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  "We can't explain it, they will figure out what she is if she does that. Maybe we should just tell the pack about you Luna?"
  Greg says before popping more food into his mouth, dale shook his head
  "I don't know if that's a good idea"
  Chewing the last of his food and piling more on the plate
  "What are they going to do? Declare themselves rogue? I say do it"
  Scott adds, Jax looks deep in thought so I listen in. He wants to tell them to move forward but he's scared of the reaction. I shake my head
  "Let's just leave it for now. I'll tell the doctor for now and do what I did to Dale and Greg and anyone who really needs the help I will help. Is that a good enough compromise? At least that will give the pack more time to get use to me?"
  Jax visibly relaxes, he just doesn't want them to hurt me or use it as an excuse for them to go backwards.
  "Yeah we will go over there after breakfast and talk to her I'm sure she will be happy with the help"
  We eat the rest of breakfast in comfortable conversation and when we are done we head off to the hospital to meet the doctor in charge. As we approach she frowns but waves us into her office. She wasn't from this pack; she had met her mate and moved here a few years back.
  "I think I know why you are here"
  She whispers as she walks into the room closing the door after her, she double checks to make sure no one can hear her.
  "And why is that?"
  Scott says whispering too
  "You're primordial and you want to heal the patients?"
  We all freeze as she puts her hand out
  "I grew up in Ardens pack, I knew who you were and what you were when they told us your name. But I need to tell you Luna it's not a good idea, those who are unconscious and things yes you can heal but the others will start a war over having you here and as much as I'd welcome your help I don't think it's a good idea. I know if my mate found out he would probably make us leave"
  She rolls her eyes and sits down when she's satisfied that no one is listening. I sigh and shake my head
  "How many kids have you got near to death?"
  "3 cancer patients and one from a car accident"
  "Let me heal them and take over their treatment and when the time comes tell the parents you saved them"
  She frowns looking at Jaxon who seems to be on my side here
  "It's unethical"
  I shrug
  "Ok I won't ask you to lie but I do ask that you don't tell anyone your suspicions if they heal"
  I put my hand out and I told her, I told her she can't tell a soul who I am or what I am. That if someone magically heals that she doesn't suggest it came from me. She nods and I let her go, she rubs her hands over her face and sighs
  "Fine, the children's ward is on the second floor to the right, just tell them you're going to visit and meet the patients. If they heal I'll never tell anyone my suspicions"
  I smile standing up and nod to the door where the boys follow me out, when we are in the elevator Scott looks at me
  "Is it ok to heal without the parents permission?"
  "If it was my child I would want someone to heal it, and I'm not having 4 dead kids on my conscious because parents might not like it"
  The door dings and the place is packed full of kids I frown and look to Jax
  "Why are there so many?"
  He shrugs stopping at a nurse station
  "Why is it so busy?"
  She does a double take when she seems Jax is the one talking. She swallows in fear and I can feel it radiating off her.
  "Not sure, over the last week we have been overrun with kids and we still don't know what's wrong. It's the same with the adults to"
  I follow a nurse into a private room and she jumps when she notices me
  "Sorry Luna I didn't see you there"
  I wag her off and take a seat beside the young boy who was unconscious with tubes going down his throat
  "What happened?"
  "Car accident, he's been sleeping for a week we are hoping he will wake up soon"
  She pokes a few machines and leaves, when she's gone I heal him but something funny washes over me. He's not just sleeping, he has poison in his system. He wakes up with a gasp choking on the tube so I calm him and pull it out as machines blar and the doctors come in
  "He woke up?"
  I smile moving out of the way to let them work and I leave and go to the next room. When I'm there, a little girl around 8 or 9 was getting sick so I went to her side and grabbed a tray.
  "Oh sweety, where are your parents?"
  She barfs into the tray almost collapsing so I heal her and I feel it again only it's stronger in her system. They were poisoned. The colour comes back to her face and she smiles at me.
  "What did you do"
  I put my finger to my lips and touched her hand and told her I healed her but it had to stay a secret. She smiled at me then threw me into a hug. I pulled away smiling, then I waved goodbye and went to the next room and a little boy was sleeping, the colour in his face was deathly pale so I sat on the chair and I touched his hand. As I did I wondered if they knew just how close to death he was. He was poisoned too. When I opened my eyes his little blue ones met mine. He was too young to care what I did so I waved goodbye and left the room and went to find Jax and Scott pulling them to the side.
  "They have been poisoned, all of the kids are sick because they have been poisoned and I'm betting that's what's wrong with the adults to, I just saved a little boy who would be dead within the hour and they didn't even realise how bad he is"
  Jax growls, making everyone stop what they were doing and pausing on the spot.
  "Sorry, I need to speak to someone in charge"
  They rally around and a very afraid young doctor approaches, he puts his hand out to shake it
  "I'm dr matthews how can I help?"
  "We think the pack has been poisoned, we are not sure how yet but we need you to run the tests on all the kids and start treating them before they die. You need to call the other wards and have them do the same and we will try to figure out why or how"
  The doctor stands up straighter and recognition settles in his features and he curses under his breath just as a little girl walking past gasps
  "Doctor mat your not allowed to say bad words you need to go into the naughty corner"
  Scott and Jax laughs at her as the doctor apologies and promises to go to the naughty step after he's finished talking to us, this satisfies her enough to walk away and the doctor turns back to us
  "I should have realised sooner we have just been so busy and so understaffed that I hadn't looked at the cause I just thought it was a bad bug spreading like wildfire but I'll start the kids on fluids and find out what it is they have been poisoned by but the way this has affected everyone and how fast they all got sick I would guess it's the water that has been poisoned"
  Jax and Scott growls again making him jump, I chuckle as they turn and leave without saying anything
  "Please let me know how the kids are and start treating yourselves for the same thing and find out what it is doing this. When we do we will need a lot more of it and supply it to the entire pack so whatever it is that we need you need to contact the supplier and get enough for everyone? Understand that I'm trusting you with this but if you need help dr Annabelle will help but your both in charge of this and I promise you will be rewarded for your efforts"
  He smiles standing taller, prouder
  "Ofcourse Luna, thank you for the opportunity. I'll get right to work and I'll let you know when we have answers"
  I linked Annabelle on the way out and filled her in and she agreed to work with dr mat and come back to us for answers when we leave we go straight to the river where our water comes from.
  "We should follow it up stream it must be laying in it if it's polluting it"
  Jax says, we taste it along the way but other than a small tang to it, it doesn't seem to affect us. It takes us a good hour walking the river. I knew our packland was big but I didn't realise just how big it was.
  "So the pack owns all of this?"
  Scott asks Jax while we walk he frowns and shakes his head
  "No we own it, it's not like other packs I own everything"
  "So what if someone challenges you for alpha and wins?"
  I question him, he snorts and laughs like that's hilarious. I wasn't joking. In any other pack of your challenged and beaten the land becomes the challenger. You keep the businesses and everything that is not the packs but packland is passed over.
  "We are not like other packs. If someone challenges me and wins they would have to kill you, Scott, dale and Greg in order to take the land. Or they can leave with the pack members that side with him but if we have a child the land goes to him and the pack leaves and goes elsewhere. Our child would be left everything but that wouldn't happen because even if they managed to kill us this land would go to someone else I made sure of it. But if it did happen they would take the pack and leave our property that's why I think it would be best that we tell them about you."
  He pulls himself around a tree and looks at me as he continues
  "Then they can choose to leave or stay and those that stay we can check their thoughts and see if they are good enough to stay and we take the pack that are willing to actually change and run that. Damn if we could have even a few hundred willing to change can you imagine how happy our people would be"
  He smiles but then he shrugs
  "But that would then leave us open to attack"
  I take his hand and squeeze it as we walk.
  "I think you should have more faith in our people. I think more would stay than you think"
  He drapes his arm over my shoulders and kisses my head
  "And that is exactly why you're perfect for us. Your our light in the darkness, you see the good that we are too stubborn and stupid to see"
  I smirk up at him as Scott rolls his eyes shaking his head
  "Speak for yourself asshole"
  He pushes Jax, Jax laughs as we wave at patrols going past heading towards the outer ring. I sniff the air and close my eyes and zero in on the emotions around us. It's easier than before, like I'm a beacon reaching for each person but I don't hurt anymore. I wait and walk feeling further and further away after around another 20 minutes of walking. I feel something in the distance and I know it's rogues. It's like they have a taint of darkness on their souls, not that all rogues are bad but when you live without a pack or have emotions without the pack link you feel different.
  I stop when I realise there are way too many for just randomly walking. They are probably 40 minutes away and I can feel each one, woman and children and there are hundreds if not thousands of them I pull back and zero in on the area around us. None are here but they are an angry bunch
  "Have you ever been out there past the border?"
  I point to where I feel them Jax shakes his head
  "No, why?"
  "About 40 minutes away there is a camp of angry rogues. I wonder if the water comes through their camp?"
  "No the river goes the opposite way"
  I sigh in relief, I was not up for a fight today
  "I'll send some Scouts to search the area over there though and see if they are angry at us or just in general"
  We come to the fence and I pull myself up and over it and climb down the other side, I smell the same tang in the air that I tasted in the water so I try it again and spit it out as it burns my mouth
  "It's silver, damn that burns no wonder everyone's sick"
  I was pissed and I stormed up the river to where there was a small stream looking for the culprit and after a few minutes I come to a break where pipes, silver coins, silver chains sit piled up in the water I growl ripping a pipe away, it stings but doesn't burn they way it use to burn. The boys come and help me, Scott strips of his shirt and we dump it all in the shirt when we are done we wait a few minutes and taste the water when we know it's clear we wrap up the silver and head home I let the doctors know what it was and they get to work clearing everyone's system and hopefully the effects would wear off after a while
  "We should have patrol check the stream every time they pass and if they taste silver to notify us but make sure they do it at the border where it would be strongest"
  Scott said out loud I smirked at him and so did Jax
  "It's a very beta thing to say I new I did good when I asked you"
  Jaxon pulls Scott in for a kiss and my stomach rolls in excitement as Scott kisses back growling. My knickers are wet and I'm not even 5 damn seconds into watching them.
  "Someone likes what they see"
  "Damn right now be quiet and get to the good stuff"
  I snap leaning against a tree they chuckle but continue to kiss, Jax takes control deepening it wrapping his hands in Scott's hair and the other hand holding his side as Scott tangles one hand in his hair and the other goes to jaxons chest. Scott growls as jaxon pushes him up against a tree next to me. Jaxon kisses down his jaw and throat sucking on his skin, Scott purrs in approval and I snap my thighs together trying to avoid touching myself. I'm not allowed to take what's there's apparently and I can't help but love the rule, means they have to fuck me when I want it or I'll have no other choice but to make myself cum.
  I watch as jaxon kisses down and over Scott's chest biting and sucking on his skin roughly, his hand insides his shorts and Scott throws his head back as jaxon grabs his hard cock and pulls on it, arousal is thick in the air and the bond, like a band begging me to give in and join them but I know it's always better to watch first, Scott groans as jaxon pulls on his dick hard falling to his knees and pulling his cock from his shorts, he sucks the tip into his mouth as Scott throws his head back with a groan, my hands tick dying to touch myself but i resist until my bud screams for me to touch myself to ease the burning between my legs and just as my hand heads in that direction Scott's face snaps to mine
  "Don't you dare touch yourself"
  I groan, squeezing my legs together as Scott bucks his hips thrusting into jaxons mouth. His hands tangled in his hair looking at him through his eyelashes. Damn what was one finger.
  "If you dare I'll make you watch all night with your hands tied to the bed"
  I freeze and swallow the lump in my dry throat, that threat made me listen. I knew he would follow through and that sounded like my own personal hell. I cry out as I watch them. I needed to cum
  "Please pleaseeee"
  I cry to them, throwing my own head back to stop watching. Maybe if I stop watching it won't be so bad.
  "Eyes open Lucy"
  I groan opening my eyes and stomping my foot crossing my arms over my chest as the burn between my legs turned from fire to liquid lava as I watched jaxon moan over Scott's dick sucking on him like a damn Hoover, I cross my legs begging for some sort of relief, one that never comes as Scott thrusts into jaxons mouth and comes down his throat with a grunt, jaxon pulls away and tucks Scott's cock back into his shorts and he turns to me standing to his feet.
  "You weren't going to touch yourself now, lucy were you?"
  The way he looked at me, like he was a predator and I was prey sent another wave of excitement to my clit and I caught the tree and suppressed a groan.
  "Please, please make me cum please"
  He smiles looking at Scott and back at me walking towards me slowly, I don't wait I throw myself into his arms and he chuckles catching me.
  He sucks on the skin under my ear and I cry out falling back into Scott's chest, his hands goes under my shirt pulling at my nipple
  "Fucccck pleaseeee"
  I mumble, blind with arousal. Jaxon pulls his lips away and kisses me, I can taste Scott on his tongue and he meets mine in a slow and sensual kiss. He pulls back
  "Sorry baby but I'm not risking the pack seeing what's mine"
  I cry and I could physically cry as I rub myself against him
  "Please please I need to cum I need you jaxonnnnn please"
  He growls kissing me again and he throws his own rules out the window
  "Who does your arousal belong to?"
  "You, youuu and Scott"
  My body trembles in need, I can't think or feel anything but sex and I want it and need it as their own arousel slams into me through the bond and there emotions.
  He runs his hand under my skirt and up over my panties I cry into his shoulder as his fingers trace over my clit.
  "Fuck your so wet"
  He pushes his fingers under my pants and pulls them out of the way, I hold onto his shoulders in a death grip and I moan as his finger slides through my wet folds, I throw my head back and scream as he pushes a finger inside me. His lips slam against my own catching my screams, he pulls out and adds another finger curling them and using his thumb to rub on my clit, the coil in my belly was so tight I needed it to burst, I needed it to explode, I needed release and I didn't need to wait long as my insides clamped down around his hand and when he pushes back in and hits my sweet spot I scream into his mouth cumming all over his hand. I cry out as the burn is extinguished and I'm officially exhausted as my body goes limp against Scott who chuckles. Jax pulls his fingers out and sucks them groaning then he kisses me again
  "You taste amazing"
  He fixes my skirt then lifts my limp heavy body and wraps my legs around his waist as I rest my head in the crook of his neck yawning. He chuckles shaking his head
  "I love how you do that"
  He whispers into my shoulder kissing my throat
  "Do what?"

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