3 0 0

"Did you do this? When did you do it?"

"This morning, your a really heavy sleeper"


I answer, finding a sports bra and pulling it on then going for shorts and shoes. I get dressed fast and quickly pull a brush through my hair and throw it into a messy bun. When I return Jax whistles walking past me and going into the closet and returning with a top

"Here you forgot this"

"I didn't forget it, I just didn't need it"

"Put it on"


I walk out of the room and I head to the kitchen, Scott's filling 3 cups with coffee, he eyes my bra as I walk in and he hands me a cup, I take it and head out the back door for a smoke

"Lucy you can't go out there without a shirt on"

I frown and open the door walking out the back of the house, Scott bites his lip and takes a drink as Jax stomps over to me furious, I light my smoke and sit on a deck chair

"Lucy put it on please!"

"Jax chill, it's a sports bra! It covers everything important and you obviously train without a shirt, please just drop it"

He growls at me, I stand up and cross my arms over my chest and I throw my eyebrow in the air

"Do you want to rephrase that jaxon!"

"No put it on I'm not joking"

"Either am I!"

I stomp my foot growling back, he crosses his arms and I see a faint hint of a smile but he covers it quickly

"Luc just wear the shirt please"

"No! No girls wear shirts at training, it's hot and it's sweaty and a shirt just gets in the way"

"Exactly Lucy, do you know what the males say about the females after training?"

I growl at him

"And why the fuck would you know that unless you were included in the conversation jaxon"

I scold back taking a drag of my smoke, he freezes on the spot and Scott snorts and laughs

"Yeah she got you their man, look we are both with her, let her wear what she wants because it's a reasonable sports bra, it would be worse if she wore no bra with a shirt so just let her wear it and if any of them are stupid enough to actually say anything about her they can get their ass kicked"

I smirk and kiss Scott on the way back to the kitchen. He slaps my butt as I pass him, placing the cup in the sink. I turn to see Jax looking extremely conflicted

"If I hear one word then you put on the shirt"

I shake my head

"Nope I'm doing nothing wrong by wearing a sports bra to training, if anyone is doing the wrong thing it's the men that talk"

Scott smirks and looks anywhere but at Jax as his jaw ticks and he looks like he's going to blow, he walks over to me slowly, caging me in against the cold marble counter, his eyes studying my face as he slowly leans down and rests his head on mine.

"Your MINE and I don't want them saying anything about you, I'm scared they will and I'll kill them"

"Well if you kill one of them for opening their mouth about their Luna the rest will be sure to never do it again"

I smile back sweetly, Jax's whole chest vibrates as he laughs loudly Scott snorts and chuckles

"Fine but on your conscious be it"

He peeks my lips

"Nope on their conscience for being sleazebags"

I kiss him again and I push through his arms. He groans watching me walk away without the T-shirt. I have to say I'm quite proud of myself for winning that one, I walk to the door and look back at them

"Well are you coming or not?"

"Ofcourse Luna"

They both say saluting me, I flip them both the bird and they laugh following me out the door, we walk to the training field where there are hundreds of men and woman, I pause and wait for the guys not feeling all that confident in front of everyone as they stare at us like I'm some prized pig to be auctioned off to the highest bidder, they both push me along with them as they walk

"It's ok little wolf they are going to love you"

I look up at Jax and back at the glaring females on the field and then to Scott who's glaring back at them

"You say that but their faces say different"

Jax frowns and follows Scott's line of vision and he visibly stiffens grabbing my leggings and pulling me to a stop he stands in between me and the glaring woman looking worried

"Ok I think this was a bad idea, maybe wait until I know how well your trained"

Scott turns to him

"What does that mean?"

"It means they are about to challenge her and if she walks over their and refuses the challenge it will look bad, but if we go back now and stop it before it happens we will be ok"

"Why would they do that?"

I ask Jax crossing my arms pissed that he has so little faith in me

"Because honestly they are bitches, they think they run the show. They don't, I told you this isn't other Wolfpack's, this is a Lycan pack, they are ruthless and not really all that nice. I rule by fear because it's the only way to keep them in line. I just didn't think they would be this fucking stupid"

He honestly looks panicked but I smile at him and put my hand on Jax's shoulder and I think of him flicking scott on the nose, he's hand goes out and flicks him as Jax looks confused and scott slaps his hand away

"What the fuck dude"

I smirk at Jax and recognition crosses his features

"What else can you do"

"Sorry babe"

I say looking to scott and I think of him falling on his ass and suddenly he topples over making me chuckle, Jax leans down and grabs his hand pulling him back up

"Bit of warning next time"

Scott snaps

"Sorry but I had to show him I've got this, if the bitches want to go I'm ready to go."

Jax studies me and smiles

"Ok just please be careful and the one with the black hair does gymnastics so she's all jumpy"

I growl at him

"Do I even want to know why you know that"

Scott grabs my shoulders and pulls me away from Jax

"One battle at a time little wolf you have got this iv faith in you"

He kisses my cheek and we walk the rest of the way in silence, as we approach it's clear there's 2 sides each with different opinions on me, the left side were all male with a few females as where the right side were all women. I already hated them for being bitchy teenagers instead of being the strong independent women they should be, we stop at the top of the field. Jax pulls me to his chest earning snears of disrespect from the ladies I ignore them and stand taller with a face of indifference

"Hey team, this is your new Luna Lucy and our mate Scott. They will both be joining training this morning so please make them welcome and give them both the respect they deserve"

There was a small applause from the nice side, 4 hands went into the air from the ladies, I looked each of them square in the eye


Jax barks

"We want to challenge the Luna"

He growls along with half the team and Scott

"All of you?"


Jax clenches his fists looking to me

"You sure?"

I smirked at him with my arms crossed, I pull him down to me and I kiss him, he groans pulling me tightly then letting me go and resting his head on mine

"Damn right I've got this, can I pick who to fight first?"

I say the last bit loud enough for everyone to hear, Scott snorts and Jax stands up proudly

"Considering there are 4 of them yes you can"

Scott kisses me softly and swats my ass

"Go get them wolf girl"

I smirk back and stand in front of them looking at the very shocked girls in front of me, I point to the one in front and smile at her

"You first"

She spits on the ground walking forward, she's the same height and build as me. she circles me, I don't bother moving and instead I take a deep breath and I pull on her emotions, she's so angry, she's pissed actually. I can feel her as she comes at me from behind so I swing to the side, landing on my hands and grabbing her head between my legs and pulling her entire body with me as I twirl and land with her between my thighs, she lands with an omf as I knock all the air from her lungs, everyone gasps in shock as I roll her over putting my knee into the back of her neck where her spin connects with her head, she cries out as the pain hits her

"Submit or I break it"

"You can't fucking kill me"

"You challenged me so I can do what I fucking want, you have 10 seconds before you pass out and die submit!"

"I submit I submit I submit"

I jump off her and wipe my knees of the sand and smile at her then I turn to both boys. Their jaws are open in shock. I wasn't playing. My dad taught me how to fight as a lone wolf, plus the added bonus that I'm primordial helps. He taught me if I'm surrounded and cornered how to use it to my advantage. I felt like he's trained me my entire life for this moment. I turn back around as the girl gets up holding her neck I look to the others and point to a blonde one

"Your up"

Her heart rate picks up a little and I smile at her fear, it radiates off her, stinking up the area and she's feeling so regretful. I decided to give her an out.

"If any of you change your mind I'm ok with just fighting one of you?"

I say calmly, the blonde looks at the other blonde and she nods at her to walk forward when she clearly doesn't want to. I put my finger up to stop her.

"Hang on their hun you never put your hand up, yet you think you can control her decision? Fuck no. If you want her to fight you fight"

Her eyes lock onto my own, she growls and I smile. I look to the other blonde

"From now on let the bitch fight her own battles, you have no reason to listen to any woman other than your mama or your Luna. Now anyone who actually wants to challenge me step up, but if you're doing it for her loyalty when she's not even woman enough to fight for herself then screw her. You don't need someone that will bark orders and stand to the side when the fight gets tough, no you want the one who's willing to put their life on the line for you even when you're being disrespectful bitches got it?"

"Yes LUNA"

They all said, a few even whistled in the back, some cheered and others clapped. I nod, keeping my face of indifference on. I'm not about to show weakness now. I turn to the blonde with no name because really I don't care who the fuck she is or what her problem is right now she's the problem and I'm the solution so it's go time.

I wag her forward and she comes rolling her shoulders. I take a breath and focus on her emotions, she's fast I can tell but I can feel her come to the left but her decision is to go right so instead of stepping into her like she wanted I step towards her turning slightly and grabbing her arm as she throws a punch and instead I throw her over my shoulder, she recovers quickly and swings her legs around but I jump them and land on her chest sticking my knee to her neck and holding it there but she manages to push me off and she tries to climb me but I throw her off and stand to my feet.

I smile as she swings left and right, I block each one until she hits one arm knocking me to the side I grin grabbing sand and throwing it in her face as I stand back up she squeals and tries to wipe her face but I punch her with brutal force right in the jaw, she falls to the side spitting blood from her mouth but she kicks out

"Nah you're going to need to kill me I'll never submit to a mutt"

Did she just call us a mutt

Oh she did

She kicks out again and I catch her leg and I bend it in the wrong direction and I think of it breaking, it breaks with a sickening crack to her hip, she screams as I catch her hair and pull her up so she's looking at everyone, I was gasping for air.

"Submit or die"

"Fuck you"

My body trembled in anger but I knew I had to do it

"Last fucking chance submit or die"

"I'll never submit to mutt"

Well that just made it easier, I break her neck with a sickening crack and I drop her body and I look to the crowd gathered around us, I throw my arms in the air


"No luna"

They all said together


I turned and looked at the boys who were wide eyed, jaws wide and shock written all over their faces, I walked through them and back towards the house as tears threatened to fall and I couldn't let that happen in public, iv never killed anyone before and even though she deserved it, it still made me feel weird. I needed to talk to dad so I went straight for my phone in our room and I lifted a joint and sat on my hammock after I closed the doors of the balcony. When they were closed and I was in my hammock the tears really started to fall so I rang dad. He answers my FaceTime immediately

"Hey baby, wait are you crying? What's wrong?"

"I just had to kill someone"

His face softened and he gave me that look. The one that every daddy gives his daughter, the one that says it's all gonna be ok.

"Who was it?"

I explained everything, when I get to the end he whistles

"Damn girl you did good"

I chuckle and wipe more tears from my face while taking another drag

"Listen baby girl, you did what you had to do. I know that doesn't sound good but you were made for him and you have been training for this your entire life, you were made to be the Lycan Luna. You nobody else, just you. And they sound more like a swanky ass pack of rogues then they do of wolves but maybe that's why you're there. I can't imagine anyone challenging you after that and now you have their respect you whip them fuckers into shape. But the most important thing was she chose to die today, you didn't make her. She chose that not you and that's how you've got to look at it."

I sigh, he always made everything better.

"Thank you daddy"

"Your welcome baby girl, now go find those mates of yours, they are probably waiting for you with their tongues out and their tail between their legs because you just showed them all who the damn boss is"

I chuckle with him as we say goodbye, I hang up and open the door. they are both sitting on the bed waiting for me

"You can come out now"

They practically run to the door, Jax lifts me out of the hammock and kisses my cheek sitting on the daybed as Scott pounces for me kissing my lips

"I know your upset and I understand it's hard to kill but baby that was fucking awesome"

Scott says leaping about like a damn child making me dizzy, Jax pulled me back so I was looking at his face.

"I have never, and I mean ever watched my team fall in line like that you were unbelievable and if it makes you feel any better I was going to kill that bitch after training anyway for daring to call our little wolf a mutt"

I roll my eyes and chuckle

"Well as comforting as that is, dad made me feel better. I wish he could have seen me, although I'm not proud that I killed her I know it had to happen"

"You might not be proud but I am, I'm so fucking proud"

Scott's wide eyed and giddy I laugh

"Well Of Course you are, even as a human you were a savage, you're probably on the fbi's most wanted list"

His face falls and Jax snorts, he pulls at his nails sadly

"Nah I didn't make the cut unfortunately but I'll definitely try next time"

I laugh and Punch his shoulder

"Your a sarcastic arsehole you know that"

"You love it"

He winks, I grab his shoulders and pull him towards me and I kiss him then pull back

"Your right I do"

Jax groans and I smile and look at him

"You like to watch jaxon?"

I say his name slowly as I sit up and kiss Scott again while I look at Jax, Scott growls ripping me towards him, I straddle him pulling off my bra and throwing it at Jax and wrapping my arms around Scott and I kiss him again rubbing myself over his crotch. He groans into my mouth, I take the opportunity to deepen the kiss, I was hungry for him, I needed them both and I made it known as I push my chest against Scott's as he rips my shorts from my body kissing down my neck, I pull on his shorts and he lifts slightly as I rip them down and his hard cock pops out, I grab him and pull on him slowly as he sucks a nipple into his mouth, I groan as a fresh wave of moisture seeps out of me and runs down my thighs.

Jax growls standing up and pushing Scott onto his back and pushing me forward with my ass in the air, Scott is forced to come back to my mouth giving me a deep sensual kiss as Jax runs his hand down my spine and over my ass, both their scents overwhelm me yet it makes it all even more exciting, Scott's hand kneads at my breasts as Jax's fingers run up and down my slit. I cry into Scott's mouth as the throb between my legs intensifies.

"So fucking wet"

Jax's fingers slip in between my slick folds and he pumps them inside me curling them and twisting them, I shove back against his hands needing more frickin

"So ready already"


I say breathlessly against Scott's lips

"Fuck you are beautiful"

He whispers as I feel Jax's dick at my entrance, he shoved inside me and I cry out catching the daybed in front of me for balance as Jax pounds into me, I scream out and my eyes roll to the back of my head as he fills me to the brim hitting my cervix. It Felt so good I can't even concentrate on kissing but Scott doesn't mind and he kisses down my neck and over his fresh mark on my neck. I groan moving against Jax and meeting him just as hard as he meets me, the pounding of our flesh rings of the concrete balcony as the tight coil in my stomach starts to twist and turn delightfully tight

"Fuck I'm guna damn I'm guna cum"

"Cum on his dick baby, I wanna watch you cum"

Jax barrels into me faster and I let go, a scream tears from my chest as my body vibrates and shudders, Jax never stops and it makes it last way longer than it should and somehow an even tighter coil appears as he pulls out and pushes against the tight muscles in my ass.

"Get on Scott's cock baby"

I lift myself up as Scott positions me and I slide down his dick groaning.

"So fucking beautiful"

Scott whispers as I start to move, rocking my hips forwards and back building the frickin, Jax pushes against my ass and I cry out as he pushes in stilling inside me. I don't wait and I rock backwards groaning

"Fuck I love how she can handle us all"

Jax says with a groan pulling out and smashing back into me as Scott moves with him slamming up and hitting me in the cervix. I scream out again

"That's it baby let everyone know who you belong to"

Jax growls and together they fuck me through 3 more orgasms. I fell forward into Scott's arms exhausted.

"Damn how was she a virgin she's so damn dirty I love it"

I raise my finger and flip him the bird with the last bit of energy I have left. They both laugh as Jax lifts my heavy body from Scott's arms and cradles me in them kissing my head

"Thank the heavens she was or boys would die"

Jax answers like I'm not there I lift my head and look at them both in the eye

"And what about the hoes you were both fucking why can't I kill them"

"There she is, back to the land of the living, we just needed to get her mad"

Scott says with a cheeky grin on his face, I push him over the chair

"Your an ass"

Jax throws his head back and he laughs, Scott groans

"That hurt Lucy"

"Well then don't be an ass"

I smirk back as Jax sets me on my feet and turns on the shower and I think I die and go to heaven when the water comes from the roof like heavy rain

"This is the best shower ever"

I shout and step in and sigh

"It's still cold Lucy"

I shrug

"Yeah I know it's like dancing in the rain I love it"

I twirl around loving the feel of it

"Do you make a habit of dancing in the rain"

I stop and look at them both

"You mean you don't dance in the rain? When it rained in bora bora when I was younger my dad would wake me up in the middle of the night and we would all go play in the rain. One of nature's best qualities is rain"

"Your so weird"

Jax says rolling his eyes and standing under the water, Scott gets in and he sighs

"Next time it rains in the middle of the night we are so going to try that"

I grin at Scott

"Really you will do it with me?"

"I'd follow you anywhere Lucy baby"

I grin and I jump on him, he catches my ass as I wrap my legs around his waist and I look to Jax who rolls his eyes

"Fine you can wake me to, anything to put a smile like that on your face"

I was giddy with excitement as Jax washes my hair and Scott washes my body. Then it hit me, I'm standing here between 2 of the most beautiful men I've ever seen and they are washing my body, worshipping it and they love me. When they were done I washed them back, I enjoyed how their muscles ripple under their skin when I touched them. How the sparks still shock them before it relaxes them. When we are done I go to the closet and pull out jeans and boots and a vest top

"We have got to go back to Ailms to help plant the weed, do we really need bodyguards to go their?"

Jax smirks at me

"No, after watching you fight I think my men might just get in the way if your attacked"

He snorts and laughs and I grin jumping on the spot but he puts one finger out

"But to Ailms only, anywhere else I need to know where you are at all times, both of you and anywhere else you bring a team with you and that's my compromise"

I smile happy with that arrangement, Scott on the other hand smirks

"Can she not be my bodyguard"

"Nope, I don't care you both get a team unless your going to ifreann"

I chuckle at the name

"Only Ailm could come up with that name now everytime you say it you tell me to go to hell I kinda love it"

He frowns and then it clicked and he smiles, Scott just looks confused

"Ifreann means hell, so saying if you're going to ifreann it means.."

"Haha I did not know that, what's our pack name?"

Jax smiles at Scott and pulls him in for a kiss

"I'll tell you if you agree to be beta"

I chuckle and Scott rolls his eye

"What exactly does it entail, I kind of like being a man of leisure and following her around all day"

I snort and laugh pulling on my boots

"You will still be able to follow her around all day I promise, but it will make the pack respect you more and it's really just bills and rota's, training schedules And if there's an attack you would fight with us"

"I'd fight anyway"

"I know that but it would mean that they would take direction from you, you would tell them where to go and what to do just like I do. And your job would be to stay with our Luna while she does her duties. Well that's kind of both of our jobs but yeah please pretty please"

"And it would mean you get to spend more time with us?"

Scott asks, Jax grins and nods

"It would cut my work in half, so we would spend a lot more time together"

I pout and look at Scott with puppy dog eyes

"Please pretty please, it sounds like fun and we get to see him more and you would be allowed to kill all the pack members that act like bitches"

Jax snorts and laughs, I don't because I wasn't joking

"Oh you're serious. Well he can do that anyway but yeah what she says"

He rolls his eyes and kisses Jax then me

"Fine I'll do it, how does it work?"

"We have a ceremony at the next full moon where your both swore in and then it's official"

I count in my head and sigh

"That's in 2 days time"

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