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  Scott helps raise me up and slowly plants me down again, his chest rumbles in approval as he watches jaxons dick slide in and out of me. My eyes roll to the back of my head as he stretches me perfectly. I feel Scott's cock slide in between my ass cheeks still slick from my juices, I hold onto jaxons shoulders as Scott pushes into me, I moan throwing my head back, Scott catches my lips kissing me, his kiss faster, more urgent and hungry. I push back against him and they both start to move, soon it goes from slow sexy sex to wild feral fucking.
  the boys catch my sounds in their mouth so we don't wake the baby. they ram into me hard and fast and soon all 3 of us cum together and fall onto the bed gasping for air just as the baby starts to coo making me chuckle
  "At least he has good timing"
  Jaxon laughs kissing me and pulling out, he leans over the cot
  "Of Course he does he's perfect, isn't that right little man?"
  He lifts him up and kisses his pouty little lips and he lays him in bed beside me, I roll over and kiss his cheek as he turns his face to mine flapping his little hands everywhere.
  "Definitely perfect"
  I say back letting him grab my finger and pull it into his toothless gummy mouth, he slobbers all over it kicking his little feet out. Jaxon returns with a cloth to clean me up as Scott gets out of bed. I get up as Scott takes over changing the babies nappy, I get dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie and I grab the baby carrier that we purchased the day before and some warm clothes for the baby, I take the baby from Scott and I get him dressed as Jax makes coffee and a bottle. We head down the stairs and I'm surprised to already see Ashley up and dressed.
  "Are you training too?"
  She snorts and shakes her head
  "Hell no, not yet anyway but I started reading your first book last night and I had to make myself go to sleep so when I woke up I couldn't get it out of my brain so I'm going to finish it"
  I smile a little shocked as Scott takes the baby and gives him his bottle, I take my coffee out back to smoke with Jaxon taking a seat on his knee. He kisses my cheek then he buries his head in the crook of my neck and moans.
  "So how does it feel to wake up being a daddy?"
  He chuckles
  "Weird, but also normal. I'm so excited. But I swear I can't remember what yesterday morning was like before him, what did we do with our time"
  "Mostly fucked.. all the time and when we weren't we were thinking about it"
  He laughs pulling me closer, I turn resting my head on his neck
  "Yeah well that will never change, now we need to get to work making another"
  I snort and shake my head
  "Let's kill the army of lycans first and keep him safe before we go adding another to the list"
  He groans and pouts at me, I snort and shake my head
  "And remember our baby will be a full breed hellhound and that comes with an element of crazy. In Fact both of them come with an element of crazy so please let's just get through saving the girls in the camp and killing the lycans"
  "I know, I know, I have called a strategy meeting over breakfast and I was hoping you would cook"
  I grin and nod
  "Ofcourse, I'll have enough waffles and sauce to feed an army"
  I stand up as I dump my joint and I head inside just as Scott finishes feeding the baby. I pull on the baby carrier and put Carter inside and add the blanket to the outside of him to shield him from the breeze. I take my coffee and we leave the house together and I watch the first half of the training explaining to Carter what was happening, everyone watched me like I was crazy but I didn't care, plus he liked the attention then I return back to the house to put him down for a nap and I got started on breakfast. I pulled the book from Ashley's hands
  "Hey what are you doing it's just getting good"
  I roll my eyes
  "Come on I'm teaching you how to make waffles"
  "But the book"
  "I'll tell you what, if you help me prepare every meal I promise when you get to the end of all my 8 books I'll give you the other 8 that I haven't posted yet"
  She purges her lips and taps her chin
  "Fair compromise but why do I need to learn how to cook you do it so well"
  I laugh walking back to the kitchen, she follows me
  "Because one day you will meet your mate and he or she might not cook and you will be stuck eating that awful canteen food and I just can't have that on my conscious"
  She shivers sticking her tongue out
  "Your right feed me your wisdom"
  We spent the morning making waffles and my dad's special strawberry sauce and toffee sauce and to my surprise Ashley loved it, she took it all in and was so excited for the boys to return so they could try it. When they arrived I was so happy to see them, I missed not having them stuck to my hip. Both rushed in pulling me into a bear hug.
  "I'm never doing that again"
  Scott says kissing me as jaxon kissed my neck
  "Ewe ewe ewe seriously underage person in the room"
  Jax snorts and rolls his eyes
  "Yeah underage when we do this but tell her she can't smoke—"
  "—smoke I'll go smoke"
  She turns and walks out making me laugh, the boys sandwich me into the middle of them hugging me tightly
  "We missed you too much, I haven't been away from you that long since I met you"
  Scott pouts sadly
  "I missed you both too, come on somebody set the table"
  Jaxon kisses me again and pulls Scott towards the table as I take the mountain of waffles from the oven and carry them to the table with the jugs of sauce and fresh coffee just as the doorbell rang. Scott ran to let them in as I called Ashley inside.
  "Maybe I should eat in my room"
  She frowns when she sees all the men arrive for breakfast
  "No way, your part of this family now too and it's because of you that we have the information we need so sit down"
  Jaxon scolds her pointing to the table I bite my lip and try to suppress my smile as she rolls her eye
  "Ugh whatever —alfred—"
  He growls at her making me chuckle and her grin, she walks to the table and I internally groan when I see niall. He was an asshole, and I couldn't stand to be around him. He was a good fighter and just skipped past the level of loyalty that we were looking for but it still didn't make him likeable, also joining us was Samual, Johnny and Dean, all unmated males. Dale and Greg skipped in next kissing both me and Ashley on the cheek and
  Taking there seats, I pulled food onto Ashley's plate as she looked a little nervous then filled her cup with coffee as they all staired
  "Do i have an extra head growing out of my face or what the fuck is wrong with you simpletons. Eat up before it gets cold"
  I scold them, the boys and Ashley suppress a laugh as the men hurry themselves, filling their plates full of food and fruit and sauce.
  "So we are here to make a plan off attack against the Lycan rogue group, they are keeping what we think are hundreds of girls in cells and using them for their pleasure if they are not mated to any of them"
  "Why is that our problem"
  I zero my eyes in at him as Jax growls
  "Because they are our people like it or not they are our responsibility"
  "I don't see how that's the case, they left the pack so they left the protection they had within the pack"
  "They are kids, they didn't make that choice there parents did"
  "So what? Because they made a bad choice we need to condemn the people left behind"
  I drop my knife and fork and look at him, I try to keep my cool but it's difficult
  "And what if they are your mates? They haven't come of age yet so until they do we won't know. Would you be ok for your mate to be gang raped and killed because she's to young to preform the way they want her too?"
  That got his attention, he and everyone else froze to watch our stand off he sighed shaking his head and resting his elbows on the table rubbing his face with the palms of his hands
  "No I wouldn't want that, of course not but how do we know what we are really walking into?"
  "Ashley brought back the information we need now we need to make a plan off attack"
  "Have you gone mad? You're taking the word of a girl you hardly know. What if it's a trap, what if they used a witch to change her memories and make you believe what she is saying is true? Damn she doesn't look like she was passed around or any of that. Damn she probably asked for it"
  I stood to my feet and I looked at him. The table froze as I squeezed Ashley's shoulder, her head dropped but I told her with my touch not to look away from him, to look him in the eye and have the confidence to tell him what she really feels about what he said. Her head snaps back up and she looks at him standing to her feet with a feral growl.
  "How fucking dare you, you stinking peace of piss. You have no idea what is happening at that camp, what they could be doing to your mate this very minute not that to be honest it's probably better there being passed around by those dirty rotten rogues then it would be to be saddled with you for the rest of their life"
  I snort walking around the table quietly as she gives him a peace of her mind
  "I know I'd personally rather any punishment as long as it didn't involve anything to do with you and not only that but how dare you insult the Luna like that, do you not know she would smell a witch a mile off, that her talents far out way any voodoo. Are you that stupid to not only insult me but also your Luna and in turn your alpha, beta and gamma to? Now remember that in whatever afterlife you end up in"
  I break his neck and let his body fall backwards, Togo growls nipping at his fingers
  "After breakfast is finished boy"
  Ashley says sitting down and she continues to eat, I look to the rest of the table
  "If anyone else feels like he does, now's the time to leave before I kill you too."
  "No luna"
  They both say so I go back to my seat and start to eat as Jax clears his throat
  "Now that it is settled, does anyone have any ideas on how we should attack the camp?"
  We strategize for a while until the baby wakes up hungry so I feed him then Ashley takes him until we finish up. When the plan was set Sophie was going to arrive any minute so we decided to have lunch before we started to test the packs.
  "So who are these people? Are they dicks to or are you going to kill them as well?"
  Ashley asks us as we sit down with a coffee and a joint, jaxon snorts and laughs
  "Would you rather we just let him walk around being a dick to you for the rest of your life?"
  "Ehh no, he needed to die and I was just wondering no need to be so moody, jez are you on the rag?"
  She answers Scott sarcastically rolling her eyes jaxon laughs even harder
  "I swear why did we never get a teenager before they are so funny"
  Jaxon said holding his fist out to her, she fist pumps him as Scott's jaw lay open on the floor. He eventually closed it and muttered something about her being a snarky bitch just making me laugh harder.
  "They are my aunt and little cousins, the boy is mark he is your age and maddie is 12 they are all active primordial like me and we are going to spend the week checking the pack to see if they are loyal"
  "-and if they are not, your going to kill them?"
  "Yes basically"
  She shrugs
  "Cool, when do they get here?"
  "I think I hear the car pull up now"
  We dump our joints and head inside she runs to the window and turns wide eyed
  "You didn't tell me he was hot. Fuck I look like crap hang on"
  She takes off running towards the room making me snort and laugh but as she makes it there she growls freezing and sniffing the air. Jax stops before the door.
  "Not only have we an underage snarky teenager but we have one who just smelled her mate. this week will be hell she will be trying to jump him all the time, Ashley stay calm he's not Lycan you need to call on his wolf to be sure"
  She takes off towards the door but Scott catches her, she growls at him so Jax goes to her as I get the door. When I open it mark is standing on his toes sniffing the air
  "Are you cooking it smells amazing, like cinnamon cookies— oh heyyy"
  I've never watched a teenage boy's reaction to a mate before but it's definitely a reaction I wouldn't forget. His eyes widen, he stands taller, his heart beats faster until he realises who's holding her and He growls and pushes past me
  "What are you doing get off her"
  "Get off who? Who am I to you?"
  Ashley cries and he gasps walking towards her and grabbing jaxons arms and pushes them away from her just as Sophie walks in, she watches with interest as her boy growls at Scott until he lets her go. Mark takes her and looks her over
  "Your someone I don't want them to touch"
  Then she takes a breath and groans at the scent she looks to Jax he shakes his head
  "Ok Ashley you need to concentrate on the scent, it will make your wolf move within you, you need to ask her to come forward to pull out her mate"
  She closes her eyes sniffing him, her body starts to shudder and shake and when her eyes open they are brighter, her pupils are dilated and when she speaks her voice is stronger
  "Come forth and tell me who I am to you"
  Mark's body shudders and shakes, Sophie goes to grab him but I catch her and pull her back putting my hand up to tell her to wait.
  He grabs Ashley and pulls him to her chest inhaling her scent and groaning. Sophie is wide eyed and she mouths what the fuck to me. I smirk at her as Ashley pulls back.
  "I am yours. now we know, you need to return until it's your time. When it is I'll be waiting for you"
  "Nooo mate mine!"
  "Yes I'm your mate as you are mine. We will see each other again soon, now return your human back to Ashley"
  They rest their foreheads together and close their eyes, they gasp and when they open them they are back to normal but they don't move, mark runs his finger down her cheek and he grins at her
  "So beautiful"
  "Ok is someone going to tell me what the fuck is going on here?"
  Mark takes her hand and leads her over to Sophie
  "Mum this is my mate"
  She looks to me gobsmacked
  "Lycans find their mates earlier in life, they can pull on their mate's wolf and have it come out to verify, but Lycans mate for life, there is no rejection so it gives people the chance to grow their bond. Make it stronger for the long run, this is Ashley, she lives with us."

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