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  The whimpering of my wolf gets louder and louder and soon it breaks through my lips as we cling to our new friend for dear life, the pain increases every single seconds, time passes by slowly or quickly, I'm not really sure but soon I'm in a bed with a bright light shining into my face. I scream as my heart feels like it's being squeezed.
  Scott's POV
  This girl walked into my bar and I just knew she was different, I knew she was special and I was right, she was different and she was special and for some reason I could understand her, and I wanted to help her feel better but when she fell over screaming in pain I froze. I had no idea what I needed to do or where I needed to bring her. I couldn't tell people what she was and I'm not sure a human hospital would work. Someone screamed that she was having a heart attack and suddenly my body started to move and I scooped her up and ran to the car, she needed a hospital even if it was a human one.
  Once she was in my arms she clung onto me for dear life, I couldn't even put her down to drive so I drove with her on my knee. I drove straight to the hospital a few blocks away and I sprinted to the entrance. Doctors met me with a gurney as she screamed and whimpered in pain.
  "What happened? Who is she to you? Her name?"
  "Her name is Lucy, she collapsed screaming while holding her chest. It started 15 minutes ago and it seems to be getting worse. I'm her fiancé and I'm the only family she has got. she's from Bora Bora"
  I spewed out as much information as I could, making sure to say I was her only family so I could stay by her side, why I wanted to was a mystery to me but I just knew I couldn't leave her even if I tried. I ran after them as they wheeled her screaming body down the corridor and finally they started to get to work pushing me to the far corner of the wall. She screamed bloody murder as they done test after test after test, taking blood and injecting her. The doctor looked at me
  "She's having a heart attack. I'm going to shock her to try and get her rhythm to even out"
  I nod not even taking in what he was saying until he lifted her shirt and stuck pads on her chest. Even screaming and slightly blue, She was the most beautiful woman I've ever met and the thought struck me that if she dies I'll never survive it. Then more confusion hits me because I have no idea why I care so much for someone that I just met! I just wish she was screaming for a different reason.
  Stop it Scott dammit it's not the time she's frickin having a heart attack!
  Next thing I know her body vibrates and lifts off the table. She gasps like it's her first breath of air she's had since she collapsed. Slowly she became more aware of her surroundings looking around at the room full of doctors, her eyes landed on me and Unshed tears sat in the corner of her eyes, the look alone pushed me to move my feet and go to her. I pushed hair from her face and kneeled to look at her.
  "How do you feel?"
  "What happened? Where am I?"
  "You had a heart attack, and your at the hospital"
  "Lucy I'm doctor blane, your fiancé tells us he is your only family is this correct"
  She looks to me and her lips tug up slightly
  "Yes that's correct, Lucy Beatty"
  "Ok Lucy as he said you had a heart attack, quite a big one. We are running tests to determine the cause so you will need to stay here for a few days. I'll have a nurse come by and fill out forms for you"
  She nods wiping a tear from her cheek, she looks to her exposed stomach and goes to pull large pads of her chest but the doctor reached for her hand
  "Don't touch those, the only way to stop the attack was to shock you. Leave them on incase it happens again"
  She looks around the room awkwardly and back to her exposed chest, I grab a blanket off a chair and pull it over her. She visibly relaxes and mouths a thank you to me.
  "Ok get some rest and I'll be back when I have some results for you"
  She nods and they all leave us alone in the room. She sighs in relief and moves over in the bed and lifts the blanket.
  "You May as well take a seat"
  I smile and climb in beside her, careful not to touch her, she rolls her eyes and throws the blanket over me and rolls on her side looking me over.
  "You stayed?"
  If only she knew how confused I am about her. She's different for some reason and I don't think I could leave her even if I wanted to.
  "Of Course I did we are friends, friends don't leave friends when they have a heart attack and nearly die"
  She frowns a shivers, her lips are blue
  "Are you cold?"
  "Yeah, really really cold actually"
  I move closer to her, kicking off my shoes and pulling her into my chest. Her body is trembling and her skin is clammy but freezing.
  "Thank you"
  She whispers looking up at me, I smile back at her and rest my head beside hers.
  "I didn't think your kind could have heart attacks or be this cold"
  "Either did I, will you stay with me?"
  Her eyes are heavy and it's obvious she's tired. I don't think I could leave her even if I wanted to.
  "I'm going nowhere, sleep and I'll be here when you wake up"
  She smiles and cuddles into my chest further, her feet are so cold I almost jump out of my skin as they connect with my leg but I wasn't going to tell her that. Soon she was out cold and still shaking as a nurse came in.
  "Can we have a heated blanket or something? She's so cold she's shivering and her lips are blue"
  "Of Course right away. Call if you need anything else or if she takes a pain"
  She comes back a minute later with a mountain of blankets and she throws them over us, her body slowly starts to relax and she starts to warm up, my heat seeps into her and she relaxes against me as my own eyelids grow heavy and I let sleep take me.
  I wake up to screaming, I jump up as Lucy clutches her chest screaming bloody murder, I climb out of bed and run for the door
  "Help, she's taking another heart attack help please"
  Soon doctors and nurses run in and connect a machine to the pads on her stomach, shocking her heart back into a regular rhythm.
  "What the hell is wrong with her?"
  I shout at them, my stomach rolls and I feel sick. What if I lose her? What if she dies before I make her smile one last time? Or make her laugh that amazing contagious laugh.
  "We are not sure, she's extremely healthy in every way, she has no fat around her heart, it's a mystery, if she takes another we will give her a device to attach to her so it automatically shocks her if she takes a heart attack"
  Just as he finishes speaking she wakes up screaming again clutching her chest. She screams so loud the walls nearly shake, they shock her again and she passes out. I look at her phone on the table beside the bed worried about her, maybe she needs a wolf doctor?
  She lets another painful scream ring through her chest, they start to rush around the room so I lift her phone and thankfully it not locked so I go to the missed calls and see someone called Ailm rang a lot, they continue to shock her as I disappear into the hallway and I ring her cousin
  "Lucy where the fuck are you! I've been so worried"
  "It's not Lucy this is her friend Scott, there is something wrong with Lucy, we are in the hospital and she keeps having heart attacks. They don't know what's wrong with her and I'm hoping you have a wolf hospital close by that can help her"
  "What the fuck? What hospital is she in? I'm on my way"
  "Wait, she told the doctor that she had no family here and that I'm her fiancé, so whatever you do don't contradict that"
  She growls down the phone, I pull it from my face slightly terrified of the sound
  "Text me the details of where she is and I'll get an ambulance to transfer her here"
  "Ok I better go I think she's having another"
  "How many has she had?"
  "5 or maybe even 6, it was one long one last night and then she woke up and took loads one after the other"
  "Ok, go to her and I'll have her transferred straight away. Thank you for contacting me have a nice life"
  "No im going with her"
  "You can't"
  "I can and I will, I'm going with her please"
  "Fine see you soon"
  She doesn't sound too happy but I haven't left her this far so I'm not going to leave now. I return to the room where she is starting to wake up. She smiles a sleepy smile at me as the doctor hands her a little box attaching it to her waist.
  "This measures your heartbeat, if you have a heart attack again it will automatically shock you"
  She frowns
  "Did I have another one?"
  "You had 4 one after the other"
  Her eyes widened and she looked at me. I go to her side and sit on the bed beside her, she leans against me so I put my arm around her.
  "What's wrong with me?"
  "I'm not sure"
  The doctor answers looking puzzled then he just leave, she notices her phone in my hand and she rolled her eyes
  "You called someone didn't you?"
  "Yes, you just kept having heart attack after heart attack and the doctor has no idea what's happening so I thought if you were in a wolf hospital they might know better, they are sending an ambulance for us soon"
  "Are you coming with me?"
  Her eyes light up and she smiles at me, I roll my eyes this time
  "I don't know why but i've grown quite attached to you so yeah I'm going with you"
  She snuggles in under my arm and smiles up at me pulling her blanket up around us. I climb in and surround her in my body heat as she closes her eyes
  Lucy's POV
  I had 5 heart attacks and I was so confused. I've never ever heard of a shifter having a heart attack other than when Aspen had one while Arthur was dying so the only conclusion I could come to was heartbreak. I was so heartbroken I had heart attacks and I never knew it was possible and for some weird reason Scott was still by my side holding my hand as we were wheeled into Ailms pack hospital. Her and deacon were there waiting on me.
  "Never do that again iv been so fucking worried about you I almost called your parents"
  I chuckled, ohh how things have changed. Who would have thought Ailm would be the kind to scold me. I can't help myself and I giggle, she growls making me giggle harder
  "I'm sorry but for the first time ever I just seen you as Luna ailm it's really really weird"
  She rolls her eyes but smirks and looks to Scott beside me
  "You must be Scott, I'm Ailm Lucy's cousin. Who the hell are you?"
  She says with a smile as deacon wraps his hands around her waist, he watches her constantly, feeling what she feels and always making sure she's ok, he's her other half in all ways.
  "Well she came into my bar yesterday and she was so sad so I sat with her and she showed me what happened and I'm not really sure why but it made me want to be her friend so I took her to my match and then to the after party then she took a heart attack and it was so scary so I took her to the hospital and she was blue, it lasted until they shocked her heart into working again then we fell asleep and she woke up screaming and took like 4 more heart attacks so they attached this device to her chest so now when she has a heart attack it automatically shocks her, she had one on the way over and the doctors don't know what's wrong. But I'm not sure but I feel like she's my friend and I don't want to leave her until I know she's ok"
  He said it all in one large breath making me smirk like he was terrified he would have to leave me. But I wouldn't let them take him away. In a weird way it made me feel good to have him by my side.
  Ailm looked at Deacon weirdly, they were talking in their heads. They seem to do that a lot. Ailm looked to the clock on the wall and she growled
  "When was the first heart attack?"
  I look to Scott he frowned and thought back
  "It's 4:30am now so Around 11:30 or 12 or something?"
  She growls again and punches the wall, the doctor was in the room at the time and she sighed pushing hair from her face.
  "I know what's wrong"
  She spoke up coming to my side and sitting on the edge of my bed
  "I'm dr Harper and I know what's wrong"
  I frown and look around the room, me and Scott seem to be the only people in the dark
  "Please someone just spit it the fuck out"
  "Your mate.. your feeling.. your hurting—"
  "— enough with the stuttering, Lucy jax is having sex and you are feeling it. It's what happens when your mate is with another"
  She stands forward grabbing my hand. He was having sex? He was already having sex with someone else. What the fuck is wrong with him? I'm not sure if I want to cry or scream or kill something. A new pain rips through my head and I scream as something in my head shatters and a pained howl breaks through my lips, I scream as my body starts to shake and stutter, my heartbreak overflows and spreads throughout my body. my spine feels like it's being ripped out of my body and torn to pieces. Ailm grabs Scott and pushes him behind her and deacon. I squeal as every bone in my body breaks and rearranges, my skin vibrates and itches as hair sprouts out over my body and I fall from the bed howling in emotional pain on 4 paws.
  Holy fucking ball bags I'm a wolf
  I'm Lexi and I'm going to talk to our mate
  Noooooo! You can't!
  We have been having heart attacks because that asshole can't keep it in his pants. We are going and we ain't leaving until he rejects us and gets rid of the bond. We don't need him we have him

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