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  Ailm says to him, he looks surprised but then he gave her a thankful smile
  "Thank you, that would help alot, you ready to go?"
  I groan and pout, he pulls me towards him and kisses my lips then pulls away grabbing Scott's hand with his other hand and he pulls us from the house. I whistle for Togo to follow me nervous about being around so many people
  "If it gets to much just let us know"
  Togo jumps up so I lift him and I feel myself calm as I hold him in my arms. He was still very small but soon he would be too big to carry around.
  "It's going to be ok"
  I smile at them both as we approach the house and my stomach does a little flip. I love my family and being around them but they are strong opinionated people so putting them all on a deserted island together can be a little frightening. As we approach the mansion the sound of children squealing and playing warms my heart.
  "I'm going to fucking kill you, you little bastard"
  I snort and laugh as mark, Sophie and Noah's oldest son runs from the house after maddie his little sister, she squeals and makes a beline towards me giggling. She jumps behind Jax and grabs him, pulling him in front of her.
  "Protect me please"
  "Maddie what did you do?"
  I whisper ad Mark storms over growling at his little sister turning as he approaches and pointing to the bottom of his back and legs where he was covered in wax strips, I grab my mouth to muffle the laughter
  "It's not fucking funny do you know how sore that shit is?"
  I roll my eyes at him
  "Oh please girls get it done all the time you will live here"
  I grab 2 strips and I rip them off he screams in pain and I chuckle grabbing another 2 before he runs away and I rip them off, Scott catches on and rips another as maddie takes a peak laughing and sneaking out and ripping the last 2 off, marks squeals like a little girl jumping around like a crazy person making us all laugh, I slap his back when he's done and smile up at the tall little shit.
  "Now stop being a pussy and be the alpha that you are"
  He groans and tried to reach for maddie
  "Nope, get her back another time we need to eat first"
  He groans rolling his eyes. He was 16 now and he was already a foot taller than me, maddie was 12 and a sweetheart although she's a pain in the ass and always up to badness with her brother and family she's actually very shy.
  "Jaxon, Scott this is mark and maddie my little cousins. Marks actually the only active primordial male we have in our family, maddie is active too, mark this is jaxon"
  I hit Jax's chest then point To Scott
  "And this one is Scott"
  "Jez they weren't wrong your both beasts, we better go eat and I hope to the heavens your father is cooking and not Nan"
  He makes a gagging noise as maddie comes to my side smiling, I wrap an arm around her shoulder and give her a side hug
  "And how are you doing beautiful?"
  She blushes looking to the boys, when Jaxon smiles down at her she goes bright red and waves to him then stuffs her face in my side
  "Don't be nervous they are your cousins now"
  She whispers, we walk toward the house and I go to mum's side kissing her on the cheek.
  "Hey baby, hey boys"
  They both kiss her cheek and she grins at them then she gives one hand to each of them and they haul her up from the seat she groans
  "You ok mum?"
  "Yeah I'm good baby just uncomfortable, my bladder has become a punching bag for this little monster"
  She rubs her belly and darts off towards the bedroom and we head inside
  "Ah good your here set the table will ya"
  I smile at dad over the cooker so I go to him
  "I thought Nan was cooking?"
  He snorts and shakes his head
  "As if I'd feed my baby that on her wedding morning, where are the other 4"
  I shook my head sadly and he sighs
  "They all need to be locked in a room together and not let out until they sort their shit out"
  "That's actually a good idea"
  Jaxon says going to the cupboard to pull out dishes but he groans shaking his head
  "What is up with this family and mix matching, sorry but I can't deal with that mess"
  He walks away with his hands in the air shaking his head. Dad snorts and laughs, he thinks it hilarious, even made him organise his office for him. I grab plates and hand them to Scott he looks at them and groans
  "I'm not even ocd and even this would annoy me, are you not like billionaires? Why are they all different"
  Dad nearly chokes on coffee laughing
  "Billionaires that have like 100 kids, nothing ever lasts with kids and I'm pretty sure they would steal plates and cups and use them for shooting practice with paintball guns so nothing ever stayed the same"
  Scott frowns but nods
  "We will have to buy like 10 matching sets when you have a baby then we'll always have enough of the same to replace them without making Jax crazy"
  I freeze as he walks away, eyes wide and suddenly my stomach flips. Dad smirks at me
  "Oh come on don't tell me you haven't been thinking about it?"
  "Actually I haven't atol. I'm not ready for that yet"
  Dad shrugs with a smirk on his face
  "Well I'm not exactly ready to be a grandfather either so just wait a few years, now go set the table and you can have that conversation another time"
  I nod, gathering everything and setting the table when I'm done. Jax comes back in and pulls me onto his knee as the table fills up, I fill out ur cups with coffee and lay on him.
  "You ok?"
  "I'm marrying the woman of my dreams love, iv never been better"
  I grin and kiss him, we have a loud rowdy breakfast and not one person asked where the girls were and it annoyed me. They had just as much right to be here so I decided I had enough, they were being blamed for something they had nothing to be sorry for and just like everyone else that loves them and knows them I had got to the end of my bullshit level. Aspen squeezed my hand and smiled
  "What is it?"
  She whispers only loud enough for us to hear
  "The girls should be here and nobody has even asked where they are"
  She agrees sadly like she had been thinking the exact same thing. I decided to bite the bullet and talk to aspen a little louder
  "So did the girls show you the products they are testing? They are so cool aspen, you should see them and their website, it's legit and already getting so many hits"
  Everyone went quiet
  "Yeah they showed me and the quality is amazing they are going to blow up and quick"
  Aspen replies, Sophie smiles, putting her fork down to pour more coffee in her and Noah's cup.
  "What exactly is it that they are doing, I asked mum but she doesn't really know"
  I frown and look at gran, has she not listened?
  "It's actually really incredible, their goal is to supply all the packs in America with enough weed to help the sick with weed that actually eases their pain, it's called wolf weed because they are slowly making strands of stronger weed, the one they have now called Arthur is the strongest on the markets. They merged different strains to make a stronger new one and now they are trying to make that stronger again. They have a website called wolf weed right now they are just finishing building it but you will be able to order from the website and have it delivered to your door, they will be supplied to cancer wards in all the hospitals for all the patients and they are a wholesale service too. They are creating products as well, leather jackets, shirts, and devices that cancer patients can use in the hospital while they are on treatment because it doesn't have smoke or anything. They already supply their hospitals and aspens and now ours too. It's created so many jobs for pack members too and the entire pack volunteered and came out to help plant the farm it was an amazing experience and so nice to see the pack as one they love them, they truly are an amazing pack"
  Everyone seemed genuinely shocked, aspen grinned at me then looked to Sophie
  "They have been planning it for years, even asked us for help with the business plan, Arthur even left money to invest in it he really believed in them, well we all do actually"
  "That sounds impressive, maybe we should talk to them about supplying our place to?"
  Noah says to Sophie she grins back at him
  "Yeah that sounds amazing"
  "Yeah they are supplying us now too. Made a huge difference to the ill"
  Fay says, smiling at me. She was such a nice girl and not much older than me but she definitely has a beautiful soul. I looked up at gran and she looked emotional, her chin was wobbling and the next thing she quietly got up and left the house. No one but me, aspen and grandpa noticed, but he gave me a reassuring smile and continued to eat. As we went back home to chill before the madness started I heard shouting coming from the house and I recognised it was gran and the girls straight away I sigh and divert the boys to the beach until the noise is over. But after an hour it's time for me to start getting ready and they are still arguing.
  "We need to bite the bullet and just walk through, I need to shower and do my hair"
  "Come on"
  They took my hand and when we got there we put our heads down and ran to the stairs. As I get to my room I sag in relief as I hear them continue to argue. Maybe this is what they need, they have needed to do this for a long time I just wish they didn't choose today to do it. They were my bridesmaid and today I thought that should take priority.
  We shower quickly then I dry and curl my hair to perfection pulling some strands back and away from my face then I get to work on my makeup. The boys stay in the room with me as I smoke out my eye makeup, adding a little liner and mascara to finish it. I buff some colour into my lips and add just a tiny bit of blush to my cheeks. I do my nails and After Scott approves my look they excitedly give me a box
  "My mum owned this it's the only thing I have of hers"
  "And I added the stones from a necklace of my mother's that my dad broke but I didn't have the heart to dump"
  "We want to give it to you so you can one day give it to our kids"
  Togo pounced on my lap as my emotions came tumbling to the surface and i tried to fan my face to stop the tears, Scott froze then started to help
  "No do not cry you look perfect"
  That only made me laugh, I hadn't even opened the damn box yet. I took it from them and pulled open the lid and i tried to stop the tears, it was a silver hair brooch and it matched my necklace and bracelets perfectly, an intricate leaf design filled with small black and white diamonds
  "I love it, I love it so much"
  By now they were both fanning my face then Jax disappeared and returned with a joint stuffing it in my mouth and lighting it. When the moment passed I was relieved to see my makeup was still intact. We smoked together and cuddled on the seat.
  "I really wish it was just us 3 and my parents. I can't be bothered with the drama"
  "It's definitely a lot to deal with but when it's over and we get home you will only ever need to deal with them on your terms"
  Scott answers me just as mum starts to ring
  "Hey mum?"
  I say answering the phone
  "You have 20 minutes before the ceremony starts"
  "Be over now then"
  I stand up kissing both my men and bringing Togo with me, I throw on my jewellery and leave the room, I hear crying and sobbing coming from one of the bedrooms so I follow it, Nan is with both girls and they are all crying their hearts out.
  "Ok what is going on? Are you 3 ok?"
  Ailm looks up and smiles at me
  "Actually never better I think we are all going to be ok"
  "Ok, that's good and I don't want to cut it short but I'm getting married in 20 minutes"
  All their heads snap to mine then each other, they scramble to there feet cursing under theirs breaths
  "Go we will meet you over there, shit gran you better go, save us a dance"
  Isla says to her she gets up and pulls them both into a hug and I leave them to it. They have been screaming at each other for like 5 hours so I really hope they sorted their shit out once and for all. I'm glad that they did it and that hopefully the tension won't be so high when I get married but I can't help but feel a little annoyed that instead of getting ready with the girls I had to get ready with the boys. Aspen and Fay were too afraid to come near the house and mum was too uncomfortable. So instead I made the trek home to my parents house on my own feeling a little low. When I arrived I was shocked to see uncle Emmet and his mate Debbie, he was autistic and hated the heat so much so I barely saw him. When I did I loved it because he was hilarious and so kind.
  "Emmet? You came for my wedding? I thought you hated the heat"
  Mum was actually crying and dad was holding her with a huge grin on his face. He must have only arrived because his bags were at the door. He would probably stay here because too much would be happening at the big house.
  "Well I love you more than I hate the heat. You look beautiful but I hope you plan on wearing a dress"
  I snort and laugh going to him, he pulls me into a hug and holds me tightly. Then he pulled back and Debbie greeted me.
  "You have no idea how hard it was for him to get on that plane i've never seen him do it before so you should be proud"
  I grin at her. She was amazing and never once held Emmet's disability against him; she just accepted him for who he was and took on his struggles as her own. Her entire house is mapped out to benefit him, they don't even live on packlands anymore because it was too noisy instead they live on land owned by the pack away from everyone else. They always come to functions unless it includes a plane so I can't even describe how shocked I am.
  "I am proud, I'm so so proud and so thankful that you would come here for me. I never thought in a million years that you would make the trip and I'm so happy to have you."
  "Good. It would really be disappointing if I made the effort and you didn't care"
  I chuckle as mum gets up and claps her hands together, she looked beautiful in a purple maxi dress, her hair was pinned back and she wore just a little lippy and some mascara.
  "You look amazing mum"
  "Thank you sweetheart, now come it's time for you to get dressed"
  "Here baby to kill the nerves"
  He throws me a bottle of whiskey and I take it grinning at him
  "Thank you"
  I open the bottle and take a few good gulps then put the lid back on and head to my room to get dressed. When I'm done I look myself over as mum cries even more making me laugh, I looked amazing, like a proper bride.
  I wore a white ribbed white sweetheart neckline crop corset top, it pulled in around my tiny frame pushing my boobs up slightly and making them look larger than what they were, the same fabric sleeves fell of the shoulder making it look a little Victorian in style but in reality it was much more modern, there was no design or lace it was simple and white tied tight at the back. My skirt was not huge but it wasn't thin either, the hem was secured with a simple white belt that closed at my back with a simple bow. The tulle fabric was in random layers with a slit up my left leg. It was light and airy and perfect for my beach wedding. My sandals were simple, finished with diamontie straps and details. I did a little twirl for mum and she started to cry again making me laugh.
  "Mum your makeup is all but gone"
  "I don't even care baby, you look so good. Come your dad is dying to see you"
  We walk down to dad together, he's in a white button down shirt rolled up and cream slacks he looked amazing. He gasps tears filling his eyes as he looks me over
  "Lucy you look amazing, come here give me a hug"
  I run the last few steps and jump into dad's embrace. He spins me around holding me tight and setting me on my feet
  "You my love are so so beautiful. I'm so proud of you now come on this calls for a drink of the special stuff"
  He winks at me leading me to the kitchen where Emmet is waiting with Debbie.
  "Now that's what I call a bride you look amazing Lucy"
  I grin at my uncle emmett he was a sweetheart. Debbie hugs me again and wipes a tear from her face
  "Really really beautiful"
  She whispers, dad grabs glasses down and pulls out his oldest bottle of whiskey that he has had hidden for years.
  "You're opening that one?"
  "I can't think of a better occasion than today. Come we will start it now and finish it the day your brother or sister makes an appearance"
  I grin that sounds like a good idea. He pours us the drinks and raises his glass in the air
  "To our pumpkin and her wonderful mates. You did good girly and I'm so proud of you and who you have become and I can't wait to see what you achieve next"
  We clink our glasses and I take a drink and moan, it tastes just like them and I loved it. I refilled my glass and memoried the name.

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