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  "You both need to be good, dale, deacon and Jake has permission to slap your around the head if you start fighting"
  "We won't fight"
  I chuckle and kiss them both as the girls kiss their men and we get into our cars. I climb in the back seat first and through the first race they explain how everything works. We would always go driving when they came to Bora Bora and when I was home I knew how to drive fast and hard. We finish first in the first race and by the time the third one comes along my adrenaline is pumping so high that my stomach rolls but I'm so excited it doesn't actually bother me. The girls have me drive the last race and my stomach fills with butterflies. I'm so excited.
  "I'll do the gears you just pump the clutch when I tell you to and keep the pedal to the Matt, got it?"
  "You know I'm perfectly capable of winning this without that"
  "I know but I'm not taking any chances I'm not losing to the boys"
  Isla scolds me, making me laugh. Their were 5 cars left in the race, caden, James, Brian and dales car had lost so they were out it was only us the boys and Lola, Megan and Baylee left with 2 other random blue cars so it was 2 pink to 3 blue but dale stopped by before the last race to tell me he bet his money on us because we are awesome.
  The countdown starts and I wait and when we take off I do everything the girls tell me to do, I go as fast and as hard as I can kicking the clutch, the boys are head to head with us and I growl all my competitive nature takes over and I take over the gears from the girls and I take it up a notch, they scream as I fly around the track over taking the boys and staying a good foot ahead. I go full throttle and I don't hold back and I don't stop until we fly over the finish line and the girls scream so loud my eardrums nearly burst. as I stop the car all the girls in the stadium are screaming to so we hope out of the car and jump into each other's arms in excitement doing a little victory dance, we flip the boys the bird as they climb from the cars laughing at us but then they take of in a run towards us and we scream sprinting in the other direction and away from them, but my stupid tiny legs are way to short and soon Scott is holding me upside down laughing at me
  "Scott let me down"
  "Nope, serves you right for rubbing salt in our wounds"
  "Oh please we have always been the superior species and your just pissed that we proved it infront of all these people"
  Isla says as Jake walks past with her over his shoulder, he slaps her butt
  Me and Ailm break out into a full hearty laugh as the boys pretend not to smile carrying us back to the garage where the cars had been moved to. Scott finally puts me down with a large grin on his face.
  "Go get changed"
  I do as I'm told and meet the guys back at the car, taking my new suit with me and stuffing it into the boot of the car then I take my seat next to Scott in the back but dale wasn't with us
  "Where is dale?"
  "Oh shit I forgot to tell you he met his mate"
  I sit forward
  "Who is it?"
  "A man named Greg from Ailms pack, he's going to get clothes and introduce dale to his family but he will be at the ceremony tomorrow because dales taking the gamma position"
  I clap my hands in excitement for him. I really hope Greg is as good as Dale because he deserves it.
  "I'm so excited for him. I wonder if he can cook"
  The boys chuckle and shake their heads at me
  "What? I love cooking for you both and even having people over to eat but it would be nice for someone else we know to cook sometimes to"
  They nod smiling at me
  "So what now?"
  I ask them just as my stomach grumbles hungry
  "Now we get food and go home, Ailms still not up for crowds and we need to prepare for tomorrow. We can pick up Chinese on the way home"
  I smiled happy with the plan, I was still exhausted from the night before and I longed to curl up in front of the fire and read a good book. We grab Chinese on the territory and go straight home, Scott lights the fire and I curl up under a cosy blanket and eat my food with the boys.
  "So how does this work tomorrow?"
  Jaxon shrugs
  "I don't know how they do it in other packs but here we just do it infront of whoever wants to come then we go home and that's it"
  I screw up my face and look at him
  He frowns looking at me
  "Nope what?"
  "Nope that's not what we are doing, Nope we are going to have food and drink and celebrate."
  He raises his eyebrow in the air
  "I'm not sure if that's a good idea, to much drink and they get rowdy"
  I shake my head
  "I don't care, if we want to move into the future we need to start treating the pack like a pack, we celebrate together, we sob together. When Ailms parents died and the rogues took over her territory she stayed with the pack outside all night, they talked about those they lost and they cried together then they fell asleep together. When deacon woke up her entire pack was sleeping outside huddled together because that's what packs do. So from now on that's what we are going to do. You do all the killing and putting the law in place with Scott and I'll do the caring and turning these savages into a pack"
  Scott and Jaxon look to each other and Jaxon nods
  "Ok let's try it, what do you need me to do?"
  "Call the pack, tell them they all, no exceptions apart from the patrols come to the party, kids and all. We can do it on the training field. If you do that I can arrange food with the restaurants in town. How many pack members do we have?"
  He swallows the food in his mouth and comes up for air
  "Around 5 thousand including kids"
  I smile
  "Ok gimi your phone so I can call all the restaurants and arrange food, tell everyone to bring blankets so they can sit and eat and we will arrange drinks. Have we got any bouncy castles?"
  Jax frowns and shakes his head
  "Why would we have bouncy castles?"
  I look at him like he has 20 heads
  "Because of the kids, my gosh I'm going to be busy whipping this place into shape when we get back. I'll borrow Ailms bouncy castles someone will need to let her people in to seat it up. We start when we finish our food"
  So that's what we do, I jump in with both feet and both hands, I am determined to make this place into a place full of love and compassion. Jax has already done the hard part taking the bad stuff away from them. Now I needed to help him take it to the next level and make this place into a pack that we can be proud of. I spend most of the night on the phone with all the restaurants from town, making enough food for everyone will be hard but luckily we have several different restaurants so we will have a spread to be proud of. I ring the bars next and they all agree to bring enough drink for the entire pack, kegs of beer and spirits. Jax sorts out the music and after breakfast the next day we spend the rest of the time preparing for everyone's arrival. Deacon was kind enough to let us borrow 3 bouncy houses for the kids so they came early to set it up. By lunch time everything was set up and I was so excited to make this night a special one for the pack. I make the boys a special lunch, fresh made pasta carbonara. When we finish and clean up it's almost time for the ceremony. The girls were still getting over their own trauma so they were not coming but I didn't mind it would give me an excuse to mingle with the pack.
  "Can one of you tell me what to wear please I don't want to look like shit"
  Jax rolls his eyes
  "I could kill you for calling her clothes frumpy in the first place now she's all paranoid. Baby you couldn't look like shit even if you were head to toe in it"
  He says to Scott, I pout and he leans down and kisses me and takes my hand and leads me into the closet. He is in a white button down dress shirt with dark jeans and boots, Scott was in similar attire. Jax flicks through my closet and pulls out a white puffy short sleeve shirt dress with a black ribbed overlay, high waist top finished with a black belt making the bottom puff out slightly. It would make my long legs look even longer. I loved it, I took it from him grinning and pulling it on, I was so short beside them both but I wasn't that short. Maybe to them I am but I have long legs and a short toned body. I liked my body but with this dress I looked amazing
  "Choose my shoes and please not heels because I don't want to fall in front of everyone"
  He taps his chin looking at our very organised shoe wall, he pulls a pair of thigh high boots out
  "Try them if you can't walk in them I'll choose something else but they will look sexy with that outfit"
  Damn I loved having bi mates. They were not afraid to dress well or ashamed of knowing how to style me. I lived in bikinis and swimsuits my entire life so coming into the real world in a different climate is hard enough never mind trying to wear clothes that keep me warm but I guess I don't need to worry about that anymore now that I'm always warm. I still love the comfort of a fluffy blanket but I didn't need it anymore I just liked it.
  I pulled on the boots and to my surprise I could walk in them a lot easier then normal, I did a little hop on the spot and I didn't fall then I did a little dance and Jax stood watching me with his eyebrows in the air covering his smirk in his hands I roll my eyes
  "What I have to make sure I don't fall"
  "If that's how you dance I'll carry you around the floor. Damn I never thought I'd be embarrassed of you"
  I gasp and slap his arm
  "That is not funny Jaxon, I can dance. I was just making sure I didn't fall so now tell me, how do I look?"
  He grins taking my hands in his
  "Beautiful as always"
  "But am I extra beautiful right now? I want to look good"
  "Don't worry baby you look amazing, now come on and get a drink we are going to need it"
  He sighs leading me out of our room, I squeeze his hand and Togo follows behind me with his new rubber toy that Scott bought him after he ate his shoe.
  "Give them a chance they might surprise you, if they don't we put them in line."
  "I really want this to work but I am afraid"
  We make it down the stairs where Scott is ready with bottles of whiskey. I grin taking mine and opening it, i down over half of it and when I come back up for air Jax is frowning at me
  "Damn you're an animal, what is wrong with a glass?"
  I snort and shake my head
  "That just slows the process and waists a clean glass"
  Scott laughs drinking from his own bottle and grinning at Jax
  "I agree, you both look amazing by the way and Lucy those damn legs look like they go on forever"
  He whistles, raking his eyes down my body slowly, the look alone makes me clap my legs together. One damn look and they have me horny and ready to go
  "Stop it or we will never get out of here"
  The door knocks and dale opens it
  "Is it safe to come in or are you all fucking?"
  I laugh walking to the door excited to meet dales mate
  "Come in and no we are not"
  He comes in and pulls me into a bear hug, I giggle hugging him back, he pulls away looking me over and whistling
  "Damn doll you look smoking hot"
  I grin doing a little twirl for him and he grins back
  "Why thank you"
  He steps away from the door and a man the equal size of him walks through the door. I've seen him around the pack before but I've never talked to him. He's a little older then me but his aura is bright white and it radiates of him like he's an angle.
  "Wow what?"
  Dale looks between us worried, Jax growls I put my hand up
  "No no it's not bad hang on gimi your hand"
  He does as I ask and he touches me, I grin from ear to ear this boy was special. He was kind, positive, he had been through a lot but in each instance he rose above and became even greater then before. He's as gay as the day is long and I was already excited to be his friend. He couldn't cook but he loved to eat and train and he was the perfect match for dale. I pull my arm away and grin at dale
  "He is amazing, he is even purer than you and we are going to be amazing friends. You my friend are going to help us make this pack great"

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