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    1 and a half years later..
    Ashley's POV
    Another day in this hellhole, I hated school, hated being the future Luna to a pack who for the most part didn't seem to want me. The older generation do but those that I go to school with basically hate me, hate that I'm mated to the alpha, the girls are the worst, they are bitchy and are always trying to start shit and get me in trouble. I stayed out of their way for the most part and to stop them Mark had chosen all the same classes so he was always by my side.
    The boys were ok but any that wanted to be my friend were basically afraid to be because Mark would freak out and kill them. I didn't mind much that he was possessive but it was lonely living here with no friends other than mark. I missed my pack, I missed being around kids my age who had wolves and were brought up the same as me. In my pack both women and men trained to be equals. Here the woman train but not as hard, Mark won't let me train with anyone but him and it's driving me crazy. At least I got to go home this weekend to see Lucy, Jax's and scott. They had taken me on like I was their own and I loved them like they were my parents. If I'm honest I think I'd rather stay there than here. I loved spending time with my little brother and sister Carter and Carly, they were like my real little brother and sister and I adored them.
    I sigh banging my head against the locker door and sigh looking to mark who's smiling sadly at me
    "What is it?"
    "P.e I hate them I hate them so much"
    He opens his arms and I fall against his rock hard chest, he incases me in his arms and holds me tight.
    "I'll get dressed fast and be right outside the door waiting"
    He turns me around and throws his arms over my shoulder and pulls me towards the locker rooms. He kisses me on the lips then waves as he backs away. I take a deep breath and walk in through the door going to the far end and away from everyone else. I strip fast and pull on workout leggings, it was winter now and it was really cold here compared to at home. We were only a few hours away but so much was different here and I didn't like it.
    I pull on my sneakers and run out the door before the bitches come in and when Mark comes out I'm already in my spot.
    He looks at me and grins his brown hair and green eyes floor me everytime I see them. His once baby face had filled out to a proper chiselled jaw with a sexy 5 o'clock shadow. His broad shoulders were wide and strong and his body, Damn he's built like a machine. He's tall and so handsome and he's mine.
    The thing that makes this all worthwhile.
    The thing that made me stay was him.
    He was amazing and he deserved to have at least one real person in his life aka me. He clutches his chest like he does every time he sees me. He says it's because my beauty takes his breath away so everytime he sees me he needs to pinch himself to prove he's not dead. I grin back and throw my arms over his shoulders as he bends down to kiss me.
    "Get in places please"
    I rolled my eyes at the coach, we were doing the rope today, it never bothered me or mark but everyone else always complained about it. I was first in line and I was racing mark. We both loved to win and we both loved to compete against each other because we really were equals and it was always a tossup between who would win.
    The coach blew the whistle and we both took off towards the rope. I launched myself at it and landed catching the rope a quarter of the way up as Mark has height on his side so I pulled myself up faster than him. Everyone cheered as I raced up touching the nought first and then I slid back down landing on my feet as mark curses because he only touches the nought now. I run and slap the hand of the bitch next in line. I smirk and wait for him to drop to the ground. He taps the man in front of the line and he dives for me, throwing me into the air and tickling me like crazy. I squeal, grabbing him around the neck. He stops tickling me and kisses me pulling back to run his nose down my nose and resting his head against my forehead
    "Damn your perfect"
    I chuckle and shake my head
    "Nope definitely not perfect"
    "You are"
    "Am not"
    "You are"
    "Am not"
    "You are and don't say your not because you are and I'm alpha so I say the way it is and you are"
    He kisses me again, slamming his lips against mine in an urgent loving kiss, He pulls on my bottom lip so I open my mouth. His tongue prods at my own and I moan.
    "Would you both stop yuck I swear they never stop"
    I pull away rolling my eyes, Mark throws Aine a dirty look behind me and I can't help but smirk in satisfaction when he does that.
    Aine Campbell, AKA my biggest enemy, my arch rival, the only person in the world that I truly hate. She is my biggest tormentor, bully and a total crazy bitch. I hated her so much because she has done nothing but be a deranged nut job since I arrived here and I hated her because of it. She turned the school and students against me and I hated her for it.
    We go back to our training and when we are done my muscles are screaming at me but it felt so good to use them the way I was meant to. It felt good to work out and burn up the energy that was pent up inside me. I shower quickly and get dressed even faster and take a sigh of relief because I got out unscathed. I rush to the door but as I try to open it, it sticks so I push on it and suddenly it swings open and I walk out only to stop when I'm suddenly being pelted with eggs, one after the other. Some land in my eye and mouth blinding me.
    I hear mark scream from behind me, silencing the hallway as I pull the egg yoke from my now stinging eyes only to come eye to eye with Mark's murderous face. He rushes to my side pulling a shirt from his bag and wiping my face. When my eyes are clear of egg I try to push back the tears.
    "Don't you FUCKING MOVE AN INCH!"
    Mark shouts, throwing his whole command at the person behind me.
    I look around and see a smirking Aine, she smirks at me and I lose it and snap, all the anger and rage over the last few years bubbling to the surface, my wolf screams at me to killher for her disrespect. I walk up to her and take her by the throat and slam her against the wall hard. She looks shocked that I'm not laying down and taking it anymore. I lift her in the air and squeeze her throat closed, I had to fight my wolf's urge to break her scrawny little neck because that's what she was scrawny. I felt like my blood turned to venom and all I wanted to do was inject her with it and watch the bitch die.
    "Do you want to know what we do at home to people like you?"
    She gasps grabbing my hands, she tries to claw them, I don't let go but I fight my wolf for control. I didn't want to kill her not yet anyway. I'd wait and do the decent thing and wait until she turns 18
    "We do nothing because we don't have anyone like you. No nobody is stupid enough to fuck with the future Luna at my pack and if they do they die. Do you want to know how many people I've watched die at my dinner table because they were disrespectful to the Luna? or even to me? The ALPHA & LUNAS daughter of the LYCAN KINGS PACK"
    I see Mark smile beside me crossing his arms as I squeeze her throat tighter.
    "Miss cavanagh will you please put her down"
    I suppress a growl at the principal, he's done nothing to help the constant bullying over the last 2 years. I hated him but his voice did bring me back from the edge slightly
    "No, why should she put up with this shit? She has done nothing to Warrant this disrespect and hate, if anything i think she should kill her to teach the rest of them a lesson"
    I battled internally with myself, Mark and my wolf were right but I had to take the high road for now anyway. Aine shakes her head in my hands at his words, unable to speak, I roll my eyes and I push her up the wall higher, at least she will have a sore ass when she falls in a heap on the floor at my feet where she deserves to be, where she belongs. I never thought like that but she made me think like that, another reason why I hated her.
    "Drop her or be expelled"
    I drop her and she falls to the ground in a heap
    "Next time I will kill you! Understand?"
    She gasps for air nodding her head, I doubt it will stop her but it might shut her up for a while. I turn and pick my bags off the ground and walk towards the door
    "My office now"
    The principal shouts at me, mark follows us in growling. I can feel the hatred and anger he has for the useless man in front of me
    "And what about the rest of them? What's happening to them?"
    "They didn't just threaten to kill someone"
    "No, they just drove her to it, and you sat back idly watching them. I'll promise you one thing principal Healy the moment I became alpha I'll have your job and I'll declare you rogue"
    Mark practically spits at him. The teacher doesn't know where to
    Look or what to say. He composes himself and shakes his head
    "Maybe so, but for right now I am principal and what she did is wrong so I'm going to call your parents Ashley I'm sorry but I don't have any other choice"
    I snort and smirk
    "Do it, Scott's probably already here to lift me anyway. I can't wait to here what he says"
    He picks up the phone and mutters something under his breath. I was looking forward to this conversation. My parents were fiercely protective of me and have gone head to head with the principal many times over this. He rings them and just As I thought they had already arrived to take me home and 10 minutes later all 3 of them walked into the room. The tension was thick and the room grew hotter the longer my parents stared the man down. The principal visibly tensed, baring his neck in submission. I smirk at him. Not so damn big now is he.
    "Sir these are my parents, why don't you tell them why I'm covered in egg and why you called them here"
    "Yes why is she covered in egg and why did you call us here"
    He basically turns green under jaxons gaze, Scott kneels down beside me
    "What did they do now Ashley?"
    He was the worried one, the protective one. The one to set the rules as where jaxon enforced them, he was the scary one, the overprotective one who would go head to head with anyone to protect his kids. Lucy on the other hand was the loving nurturing kind, she loved to talk and loved to listen. She always assesses the situation before she acts. And even though she was small she was scarier than both of the boys put together.
    "I was walking out of the locker rooms and they pelted me with eggs, basically blinded me so I took Aine by the throat and held her up in the air and I told her what we do with people like her in our pack then he threatened to expel me so I dropped her and told her that next time I'd kill her"
    Growling erupted from all 3 of their chests, Mark smirks leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest watching as the principal nearly passed out in fear. Lycan are more dominant then wolves anyway, add being an alpha wolf and a scary ass one at that and you have got yourself a recipe for shitty knickers
    "Immmm sorry, iiilll talk with them and makes sure they don't do it again"
    Jax punches the table, the wood creaks and cracks splitting under his fist, the show was getting good. I smirked looking at mark he now had a grin on his face and he winked at me.
    "Talk with them? Look at her. Look what they did and you brought us in? Where are their parents? You know What stuff your damn school, she won't be back and if anyone touches her again I give her permission to kill them"
    I freeze looking to mark who shrugs holding his hand out to me. I take it and we leave the room following all 3 of them out. If I don't go to school then I don't get to see mark why was he not freaking out over this too!
    "I think he pissed himself"
    Mark whispers, making me laugh my worries away as he leads me down the school corridor. I hear sniggers and sneers as I pass people, my mood plummeting but when they see Jax and Scott on either side of me they stop.
    "You fucking bruised my throat you bitch"
    Aine shreks! Didn't fucking bruise it hard enough obviously. The voice alone would make me hate her
    "I'll break it next time"
    I spit back at her. Jaxon growls silencing everyone
    "Is this the one?"
    I smirk this should be fun
    "Yes it is"
    Jaxon practically shakes in anger but to my surprise it's Lucy that flips first, she slams her against the lockers growling in her face and grabbing her neck.
    "Touch her again and you will have the 3 of us to deal with and our entire pack. Don't fuck with someone who has far to many friends in far to many high places. Understand?"
    She looks around as she says it, most nod in agreement but Aine doesn't
    "She said UNDERSTAND"
    Jax growls ferociously, sending his entire aura out and whipping her in the face; she trembles and shakes and nods, gritting her teeth.
    He drops the command and holds his hand out to Lucy then waits for us to follow after. I smirk at Aine wagging my fingers at her as she cowers in fear, it may be a small win but a win it was.
    "Damn you stink"
    Mark says screwing up his nose at me as he sniffs me. I roll my eyes and push his face away with the palm of my hand
    "Well then stop sniffing me you big buffoon"
    I jump into the back of the car and rest my head against Mark's shoulder.
    "Where are the kids?"
    It's not often Lucy left there side, she smiles climbing in the other side and slides over beside me crinkling up her nose and moving away slightly plugging it
    "Mum and dad have them"
    My eyebrows shoot up in surprise
    "They are home?"
    Scott groans rolling his eyes and looking at me through the mirror
    "They ain't going to miss your birthday kid"
    I blush slightly, a little taken back that they would make such an effort for me. Mark chuckles, kissing my cheek.
    "So after you shower quickly we have got to go, we have a surprise for you"
    "It's not a party is it? Please tell me it's not a party"
    She elbows me
    "You are the most boring 18 year old I know, but no it's not a party"
      ****please read****
  Hey lovelies, thanks for reading the story, as you know all my work is currently free. Because of this I made a cash app so if and only if you can afford it I ask that you donate to it. I put a lot of hours into these stories and I get nothing back so for now I decided to do cash app instead for of pay to read because I know how much it costs to live currently and I'd hate to be part of the problem so if you can I'd really appreciate the donation, if not enjoy the story anyway xxxxx
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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