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  Ashley puts her hand out to shake Sophie's but Sophie pushes it away and pulls her into a hug, she gasps as she reads her looking over at me, her eyes go glassy as she fights the tears
  "I'm so happy to meet you"
  She pulls away pushing hair away from her face
  "Look at you, you're beautiful. Your going to make me beautiful grand babies"
  "Mum seriously"
  Mark scolds her, making us all laugh.
  "Em do you want to go watch a movie Or something?"
  Ashley asks him nervously, he grins widely at her taking her hand
  "Sure lead the way"
  "Ehh downstairs room and the door stays open"
  She groans rolling her eyes at Scott
  "Seriously your so uncool Scott"
  "And I'm so still your legal guardian so get your snarky ass into that downstairs room and leave the door open or I'll send the baby in there for you to babysit and really cramp your style"
  He crosses his arms over his chest and she growls at him stomping off like the moody teen that she is making us all silently chuckle just as Carter coo's from the corner. I go to him and he smiles up at me making me gasp and pull out my phone, he gives me a big toothless grin so I snap photo after photo
  "He's smiling, his first smile you're missing it hurry up"
  They jump the couch to get to us just as he frowns then clenches his little fists and groans. His face goes bright red making me laugh
  "Look now you pissed him off because you didn't run fast enough"
  Sophie looks so confused
  "When did you have a baby. I'm so confused right now"
  She rubs down the side of her face with both hands like she's gone crazy
  "We have so much to talk about, coffee Sophie?"
  I pass a nappy and wipes to Scott and I skip past them pulling little maddie into my arms for a hug
  "I'm so excited you're here, why don't you go say hey to your new little cousin Carter while I fill your mum in, the remote is on the table"
  I go to the kitchen and check on lunch before pouring coffees and heading out back to talk with Sophie. She sits down and lifts a joint from the bag, I take one for myself and light it.
  "So when did this all happen?"
  "Yesterday, although it feels like longer"
  I answer she smirks
  "Yeah kids have a way of doing that to you. So that's it now my little boy isn't my little boy anymore"
  She looks a little sad taking a large drag of her joint
  "You could look at it like that or you could look at it like you just gained a daughter?"
  I reply pulling my knees to my chest she raises her eyebrows at me in surprise
  "You want me to take her to stay with us?"
  I purge my lips and think for a second, do I want that?
  No I want to keep her
  I smirk at Lexi, I think I want to keep her too
  "You can but I don't mind if you want her to stay either. I like having her around but it's going to be difficult for them to be apart now that they know about each other"
  She sighs rubbing her face, her brown hair was tightly tied up on top of her head and she honestly looked tired
  "We have actually been having a lot of trouble with rogues and I was going to ask your parents to take the kids until things cool down but we can take her after that"
  I snort and laugh shaking my head
  "Before you arrived I had just asked mum and dad to take Ashley and Carter until we kill the rogues. Just incase they try to take them at least they will be safe, they said yes so maybe this would be a perfect solution"
  She pulls out her phone and rings mum on the spot, mum excitedly agrees to take all the kids until we get things sorted over here. We ended up agreeing that Sophie would take the kids to Bora Bora in a week's time after the kids helped me check the thoughts of the pack. When we go inside I smile at Jax when I realise he is setting the table. I pull down plates and pull the salad from the fridge filling everyone's bowls full of chicken salad. When I'm done Sophie helps set the table as I find the kids. I walk it and groan when I catch the kids making out
  "Seriously dudes get your tongues out of each other's mouths and come get food"
  I shiver as they pull away glaring at me. I point to the table and they both grumble getting up and walking out like stroppy teenagers. Mum was going to have a field day with them but I couldn't help feeling sad that Ashley would live with them when this was all over. I liked having her around.
  "Ugh it's salad"
  Scott complains to Jax as we sit down
  "Just eat it scott"
  "Well Of Course I'm going to eat it I'm just saying I might not like it"
  He yaps, Jax rolls his eyes and takes a bite, he moans and swallows
  "It's good it doesn't even taste like salad"
  Scott nods and takes a bite and smiles swallowing and looking to the kids
  "Don't worry it still tastes good"
  Maddie rolls her eyes at Scott
  "Oh please Of Course it's nice, not every child is afraid of vegetables you big man baby"
  I snort and take a bite as Scott's jaw goes slack and he zeros his eyes on maddie
  "Little teenage turd"
  She growls at him. He gasps wide eyed, screwing up his face at her
  "Scott have some decorum your at the table and she is half your age so stop acting like your her age and eat your vegetables"
  Jaxon snorts and laughs at Scott as I scold him, Scott punches jaxons shoulder making him growl
  "Scott your on your last damn chance now apologies for hitting him and jaxon apologies for growling in front of our guests"
  "No he hit me im allowed to growl at him"
  Jaxon huffs like a baby I roll my eyes and point at him
  "Jaxon Jasper mcgregor you do not talk to me like that and you will apologies because we have guests"
  He groans stabbing a piece of lettuce and some chicken looking at the rest of the table
  "I'm sorry for growling"
  I slap the back of Scott's head he jumps in shock gasping
  "Apologies now"
  "No you apologies you just hit me"
  I roll my eyes and slap the back of his head again
  "Do it now Scott! And those rules don't apply to the only person willing to stand up to you 2 buffoons"
  He groans muttering something but then he smiles at the table
  "I apologise to you all and to you Jax, I'm sorry"
  The rest of the day goes quickly, we checked around 700 peoples thoughts, add that to the almost 900 I had checked we only had around 1000 left to check and me, mark and maddie would start tomorrow and try to get the rest done over the next few days. After Sophie lectured Mark and Ashley about how dangerous it is for a wolf girl to get pregnant young for around an hour she finally gave in and left right before dinner. Ashley helped me and Maddie make dinner as the boys sorted Carter out.
  We would have root vegetables, roasted pork, special stuffing and cream potatoes. There was hardly a sound as they devoured the food and when we were done we watched a movie while we ate desert choosing to watch the first Jurassic park. When it was over we all went to bed as I fed Carter his last bottle of the day. When I got him into his pyjamas I made sure to tell his little body not to cry unless he was in pain, that he should sleep through the night without a bottle. Soon we all crawled into bed and passed out happy.
  As I peeled my eyes open I realised it's light outside, my heart starts to drum in my chest as I panic that Carter never woke me up. I leaped out of bed and dived over Scott to check on my boy, he was still snoring happily and I sagged in relief
  "What the hell was that?"
  Scott said sleepily, amused by my freak out
  "Sorry I panicked because he never woke us up last night, damn my heart is pounding"
  I fall back into bed on my back and he gives me a reassuring smile
  "I did the same thing about 10 minutes ago, it's weird how much he feels like ours"
  He pulls me close to him so we are nose to nose
  "He is ours, was the moment he past that border. I'm going to miss him when he goes to Bora Bora"
  I pout, my heart rate quickens slightly at the thought of him leaving us
  "Me too, but the sooner we check the pack for their loyalty the faster we can attack, and the faster we attack the faster we get him home again. Let's just enjoy these next few days with all the kids even the snarky teenager"
  I chuckle and shake my head
  "Don't pretend your not going to miss her like hell when she goes to live with Sophie"
  He shakes his head frowning
  "No she's not leaving until she's 18 I don't care, she can be pissed of with me if she wants but as much as she's snarky she's also really funny and I'm going to protect her innocents"
  I raise my eyebrows in surprise pulling back slightly
  "You want to keep her too?"
  "Yes I do"
  I smile nodding to him
  "We will talk to her about it, but I'm not going to promise that we keep her. not when she met her mate. It would be like me and you being apart"
  He sighs looking awfully disappointed that she might not stay. I'll need to remember to tell her that. I look to the clock and groan
  "Better get up, training is in 10"
  I kiss his lips softly just as Carter starts to coo, I smile reaching for him and laying him between us, I kiss his little cheek and he grins at me grabbing my hair in his little fist and yanking it towards his mouth.
  "Awch, little shit that hurt"
  I say prying my hair from his hands as Scott laughs and the next thing I know there is a phone in my face as Scott snaps so many pictures as I try to pry my hair from his hand and stop him from eating it. After a minute I get his fingers unhooked so I blow raspberries on his little cheek making him goo at me flailing his arms and legs all over the place in excitement making us laugh, I feel Jax rise up and lean over kissing my cheek
  "What's he doing? What did I miss?"
  I chuckle and lay down so Jax could see better and I blow more raspberries on his cheek, he freaks out throwing his arms around excitedly as Scott takes more pictures just as Carter reaches out and grabs a clump of Jax's hair yanking it towards his mouth
  "Awchhhh, you little fart, let go of my hair"
  I laugh as Scott continues to take photos
  "You could help instead of taking pictures"
  "But then we wouldn't have a memory of this moment"
  He returns with a chuckle
  "Yes we will, the bald spot that he's going to leave on my head is memory enough for me"
  I giggle and Scott throws his head back laughing, I try to help him but Scott's so busy taking photos he's no help atol, well until Jax shoves him off the bed and he falls to the ground with a grunt. I laugh harder as I peel Carter's hands open and Jax pulls his head away kissing my lips quickly before hopping out of bed. Scott grabs me clothes for Carter and he gets him dressed as I climb out of bed to dress myself in training gear, Scott would take the baby this morning so I could train. We would have a busy day, after breakfast we would have around 400 pack members come line up so me and the kids could check their thoughts. They don't know what we are doing and we won't be killing anyone until we are finished in case the rest freak out and refuse to comply right now, instead they think we are checking to see if anyone would make good warriors.
  So far all the younger members of the pack had past with flying colours, to them they new no different and liked the life they have had here, those who remember the old ways are a different story, so far we had chosen around 10 who were not only not loyal but also a threat to the pack, they would die when the process is over as well as anyone else like them. What intrigued me most was that most of those who were a danger to the pack but especially Carter were unmated. It will make it easier to kill them when they have no mates to return home to.
  Training went quickly but the entire time I was so busy watching Carter and Scott that I couldn't concentrate, all I could think of was we could be attacked at any moment and he could be taken, halfway through Jax swapped partners with me and pulled me from training early.
  "You're worrying too much baby, we have the place locked down, we have Scouts watching the camp, if they make a move we will know about it."
  He said as he pulled me towards Scott, I blew out a breath and nodded rubbing my head
  "I'm sorry I just can't stop worrying about him. I think I need to teach him how to protect himself."
  Scott frowned pulling away
  "You are not calling on his fire like Ailm did for me"
  I gasped disgusted with him
  "Hell no I'm not, he is both banshee and hellhound, he doesn't need to burn alive to access his powers. I've been keeping them at bay but maybe I need to teach him to burn someone that isn't us or someone he knows I just need to figure out how to tell them apart"
  I took the baby and cuddled him into my chest kissing his head. I loved him so much, so much that I can't even describe it. He was my baby and it was my job to keep him safe and that thought terrified me because if I failed I'd only have myself to blame and that was a terrifying thought because I know if something happened to him I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I kissed his little cheeks and took him inside when I arrived. I was shocked to see the kids cooking breakfast. I smiled watching mark teach Ashley how to make the perfect pancakes
  "Hey, something smells good"
  I took a sniff of the air and my mouth watered, the smell of bacon and pancakes perfumes the room making my stomach growls hungrily.
  "Yeah we thought we would cook for you for a change, go clean up it will be ready in 15"
  Mark said to me, winking. I grinned back at him. He was damn adorable, he was already a foot taller than me, he was built like a tank and still growing but his baby face gave him away. I took the baby upstairs as the boys joined me sniffing the air then screwing their faces up
  "You're not cooking?"
  I roll my eyes shaking my head
  "No im not, plus marks a good cook but I'll make lunch I promise"
  They groaned following me up the stairs, I put the baby in his cot and thought of him napping and soon he's off to sleep so I stripped off and climbed in the shower. I sigh happily as the cool water rained down on me, I opened my body wash and took a sniff, relaxing even more as the smell of nature filled the room. Nature and rain can do amazing things to a person's anxiety.
  Jax's strong arms wrap around my waist pulling me back against his chest, he leans down kissing down my throat and over my mark. I moan pushing my ass against him as his hands run up my front kneading my breasts and pulling on my nipple. Scott climbs in infront of me pulling my chin up to look at him, he smashes his lips against mine bruising them, his kiss was urgent and full of need, I kissed back with just as much passion taking control and biting his bottom lip, he opened his mouth letting me in to explore his. He tastes like sweet whiskey and my body melts between them both. Scott pulls away as Jax twirls me around so my back is against Scott. His lips go to my neck pulling on the skin and sucking on it as Jax kisses my lips his thumb pushes on my clit making me groan opening my mouth slightly, he invades it with his own tongue, his kiss was softer, smoother and softer he tasted like rich whiskey, addictive and comforting. This kiss would warm you up on the coldest day and I loved that. He kissed down my neck kissing Scott on his way south as Scott rolled my nipple between his thumb and finger sucking on my mark and biting it playfully. Jax throws my leg over his shoulder and licks a line from my ass to clit I groan my eyes rolling to the back of my head and pushing myself against his face, he invades my pussy with his tongue and fingers fucking me with them, he laps up my juices then bits down on my clit I cry out at the pain but it turns into a deep guttural moan as the pain merges with the pleasure instantly tightening my core. Jax uses his other hand to skim up Scott's leg grabbing his heavy hard dick, Scott moves so he's holding me steady but now his cock was beside my hip. Jax growls looking at it, he uses his fingers to continue to fuck me but grabs Scott's dick with his free hand pulling on him, he licks the tip with his tongue and my body vibrates from Scott's approving growl. He sucks him into his mouth and a fresh wave of moisture coats Jaxons fingers, he moans pulling on Scott harder and I throw my head back as their arousal through the bond hits me. My body begins to tense and release and I cry out needing release so I buck my hips looking for extra frickin
  "Do you want to cum on jaxons face baby?"
  I groan nodding my head, my stomach tightens painfully
  "Say it baby, tell us what you want"
  "Cum, cum on jaxons face pleaseeee"
  I cry out, both growl in approval as jaxons lips connect with my clit. I grab his hair and pull him closer as I rub myself against his mouth as he eats me out. Scott's lips are on my throat, nipping and sucking, sending sparks all throughout my body. I scream as Jax stuffs his fingers inside me, curling them inside me. My walls drop and I scream as I'm thrown over a violent shaky orgasm, my legs give out from under me, Scott holds onto me tight catching the scream in his mouth. I kiss him back as my body vibrates and shudders as I slowly come down from my high.
  Scott let's me go so I drop to my knees as Jax stands up and kisses Scott, I take Scott into my mouth first using my other hand to pull on jaxons cock. They both thrust into me at the same time, I moan as they harden under my touch, I melt against them as Scott hits the back of my throat with force, I take him all as jaxon moves his cock to the side of my mouth and slowly pushes in to, my jaws widen painfully as I take them both.
  "That's it baby take us both"
  Jax says grabbing my hair, they move together fucking my mouth at the same time and it felt amazing to pleasure them both like this at the same time, I'd go as far as saying that I felt empowered. I look up and both of them watch me but I want to watch them, they seem to get the idea as they continue to thrust into my mouth as they kiss each other, the throb between my legs intensifies and I groan dying to touch myself but instead I grab their balls knowing I wasn't allowed to touch myself,
  "Good girl, come up here and I'll take care of that for you"
  Jaxon pulled his cock from my mouth and helped me to my feet. He lifted me into the air so I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He slammed me against the cold shower wall making me shudder in shock, he slams his mouth against mine deepening it straight away, I felt his cock prod past my slick folds and he slides into me seamlessly, my eyes roll to the back of my head as he pulls out and hammers back in,
  Scott positioned Himself behind Jaxon and I watched as his eyes rolled to the back of his head as Scott slid into jaxons. Jaxon moved first pulling out of me and slamming back in, Scott slammed into him at the same time. I scream out as Jax hits my cervix head on. I throw my head back as my stomach tightens and the coil rolls around me sitting me right at the edge I scream into jaxons mouth as they both pound into me hard and fast, soon I feel jaxons dick tick and his thighs clenche and altogether we came with a roaring grunt of satisfaction.
  It took us a minute to actually pull out of each other and finish washing up because my orgasm just kept on coming and coming. My legs were shaky as I stood on them using jaxon as a crutch so I wouldn't fall.
  "You ok little wolf?"
  I groan yawning holding onto him tight as my body trembles
  "I don't know, I feel really weird"
  As I said it my head felt light and my speech slurs, jaxon catches me as my body gives out from under me
  "Wow babe what is it"
  Suddenly all the power in my body left me and I slumped down in his arms as darkness took over, I heard my name but I couldn't see a thing so I gave into the darkness

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