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  They all sink down in their seats nervously looking at each other, I cross my arms over my chest and look out the window completely furious. My mood picks up a little as I see the crystal clear water below me and I smile as we land the plane in silence. When we were firmly on the ground I stood up but both boys were pouting looking extremely sorry for themselves. Guilt radiating off them as they watch me stand, in an instant Jaxon has his belt off and pulls me onto both his and Scott's knee they kiss each cheek and then my neck sucking on it.
  "We are sorry"
  Jax said to me sadly, Scott falls to the floor and rests his head in my lap looking up at me, they are both so sad and it tugs at my heart.
  "Forgive us please"
  "We promise to be good"
  I rolled my eyes and looked at them with a smirk on my face
  "I forgive you both you just drive me a little crazy sometimes"
  Scott kneels up a little and kisses me sucking my bottom lip into his mouth, I open it and his tongue laps across my lips softly deepening the kiss
  "Where is she? Where is my baby!"
  I hear dad so I pull away jumping up on the seat as he rounds the corner, I jump it Landing in his waiting arms
  "And suddenly all is right in the world again, I missed you so much pumpkin"
  I feel all my emotions bubble up and spill over as I hold onto him so tight, he spins me in a circle as I cry into his shoulder. My parents were my best friends, they were my entire life for 18 years and I loved them more than oxygen. They were not only amazing parents, they were amazing examples and mentors. They showed me the truly important things in this world teaching me that possessions were just that. Nothing had more value than the love of a family.
  "Where is she, where is she! Ohhh damn they are even bigger in real life. How the hell do you handle them both at the same time"
  I throw my head back laughing only to bump heads with an anxious Scott probably feeling my emotions and waiting to dive for me. I grab my head and rub it
  "Sorry Scott"
  I jumped of dad and went to mum, she was the size of a damn house now, my little brother or sister had really grown over the last week. Mum looked tired but so happy pulling me into a crushing hug holding me tight
  "And all is right in the world again"
  She whispers then let's me go, I pull back, wiping my tears from my face and walking over to the boys.
  "So this is Scott and Jax, guys this is Keagen and—-"
  "Eh eh eh no mum and dad!"
  She says firmly making me chuckle
  "Sorry this is mum and dad, possibly no definitely the greatest parents in the world and that is my baby brother or sister"
  I lean down and kiss mums bump and it kicks me making me jump back into Jax's arms, they all chuckle as I catch my heart
  "Damn it nearly gave me a heart attack, is it meant to do that?"
  They all burst out laughing but I heard of babies kicking before but damn it nearly cracked a tooth, dad shook his head smiling at me
  "Come on, we have a surprise for you all actually"
  He ushers us off the plane and into the waiting jeep already full with the rest of the family.
  "So what is the surprise?"
  "It's a surprise"
  Dad answers getting into the driver's seat. Jax and Scott share me this time playing nice for my parents.
  "Dad I need a clue"
  He taps his chin and I watch them both try to hide their smiles, this is what we did, how we acted and I loved it.
  "You can walk on it"
  He answers I purge my lips Scott sitting forwards with me, I can feel his excitement to
  "So it's big then?"
  He says over my shoulder, mum smiles looking back at him. Jax is trying to act cool but I know he is dying to know too.
  "Yes it's big"
  "Can more than one person walk on it?"
  Scott asks them mum chuckles as dad snorts
  "I would have said yes but after seeing the size of you 2 donkeys I'm not so sure anymore"
  Jax coughs choking on a laugh, Scott chuckles
  "Ok so it's big and you can walk on it, is it a bed?"
  I ask Scott scoffs at me
  "Seriously a bed? What do you expect me to sleep on the floor like a cave person?"
  I gasp and slap the back of his head
  "Don't be rude to me or you will sleep on the floor because I won't let you in the damn bed and if your not careful with that tone I'll let you sleep with the damn fishes"
  He shoots away from me slightly, wide eyed and nervous, as my parents and Jax snort in laughter
  "Sorry I just got over excited playing the game"
  I give him the stink eye and look back at my parents
  "Is it a boat?"
  Mum answers I sigh annoyed because I couldn't think then it I think I have it snapping my fingers
  "Oh oh oh a tent?"
  "Jaxon help me"
  I whine laying back against him he chuckles kissing my hair and holding my waist, Scott looks at me sadly so I roll my eyes
  "You can help to"
  He sits up excited taking my place between my parents
  "A tree house?"
  "Why would we make you a treehouse?"
  "I'm really not sure but I always wanted one growing up and it was the first thing that came to mind"
  Dad looks at him in the mirror
  "Did your parents not help you build one? We have 3 on the island that we built for Lucy when she was young"
  Scott shakes his head, I can sense his pain at the question but he doesn't let it show
  "No, I grew up in an orphanage then was fostered later on but nothing ever stuck until they realised I could fight so they kept me around to make them money"
  Dad's knuckle go white from gripping the steering wheel so hard, he grew up in a rogue pack and had good parents but he watched a lot of people suffer, used and abused for their talents and pushed into a life of misery.
  Mum reaches over and squeezes his shoulder and gives him her warm loving smile
  "Well it's stuck now and you ain't getting rid of us! We always wanted more kids after the first one turned out so terrific and I always waited for this day, that she would bring home a mate. I've got to tell you I was so excited to hear we got 2 for the price of one! Now with this little one we have 4 and we couldn't be happier"
  Dad gives mum that adoring smile, the one of complete awe and love that he always gives her.
  "That means alot thank you"
  "So what about you Jax what was your childhood like"
  Jax tenses under me, I rub calming circles on the back of his hand and he looks down at me with that same look. The one my dad just gave my mum and my heart swoons for them both, I reach over and take Scott's hand and give it a squeeze, he sits back kissing my hand then pulling my feet over his legs.
  "You grew up in a rogue camp? I can imagine it was a little similar, but thankfully that's in the past and now it doesn't matter because anything before these 2 seems so unimportant"
  "Aww he's even sweeter than his body looks"
  "Isla close your mouth before it gets you in any more trouble"
  We all snorted and laughed at isla and Jake lightening the mood considerably, she always seemed to do it when things got just a little too serious and I know I appreciated it even though she was Perving on my man, but I know no matter what she didn't actually ever mean what she says. Well most of the time but she never meant any harm by it and the fact that it sent Jake crazy only added to the fun for her and the fact that Jax goes bright red doesn't help his case either. If he would turn it around and give her the same attention back she would probably lose her life. She just loves to pick on them, as much as it embarrasses Jax. I know he's extremely fond of both girls. The car rolls to a stop and I excitedly throw the door open and jump out, smelling the fresh sea air always made me feel at peace and the warm humid air made me feel right at home.
  "It's really beautiful here"
  Jax says jumping out and resting his head on mine wrapping his arms around me protectively, Scott nudges him
  "Help with the bags dude"
  I can practically hear the eye roll in his voice. I smile looking around, it felt like years ago since I was last here. So much had happened in so little time but it also felt right. As long as I was with them, no matter what happened I would be able to deal with it with them by my side.
  We travel to the island by boat, passing my grandparents house and travelling further around the side to the decking in front of my parents house. I let Togo out of his cage and he leaps out of the boat and races to the beach happy being able to play again.
  "This is so cool!"
  Scott says climbing out of the boat with his bags, deacon, Jake and the girls were in the other boat so they pulled up behind us.
  "Mind if we stay with you guys I don't want to share a house with gran"
  Mum and dad grin at each other and wag them onto the deck
  "Actually that's part of the surprise. Come on follow us"
  We grab the bags and follow my parents down the deck and to the beach, instead of going to the house they lead us through the forest at the side towards the smaller private beach. As we break through the trees I gasp. They had made a clearing in the trees and a small house sat right on the edge of the beach. My jaw drops and I look to my parents.
  Dad chuckles grabbing my shoulders and looking down at me
  "It's a prefab house that we had already designed for you but when we got word you had found your mates we paid double to get it delivered and built in time for you to get here."
  "You built us a house?"
  Jax said shocked looking them over. Mum smiled reaching up and squeezing his arm
  "Of Course we did. We wanted you guys to have a place of your own when you come and visit every month"
  Mum says the last bit sheepishly with a smirk on her face making Jaxon and Scott laugh I chuckle and hug dad
  "Thank you I love it"
  "I know, I know, we are amazing now go look at your new pad it's already stocked with food but I still want you all to come over for lunch in a couple of hours but we will let you all get settled in and see you back at the house"
  "Perfect, thank you both"
  I hug mum and then wave everyone to follow the girls run to my side as we walk towards the door
  "You realise we are staying here every time we visit this place"
  I look at them rolling my eyes
  "Well duh! It would be weird if you didn't"
  They grin at me as we face towards the house excitedly, it's a 2 story house. The bottom floor wall facing the sea is just a wall of glass opening up onto a decking where a large bbq sat with a fire pit surrounded in comfortable deck lounges. A table sat on the other side so you could eat while looking at the beautiful view of the sea.
  As we walked up I pulled open the glass door and it pushed away completely opening the place up so the outside became a part of the inside. As you enter the place a huge sectional sat in front of an enormous tv that would be more suited in a movie room, under it was a fireplace. Behind the couch sat a large table enough to sit around 12 people comfortably, the kitchen was enormous, it had a large walk-in pantry to the side and beside it a large bathroom. The kitchen had a huge island that spread across the length of the kitchen with 12 breakfast bar seats splitting the room up. The floors were white marble tiles, the couch cream and the walls a light teal green. The countertops were all white marble but the appliances were a teal blue matching the walls.
  "This is amazing"
  Scott splutters, I look around in shock it was so beautiful and I can't believe it was ours
  "Unbelievable, I'm in shock"
  I say back looking around my jaw still on the floor. Then the far end of the room had stairs leading upstairs so I raced towards it with the girls chasing after me over excited about what comes next. We race up the stairs giggling in excitement. There were 5 doors leading into bedrooms. I follow the girls into the first one, it's a simple room, dark wood floors with a large fluffy white Matt sitting at the end of a huge king size bed covered in white linen and cream throws and pillows. The wall overlooking the view leads out to a small balcony with a daybed. The room had a built-in closet, it wasn't enormous but it was big enough to fit 2 people's clothes in it. An en-suite bathroom with a large shower and bathtub sat to the side overlooking the beach below.
  "I call this room"
  Isla says jumping on the soft plump bed. We moved on, the next 2 rooms were the same as Islas, the room after that had built in bunk beds, enough for around 6 kids. I smiled and rolled my eyes. My parents probably want me to fill this room with grandbabies. I moved to the last room as the boys joined me. Double doors opened up into a much larger room. The bed inside was enormous, the perfect size for the boys. It had a massive en-suite bathroom with a double shower and a bath fit for a king overlooking the water outside. The door beside it had a walk in closet, enough room for the 3 of us to fill with our clothes. I smiled when I realised my mum had already delivered the last of my clothes there. Our room opened up into a balcony with an extra large daybed and hammak. The small wall to the side held floor to ceiling shelves full to the brim with all my books. The wall held a huge tv with surround sound. The bed had white sheets with cream throws and cushions.
  "Wow you have read all those?"
  Scott asks as he looks through them all. There were hundreds of them.
  "These are just some of them, I have read them. Some even twice but I usually just read on my phone so i've read many more than this"
  "I can't believe your parents did this they really are amazing"
  Jaxon says mind blown, I chuckle shaking my head
  "Yeah a sure way to get us to come back often"
  "I ain't opposed to that it's amazing here"
  Jaxon states I grin turning round to look at him
  "Ofcourse, they are your parents and they are amazing."
  I run and jump into his arms. He chuckles catching me. I place a gentle kiss on his lips, grinning.
  "Ok who wants pancakes?"
  They both say at the same time excitedly, I giggle climbing of Jaxon and smiling as he looks at the bags.
  "Just go do your thing and I'll call you when they are ready"
  "Thank you"
  He says excitedly practically diving for the bags and Scott takes my hand shaking his head at Jax.
  "I'll make coffee as you make the food"
  He says dragging me down the hall, I get to work making enough pancakes to feed an army or in our case a few male werewolves and like a moth to a flame everyone rushes down the stairs as the smell of fresh pancakes fills the air. Scott made the coffee then sat with his head resting on the palm of his hand watching me work
  "Are you making your sauce?"
  Isla says giddy running down the stairs making me chuckle
  "Ofcourse, it wouldn't be the same without it, someone needs to set the table please"
  I say putting the last of the batter in the pan, I link Jax to join us as Scott sets the table, everyone else joins us as I bring the mountain of food to the table with the strawberry sauce.
  "Did you put my chips in them"
  I roll my eyes smiling
  "Of Course I did, did you unpack?"
  "Yes, I feel so much better"
  He kisses my cheek taking a seat beside me and filling his plates as everyone else watches us
  "Your all so domestic"
  Deacon says filling his own plate
  "I know, we can't even cook never mind be bothered to set the table"
  "She doesn't let us growl at the table either"
  Scott says filling his own plate, I roll my eyes
  "Well excuse me for wanting to eat without bickering, if I didn't put rules in place you would never stop"
  "It's always Scott's fault he always starts it"
  "No I don't, at least I don't kill people at the table"
  I groan and look at them
  "Would you both behave we are at the table"
  Isla snorts and laughs
  "I could watch you 3 all day Your so funny"
  "I know it's like our own personal little soap opera"
  Ailm says back to her then pauses
  "Hang on, you killed someone at the table!"
  "Yeah I invited Jax's team for breakfast and I read her as I touched her, she was feeding information to the Lycan rogues and told them where to find me and Scott so I showed Jax and he killed her"
  "Yeah you should have seen everyone's faces"
  Scott adds isla snorts and laughs
  "I swear you're all hilarious. So when are we going to the mainland to dress shop?"
  I shrug
  "Not sure when mum feels up to it"
  Ailm looks to deacon nervously, he grabs her hand and gives it a small squeeze
  "Don't worry I'll come with you"
  She sighs in relief visibly relaxing then smiles at me
  "We should go tomorrow when aspen and Fay gets here I'm sure they would like to come to"
  "Yeah, we can just chill on the island for today, my parents have the place stalked with drink and weed so we can have lots of fun"
  After breakfast me and the girls rest on the daybed on the deck smoking while the boys clean up. When they are done me and the boys get changed into bathing suits and I throw on a beach dress and we head to my parents house. When we get there mum is laying on the deck with her feet up, I lay beside her as the boys talk to dad
  "Thank you so much mum, the place is amazing I love it"
  "Good, so your dad was telling me you had to kill someone? How do you feel about that now?"
  I shrug and sigh
  "I'm actually ok with it. It was a shock at the start but if I didn't kill her she would have killed me then I killed rogues too. It's a completely different world out there for sure but I'm ok"
  She nods her head and rests it beside mine as we look out towards the water
  "And how are those boys treating you?"
  I grin at just the thought of them
  "Honestly like a Princess. I love them so much already"
  We spend the entire day with my parents and by dinner time my dad and all the boys are the best of friends so we sit around the table drinking and telling stories. Mum yawns and dad stands to his feet.
  "Come on love you have had a long day, let me help you to the sofa"
  She grins then points her finger and looks to me
  "We are going dress shopping tomorrow so be ready to leave at 9am"
  We leave soon after that and head back to the house and put on a movie. Jax takes the corner seat and I lay beside him resting my head on his chest, Scott lays his head down on our lap and I spend my time playing with his hair as we watch marvel movies. The others head to bed and as soon as they are gone I pull Jaxon down and I kiss him.
  I take control of the kiss pulling at his lip and opening his mouth, he moans as my tongue invades his mouth softly meeting his. The kiss was slow and sensual and deep, I tangled my fingers in his hair holding him close, he lets me have my way with him grabbing my shirt and pulling me closer.
  Scott groans sitting up and watching us, I smile, pulling away and kissing him softly. I pull back and push his head towards Jax, Jaxon takes control of the kiss grabbing Scott's hair and pulling him towards him tightly, their kiss is intense but beautiful. I run my hand over Jax's beach shorts grabbing his dick. He groans into Scott's mouth so I pull them down slightly grabbing his dick and pulling in him, he thrusts into my hands so I sink to my knees between his legs pulling Scott's shorts down slightly and grabbing his hard cock, he gasps and I use my hand to pull on him softly as I run my tongue over the rim of Jax's dick, I circle the tip with my tongue as he grabs my hair roughly, yanking on me like I'm a rag doll just the way I like it. I've pushed my head towards his dick and he thrusts up hitting me right in the back of the throat. He growls as he yanks my head back up and pushes it back down, he bottoms out and I suck on him while my hand is busy pulling on Scott's dick, I watch as Scott kisses down his neck and under his ear, over his mark sucking on his skin as I go faster working Scott with my hand, I can feel him grow under my hand as I continue to suck on Jax. His hand tightens in my hair as I grab his balls with my free hand, I feel them tense with his thighs as he explodes in my mouth and I moan as his warm cum squirts down my throat. His cum tastes just as good as he tastes, I clean him up pulling away and licking Scott's tip softly, I run my tongue up the slit of his dick as he thrusts hard into my mouth hitting my throat. He moans, grabbing my head and whipping me forward as he fucks my throat hard and fast. He growls, losing all control and letting his animal forward. The force makes my eyes water and I'm not sure if I'm sick in the head or they are just made for me but I love the pain as he slams into me. I love how it makes everything more intense. I can feel his member swell as he grabs my head with both hands and he fucks my throat harder and faster, his movements become more erratic as he explodes in my mouth the force of his thrusts make some cum run down my chin and jaw. I swallow what I can as I pull out, I look up at them, Jax's eyes were trained on my face, his eyes hungry. He grabs me and yanks me up to him, he licks from my jaw up to my mouth cleaning me of Scott's essence. He pulls his trousers up and stands to his feet throwing me over his shoulder and slapping my ass hard, the sting lingers and I'm sure there is a handprint left behind

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