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  His cheeks heat just a little and he shakes his head
  "No i'm just saying it for your benefit"
  He answers stubbornly, big fat liar
  "Oh really so you're ok with her big fat wet boobs all over our man's chest"
  His jaw tenses and a small feral growl escaped his lips and I can't help but laugh. Scott looks like he won the bloody lottery pulling him into us and kissing his lips growling seductively. I clench my legs together to try and calm The beast that is my arousal before it gets too noticeable. Jax leans down and kisses me and then smiles
  "Will you swap with him"
  I grin and pull away
  "Ofcourse I will, let's just hope I don't like it too much"
  A feral growl rips through both of their chests making me laugh as I stand in line where Scott was the girl behind her grumble and she just looks pissed. She storms forward getting into position
  "You look a little cold, you should
  Avoid throwing water over yourself before you train you will only come down with the cold"
  Her jaw goes rigid as she gets in a defensive stance, I roll my eyes at her
  "Your meant to come to me"
  She growls, I can't help but smirk at the cheeky bitch as she takes off jumping from left to right but as she gets in front of me she stalls trying to punch me in the side, I grab her fist and pull it as I fall back to avoid the hit and I force my other arm up with more force then I mean too breaking her arm with a gut wrenching craic, she screams and I instantly feel guilty
  "Aw shit I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit so hard, someone get a belt and fast!"
  I shout as she falls cradling her broken arm, Jax tries to stop himself from smiling but fails miserably and Scott just thinks it's hilarious as a man pulls a belt out of his training bag and brings it to me, I look to Scott and Jax
  "A little help"
  They come to my side as the girl cries
  "Here bite this"
  "No fuck you, you broke my arm"
  Scott and Jax growl at her but I put my hand up
  "Leave her shes in pain, bite down on it if you want me to heal it"
  She looks at me and mutters something before giving in and opening her mouth, I look to the boys
  "Right hold her still and this is going to hurt like a bitch but try not to move"
  Scott holds her good arm down her side as Jax grabs her legs, I take her arm as she cries biting down on the belt, the crowd around us watching us intently. It was dislocated at the shoulder and the break needed to be set.
  "I have to pop it back into place before I heal it and it's going to hurt"
  I grab her arm taking some of the pain as I yank it back into its socket she screams bloody murder, her teeth most likely going through the belt. When I was sure it was in place I took more pain but until it was set I couldn't take it all without it setting in the wrong place, I pulled it forward and straightened it. Tears streamed down her face and even though I had taken most of her pain she was still in agony, she whimpered into Scott's chest making Jax growl and me jump jolting her arm slightly. I try not to laugh at his jealousy and I put the arm in its rightful place then I heal her, but as I fuse the bone back together like new something tells me to look further so I do. I gasp when I realise how much pain she's always in, she has a huge tumour running up her spin and neck with an even bigger tumour on the inside of her skull pushing against her brain. I healed both of those and kept looking, her liver was in shit and she had small tumours all over her womb, stomach and intestines. She was riddled with cancer all over her body, in her blood and even a tumour on her kidneys. I heal all of it and sit back with a gasp. As I open my eyes mine meet Her's, they are wide open and blood streams from her nose.
  "You had cancer, in your brain, your spine, your kidneys and womb; even in your stomach and blood.
  If you ever feel sick again promise to come back to me to make sure I can heal you, if I didn't break your arm you would have been dead in a matter of weeks"
  She looks around
  "I can see again, it's not blurry anymore, my hands don't tingle? You healed me?"
  She was shocked as she checked every limb, my own were heavy, I still hadn't recovered from healing so much yesterday and her healing took a lot more out of me because it was deep rooted into her tissue.
  "Of Course I did your my pack"
  "Love you need to lay down your bleeding"
  I nod at Jax and push myself up but I stumble and fall into someone, they catch me and try to steady me but Jax's scoops me up kissing my head and resting his face next to mine, Scott follows us home and as we come to the door
  "For the record in future reference if a girl ever acts like that again I'm ok with you letting them die"
  We laugh as he lightens the mood and I shake my head
  "If she was genuinely a bitch I would but she had a huge brain tumour, it makes you do some pretty stupid shit but I'm sorry I don't think I have the energy to cook and I'm starving"
  Jax kisses my cheek nuzzling into my neck as I yawn wiping blood from my nose
  "Already sorted, one of the cooks are bringing us breakfast"
  I frown screwing my nose up
  "What did you order? It better taste good"
  He smirks shaking his head
  "Come on be a good sport and eat a basic breakfast for once in your life, you need rest and I'm not about to let Scott poison you with undercooked heaven knows what. So today you eat eggs, bacon and sausages"
  I huff against him dramatically
  "Fine! How bad can it really be? Right?"
  He bites his lip trying and failing to hide his smile
  "Jaxon, is it that bad? I'll just cook, I don't want you both eating rubbish"
  They both chuckle shaking their heads
  "No babe it won't kill us for one day, come on you need rest. Just chill, pick a movie and relax for today ok?"
  I sigh and nod at Scott's very wise words, it does sound good.
  "Are you going to watch with me?"
  "No but I can work from the kitchen so I'll be right by your side"
  Jaxon replies plopping me down on the couch beside him, he hands me a remote and lights his hand on fire and he shoots it at the fireplace as Scott tucks me in under a blanket. I giggle and he wraps me up like a burrito.
  "I don't even get cold and your wrapping me up like a damn hotdog and cooking me over the fire on a hot July Summer day"
  "Just sssh and let us look after you for once"
  Jaxon says leaning down and kissing my lips softly, I groan squeezing my legs together again as he pulls back with a smirk kissing my nose
  "That can wait until your all better now pick something while I make the coffee"
  I pout and snap the remote from his hand annoyed that he won't at least make me cum.
  1 month later....
  It had been a month of non-stop training, by now I had trained with every elite warrior at least once and was able to see if they were loyal to the pack, we had lost 3 people because they were dishonest and would happily stab us in the back the first chance they got.
  The rest of the pack had done a full 180, all kids from 5 and up were trained every morning at school. When you hit 10 you train for 2 hours and at 13 training becomes more intense and at 16 you train with the adults who all train every morning for 2 hours now. The elites still train harder and for longer but at least now the pack can defend themselves against another attack.
  Sophie and the kids would arrive tomorrow and she and the kids would spend the day helping me go through the thoughts of every pack member. It would take time but Sophie could only spare one day but the kids would stay and help me continue the process. They would stay at least a week and Scott was so excited to have them.
  Scott on the other hand has settled into his beta role with ease and we had so much fun working together, granted very little work was ever done when we were together so jaxon had started to join us and keep us in line.
  I was standing over the stove making pancakes and sauce as Jax poured the coffees and Scott set the table. Life had settled down and for the most part the pack had accepted me for who and what I am. I pulled the last of the pancakes from the pan as a mindlink opened up
  Alpha, Luna there is a girl at the border she was from this pack. She is only a teenager and pretty beaten up and she has a newborn with her she says she needs to talk with the Luna, it's really important
  Escort her and the baby to our house please
  Check to see if she was followed
  Right away, I have to warn you that her clothes are ripped and her body is badly beaten. She's trembling like a leaf
  Bring her straight here and thank you
  I cut the link and look to Scott who was heading for the stairs
  "When your up there can you grab my night jacket, bottoms and a T-shirt"
  He nods and runs up the stairs as I look to Jax worried
  "I new this was going to happen, bastards"
  I punch the table making the forks clink against the wood loudly. I take a breath and turn to pace, finally deciding to open the front door and wait, within the minutes a car pulls up as Scott returns with a bedroom gown. The girl was roughly 5ft tall, her platinum blonde hair was red with blood sticking to her face where some had dried down. She was skinny with a straight slim body. Her clothes were hanging to bits, ripped in all directions but her important bits were shielded by the tiny screaming human in her arms. The girl must have been no older than 15 or 16 and the baby looked newborn. The warrior tried to help her but as he touched her, her body jumped in shock and she trembled in fear as she clung to the baby like a lifeline. I run out to meet her with the housecoat and I wrap it around her shoulders
  She asked in a tiny fragile voice
  "Yes you can call me lucy"
  She suddenly starts to sob pushing the baby into my chest, I take it and she engulfs me in a tight hug as she cries into my chest. The baby settles down but the girl continues to sob. The pain radiating from her was terrifying, it wasn't just physical but emotional too.
  "Come in I made pancakes"
  She doesn't answer, she just wraps the coat around her tighter and follows me into the house clinging to my free arm, the boys say nothing to her but as Scott goes to take the baby she pulls me back
  "No only the Luna, he is for the Luna"
  I frown and turn to her
  "Scott's my mate I trust him, can I check your thoughts while you eat so you don't need to explain?"
  She sighs smiling
  "Sorry I just don't want to get it wrong, yes you can check my thoughts"
  "Good, now sit and eat. Jaxon have someone bring stuff to feed and clothe the baby, and maybe a pram so it can sleep until we know more"
  He smiles and nods
  "Ofcourse luna"
  He uses his sarcastic tone but I ignore it piling food onto a plate for the girl, I add sauce and pour her coffee too. When we are done I let her eat while I go through all of her memories, how she ended up in this shape and where the baby came from. By the time I'm done she had almost finished devouring the food on her plate, I grab the clothes and pass it to her and point to the ground floor guest room.
  "Bathroom and bedroom through that door, you can lock it from the inside if you want"
  I grab her shoulder and tell her body to feel safe in our home
  "But you can also keep it wide open if it makes you feel better because you are safe in our home and nobody will ever hurt you again I promise"
  She hugs me so tight if I had to I would have farted
  "Thank you"
  She rocks me from side to side then pulls back and takes the stuff from the table and walks to the bedroom, I point to the back door and wag the men to follow me, Scott carries the baby outside and stands by the door as I smoke away from him.
  "I can show you what happened but I'm not sure you want to see"
  "Maybe just tell us and keep the details out"
  I sigh, nodding my head and taking a drag of my joint.
  "Ok her, her mum and dad went to the rogue camp, it was fine for the first few nights but then they took the girls by force, put them into cells in the ground and raped them, her parents died fighting to free her but before she left, when she was in the cell she met a pregnant woman, she was banshee and her fated a hellhound but the hellhound was not activated so he couldn't protect himself, they made him into a Lycan wolf but kept them apart only allowing them together to get her pregnant at their request because they want to bring the baby up as their own and take over and kill arden and rule all. The banshee had a vision that she would die and a little girl would take the baby and find me, that She would know I'm the right person when I say to her 'call me Lucy' anyway the banshee had a vision, she showed it to the little girl, it was her son growing up side by side with his mate. That those that raise him will raise her and together they will take over this pack and become the Lycan kings and when that happens other Lycan pure bloods will come out of the woodwork from all over, more Lycan than we ever imagine all wanting a chance at redemption, all willing to bend the knee to the Lycan king and queen and it will all start with the banshee going into labour, she would hemorrhage while she gave birth and the young girls family would see this as an opportunity to break the girl free. The girl after being brutally raped and beaten for weeks would escape holding the baby and return home to the boys new parents, who will give birth to a baby girl. But the banshee also saw the lycans coming to try retrieve the boy as their own and they won't stop until they all die by our hand because only we can protect him, we will free the girls and they will come back to us. That baby right there is the child, we will be it's parents. You hold in your arms Carter mcgregor future king of the Lycans"
  Their jaws were slightly slack as all the colour left their faces, I on the other hand felt calm. Probably too calm. I wasn't really ready to have a baby and certainly not one just handed to me by a little girl who had been through hell and back. I take another huge drag of my joint as Jax sits on the seat looking at the forest and suddenly I was a little afraid that he didn't want him because he needed us, he needed a warm place to sleep and plenty of food in his stomach. He needed to be protected and only we could do that. What do I do if they say no? Why do I already feel attached to the baby? I look at Scott who has doe eyes gazing down at Carter like he was made from precious rare gemstones, ones you only find once in a lifetime and you do everything in your power to make the moment special. I look at Jax as a smile spreads across his face. He grins from ear to ear. He gets on his knees in a praying position looking up at me like I'm a god of wonder or some shit.
  "I know you weren't ready, but can we still keep him?"
  I roll my eyes pulling him up and kissing his lips
  "Yes Of Course we can but you need to bring me shopping, he needs everything and he needs it now"
  "The nurse will be by with food and bottles and nappies, after that we can go to town and get Carter everything he needs. Holy crap we have a baby, we have a baby Carter. Gosh I'm so excited I want to tell somebody but I'm not sure who"
  I chuckle at Scott shaking my head
  "Can you tell my parents? I think I'm in shock I feel to calm"
  "Take him it might help"
  I nod taking a big pull of my joint then I stand up and Scott hands him to me, he was still covered in weird goo and blood but even filthy he was beautiful. He had a thick head of black hair, his eyes were a perfect mix of banshee and hellhound, purple with a yellow ring around his iris. He had perfect pink pouting lips and a small button nose. His skin was definitely banshee like, White as paper and almost glowing. I ran my finger down his cheek and his tiny little hand grabbed my finger. He gave me this look, like I was the only person in the world who was able to protect him and he knew that. And right then and there I knew I would do anything to keep him safe, he was mine and I was his mummy.
  "He's so perfect"

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