next town over, it's booked solid but you can stay with my team at the ringside"
  I raise my eyebrow at him
  "You have a team?"
  He smirks and nods pulling out of the parking lot
  "Yeah I do"
  "So why do you work in the bar?"
  "I don't, I own it. Bought it with the winnings from my matches"
  That surprised me, so I sat back and studied him. Yes he was big, yes he was built like a train but did he really look like a fighter? I guess so.
  "What kind of fight is it?"
  "MMA, I'm undefeated around here anyway"
  "How many fights have you won?"
  "Professionally 15, if I win this one the next is in Vegas in a month"
  I smile, taking the lid of the bottle and taking a gulp. We talk about random stuff the entire time and we both spend our time laughing. He was hilarious and very similar to me. My phone dinged so I pulled it out. It was mum. I sigh, sitting back and looking at it. He reaches across and grabs it off my lap
  "Hey give it back"
  "Nope, it's your mum you can't ignore her"
  I'm a little shocked at the cheek of him, he opens my message and smiles
  "See nothing bad"
  I look at the phone and read the message
  Hey hun, how was your first day? Are you enjoying yourself
  I sigh and rub my face
  "It's nothing bad but how do I answer her? Oh yeah it was great I met my mate and he hates me. I rejected him because he thinks I'm to blame for everything that went wrong in his damn life so I ran off to a human bar and I'm now currently sitting in a human's car driving to who knows where to watch him fight?"
  He chuckles and shakes his head
  "Ok I get it, just say 'hey, I'm ok. Met a new friend and I'm going to a MMA fight now, chat you later hope all's good' "
  He gives me a big cheesy grin, I try to hide my own smile and I roll my eyes at him but I do what he says and text her back. He makes everything feel easy, like the world isn't the terrifying place that it is. When I'm done I lock my phone and put it away.
  "See not so hard"
  I whisper rolling my eyes trying my best not to smile at my new goofy easy going friend.
  3 hours later...
  Ailms POV
  "Where the fuck is she?"
  "Doll you need to chill. She will turn up, she's probably just blowing off some steam."
  Deacon says pulling me towards the couch, I sink into his arms and sigh
  "I know but she never turned up at Ardens, nobody else has seen her and she's not answering her phone. What if she was taken? What if she's hurt? She's not like us she can be killed"
  He sighs rubbing my back and laying down with me in his arms so we are nose to nose. He peeks my lips and holds me protectively in his arms.
  "Come on, just give her a chance, she's probably gone to a bar or a club to blow off some steam and she probably doesn't want to be around mated people right now. It would be too hard for her so just chill and let her come back to us. We will give her 4 hours and if she's not back by then, then we will worry ok?"
  I groaned, I felt responsible for her even though we were the same age. She's still my pack and I feel responsible for her safety so I decide to try and link her one last time.
  Lucy, I'm trying one last time. I just need to make sure you're ok. If you let me know where you are and that your safe I will drop it I promise but if you don't contact me soon I'm going to need to contact your parents incase you have been kidnapped-
  —no don't contact anyone I don't want them to know. I went to a bar and met a friend and now we are at an MMA match and when it's over we are going to an after party. I wasn't taken or kidnapped but I need to be away from couples for a while. I'll chat you tomorrow
  Should I be worried about you
  No, I'm fine.
  She cut the link and it honestly hurt a little that she was so dry but how could she not be. She just had her heart ripped out and stomped all over so I really can't blame her for feeling that way.
  Lucy's POV
  The fight was amazing, Scott was amazing and battered his competitor to a pulp and now we were on our way to the after party. He took my hand and led me into a club, his team was there and so was his competition. He held my hand and walked me through the sea of people going straight to the bar and lifting 2 bottles of whiskey and handing me one. I smile, opening it and taking a big gulp. The girls and boys were swarming around him. Everyone wanted to be with him, I'm not sure if it was because he was with me or he just wasn't interested but he barely paid any of them any attention.
  "I hope you're not ignoring them on my account?"
  He smirks raising his eyebrow in the air
  "And why would I do that?"
  I flush a little red but he chuckles and shakes his head
  "Nah, they are only after one thing and I don't do that anymore. I'll never find a partner hooking up and being a slut."
  I was genuinely surprised but also happy that he had enough respect for himself to not hook up with random people anymore. It stirred something inside me and if I'm honest I'm probably a little too happy at that fact.
  "Yeah you're right, our kind tend to avoid even kissing someone until they find their mate. It's a special connection and when you find them apparently it's like cheating on them"
  "So you've never—"
  I smirk as he struggles to finish that sentence
  "—I didn't grow up in a pack so my values are slightly different. I went to a human school in Bora Bora and they tend to be more open there. Iv had a few boyfriends but I haven't went any further then that"
  "And people actually wait? Like really wait and never even kiss another?"
  I smile thinking of my cousins
  "I'm kind of from the royal family of our kind so my cousins had strict rules about that stuff, but most of them never kissed anyone but their mate. Some break it but not that many do. It's like a religion in a way, we grow up with it and it's hammered into our brain from before we even walk or talk. It's just our way of life and anyone that I know who waited all said it's worth it"
  He smiles taking a seat at the bar next to me
  "So what happens to you now?"
  I close my eyes as the pain of just thinking about him kills me.
  "I don't know. There are no rules for this kind of thing. It's not often we reject each other so I honestly have no idea. Although I do know just the thought of being around my family and their happiness hurts like crazy"
  He looks at me sadly, I take another drink but suddenly time stops and I gasp, the drink runs down my jaw as a pain so bad I can't even describe it runs through my chest. It feels like an elephant is sitting on it, I can't breathe or speak as I grasp my chest and collapse of the chair, I roll into a ball and a strangled scream rips through my lips. Scott falls to the floor beside me as I cry out. Everything is silent, all I can hear is the blood in my veins as the pain continues to get worse. Scott lifts me up but I'm stiff as a plank and the pain gets worse making me dizzy. I can't hear or see anything but pain, it gets stronger and stronger and somewhere deep inside me I hear a small whimpering noise, it gets louder and louder and soon she's crying just as loud as me. I scream as Scott puts me on his knee and he holds me. I grab his shirt, unable to breathe, I see his lips moving but I can't hear him.

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