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  Jaxons POV
  Everything was fine and then she collapsed, I caught her as she fell losing all the power in her body
  "Scott get a doctor here now"
  He was already out of the shower and getting dressed as I ran out of the bathroom and placed her on the bed
  "What the fuck?"
  "I don't know, get a shirt for her and ring the doctor"
  I tapped on her face
  "Baby wake up, little wolf you're scaring me"
  She mumbles something but her head falls to the side. I pulled on bottoms and a shirt and then I took the shirt from Scott and pulled it over her head, I pull a pair of shorts onto her and checked her pulse. It was slow, sluggish, I pulled open her eyes and her pupils were large and her skin was clammy. I was so confused so I whistled for Togo to come to her side but he would have known even before her that she needed him. He comes in happily wagging his tail jumping onto the bed beside her. He whimpers sniffing her all over as Scott comes back in with the phone to his ear
  "He's on his way but he is wondering if we should bring her there in case she needs intervention?"
  My mind starts to race but as Togo starts to cry and whimper I panic and think that we should bring her to the hospital.
  "Tell him we are on our way and we are bringing Togo"
  I lift her up and whistle at him
  "Come on boy, come now"
  I run down the stairs with her, then I realise the baby and the kids panicking I look to mark and Ashley
  "Lucy is sick, we need to bring her to the hospital. Can you babysit? He's napping now but will need a bottle in an hour"
  "Ofcourse go"
  Ashley jumps up from the table worriedly, I don't wait and I rush her out to the car as Scott and Togo jump into the front. My heart is racing like crazy as I look down at my perfect angelic mate. Her pulse grows even weaker and I panicked
  "Put your foot down her pulse is too fucking low"
  "I'm trying but there are fucking kids everywhere"
  He roars beeping the horn like a crazy person, it was summer and it was hot all the kids were outside playing water fights and kick the can and usually I love that but right now i want to slap every single one of them at the same time and scream at them to move the fuck out of the way.
  The kids finally seem to get the message as they all move from the road and Scott takes off through them like his ass is on fire. When we get to the hospital the doctor was waiting for us with a gurney, I jumped out placing her on it, Togo jumped on top of her and the doctors stood back in shock
  "He heals her so he needs to stay while you work"
  They look at each other and shrug. they rush her into the hospital, we race in after them and into a large private room where they get to work checking her over, running tests and adding a heart monitor to her. My phone starts to ring and it's Baylee, I frown answering it
  "It's not a goo—-"
  "—just shut up and listen, she's going to be ok, for some reason her heat is stronger than normal and she will sleep until it's time to mate, it must be because there are 3 of you. And make sure the bar in her arm is removed and she will need fluids. Have you already got her in the hospital?"
  I was in shock but Scott snatched the phone away from me and put it on loudspeaker
  "Yes, she is in the hospital"
  "Ok well you need to get her out of there, you need a female doctor to give her fluids but you need to get her away from all unmated males and you need to do it now. the vision shows a damn army of men surrounding your house with some serious firepower just to keep them away"
  I snap as the men in the room sniff the air and gasp taking a step back, I growl jumping in front of her
  "Get out, get out right now"
  All unmated males need to get to town and stay there until told otherwise, all mated males I need you and your guns guarding my house immediately.
  I cut the link and scoop her up looking to the female nurse
  "Get fluids and equipment and bring them to my house immediately and only you are permitted to come"
  I whistle for Togo who jumps off the bed growling at the men. Scott covers us as we leave the building, he growls at every man that puts his nose in the air. Thankfully her scent was just faint but I could feel it slowly getting stronger. We got into the car rolling all the windows up and locking the doors then we took off back to the house, unmated males were slowly making their way to the town, but as her scent got stronger not even the car could hide the smell and I could see the men flee before they lost all control. As we arrived back at the house the front yard was crawling with mated wolves, I lifted her from the car and each of them sniffed the air. I growl
  "Anyone that can not handle being here needs to leave now or I will kill you if you attempt to touch her"
  I saw a few run from the yard gasping for air. My stomach rolled in worry, if it's this bad now what the hell is it going to be like at its worst? I run inside where the kids are looking out the windows nervously. Dale runs inside frantic
  "What the hell is going on?"
  He gasps for air, sweat pissing of him
  "She's in heat but it's worse because it's 3 fated mated or something, you know I'm not really sure but it's strong and getting stronger, I need you out there making sure that anyone who struggles with her scent leaves."
  I look to the kids nervously, I don't want them out there but I don't want them in here either, not if shit hits the fan, mark stands up with a stern face
  "We are not leaving, we can ease her pain and protect her if we need to, we will be better off here watching the baby."
  He looks sure of himself so I smile and nod
  "Thank you. We will wait for the nurse to arrive then lock the place down you need to take over until this is over"
  I say walking towards the stairs
  "Kids lock all the windows and doors, no one goes outside, if you need air use one of the balconies."
  I take her up stairs and place her on the bed, she is burning up like crazy so I leave her in the bed and call the ladies from the canteen to come with all the ice they have got, when that's done i lift the dirty laundry and make sure the place is clean because I won't be able to settle if it's not, Togo moans licking her forehead, I shudder at where his mouth has been but I push the thought out. now was not the time for my ocd to take over so instead I lay on the other side of the bed and pull her body against mine, she suddenly starts to freak out ripping the clothes from her body so I rip them of her and put them in the bin and get back in beside her, her whole body shudders and she moves over Laying like a starfish on top of me, she moans and mumbles as Scott walks in and snorts laughing at her position, I roll my eyes at him
  "Just get in beside her, our touch will ease hers"
  He nods, pulling his shirt off and my eyes widen as he throws it on the floor. When he stands up he bites his lip, lifting it and folding it and placing it on a chair. I relax and lay back down as he climbs in on the other side. Sensing him she whimpers rolling so she's between us. She grabs my side and pulls me with her, then she pulls Scott onto his side so she's sandwiched between us. She sighs and her body relaxes
  "How long are we going to need to lay like this for?"
  Scott asks curiously
  "It could be hours or it could be days"
  His eyes widen and I shrug continuing
  "It's normal for it to last days but normally it's nowhere near as bad as this, for Lycan it usually doesn't stop until the female is pregnant. I'm not sure if that's the way for normal wolves. I'll need to ask her mum."
  "Days of laying here?"
  I shake my head
  "Nope, normaly a day of feeling unwell gradually getting hotter and hotter then the heat kicks up a notch and it's basically constant sex for a few days. Normally the female just always stays by her mate not leaving their side for a second, if they have to they must only stay with mated males or biologically related males and that would be enough to scare of any unmated males off but hers isn't even at peak yet and mated males are struggling so I'm actually a little nervous."
  Scott frowns and kisses her head then screws up his nose
  "Ewe I swear that dog's breath is gross, hold her I don't want to kiss dog breath for days, I need to wash it off"
  I chuckle at him
  "He was scenting her, it's his way of protecting what is his, trying to scare off any other males that are not us. It's actually pretty cool, disgusting but cool"
  He frowns screwing his face up
  "So the wolf thinks she is his? Is it wrong that, that pisses me off?"
  I laugh and nod
  "Yes it is wrong, but he doesn't think she's his like that, she is a part of him and he a part of her. His soul purpose is to take her pain so he's try to help so don't let it get to you, if he attacks you then you can worry but he knows his place"
  "Your very informative today"
  I laugh and shrug
  "Well someone needs to teach you this stuff, might as well be me"
  He grins at me and reaches over pushing hair from my face
  "Thank you"
  I smile back at him
  "So I wonder is she ok with getting pregnant? If we take that thingymabob out of her arm she will be knocked up pretty fast"
  I'm not sure how to answer that, we already have one baby would other be a good thing or just more added stress.
  "All I know is she's not going to walk away from this fight, even if she's pregnant she won't and I don't want her fighting while she grows our baby so we will just need to let her decide when she wakes up"
  He pouts like a bad child making me chuckle
  "I really want that little girl, can you imagine the fun we would have dressing them both up. Damn I never thought I'd want to be a stay at home daddy now I can't think of anything more amazing then that. Imagine a boy and a girl it would be perfect"
  I smile, he's a large child himself so Of Course he wants more
  "I'm not that much of a child and you are too, let's face it I don't know how you ran this show without her and I honestly don't know how I even kept myself alive for as long as I did. Other than cleaning she does everything for us. We are so damn lucky, and then we have the added bonus that you actually enjoy cleaning I swear I feel like I'm letting the team down so the thought of being the responsible daddy makes me feel like I have a purpose like you both do"
  I frown and grab his face
  "Are you seriously worried about that? For one you follow her around everywhere she goes, you keep her safe 24/7 you watch over her even when she doesn't know it, your purpose is to love us unconditionally and save her no matter what and your damn good at it too"
  He smirks at me resting his hand on his head with a cheesy grin on his face
  "Well now alpha you really know how to make a boy feel special don't ya"
  I snort and push his shoulder shaking my head
  "Oh please sto—"
  "—-oh my eyes oh damn my eyes someone needs to learn how to close the damn doors in this house. Naked cousin in full view, have you both got no damn sense without her jezz"
  Mark turns where he was standing and leans against the door, I can't help but howl in laughter
  "Well to be honest without her we really don't have that much sense, what is wrong?"
  He exclaims shaking his head before continuing
  "The baby is crying and I don't know what she does to stop it but it's not working"
  "I'll get him"
  Scott says jumping up and pulling on his shorts, he walks out of the room slapping mark on the back and closing the door behind him, I pull her up the bed a little and get up to smoke, as I walk out onto the balcony closing the door after me I nearly choke when I see the sheer volume of men surrounding the house to guard the Luna. I sniffed the air and I could smell her out here, her scent was getting stronger. I light my joint and whistle to dale, he nods up
  "How is she?"
  I take a drag of my smoke and shrug
  "Still out cold, I know I asked everyone to come but I thought you would send some home"
  He rolls his eyes
  "I did, infact I sent more home then I kept, they are coming back tonight. They are all determined to protect their Luna"
  I can't help but grin proudly at our men and women who are willing to protect the Luna they almost didn't accept. I finish my smoke just as I hear the screeching of little Carter, I frown going back inside, Scott's bouncing him around but it doesn't seem to be working. I put my hands out and he handed him over.
  "What's up with you little man?"
  He cries harder, I sniff his butt, then try to burp him but he won't stop crying
  He misses his mummy
  Why do you think that?
  Because I miss her
  I had to admit I was starting to miss her too so I did the only thing I could think of and I set him on her chest and just like magic he stopped crying
  "Damn he was right he misses his mummy"
  "Don't blame him I miss her too"
  Scott says laying down beside them both I get in on the other side as Lucy's arm snakes around Carter's body cradling him and he pops off to sleep like he hadn't just been screaming the house down a minute earlier.
  "What do you want to watch?"
  I shrug yawning laying in bed was exhausting
  "I don't care just please not aqua man"
  He snorts at me
  "Oh please I have to look at your face 24/7 I don't need to watch it on tv too"
  I flip him the bird as he puts on the notebook on I frown looking at him
  "What we haven't watched it before and Lucy said it's amazing"
  I roll my eyes getting comfortable
  "Fine but I'm picking next"
  2 hours later...
  My heart shattered in my chest as tears streamed down my face
  "They died together dude.. why did she not tell us they died together"
  Scott sobs into his hands as I wipe my own tears from my face, my chin wobbled as I tried to stop myself from crying
  "Damn that was amazing"
  Is all I managed to say before my voice broke and I choked out a sob. After 10 minutes we finally managed to stop the tears and take a breath
  "What do we watch now?"
  I ask him he shrugs
  "Please something funny, my heart can't take anymore heartbreak"
  I purged my lips and decided on Talladega Nights, we had pizza delivered for the kids and us, just as we finished up Lucy started to mutter and cry in her sleep, I placed Carter in the cot and went to her side the sheets under her were soaked through, her body temperature was far to high
  "I think we need the ice bath, will you grab the ice and I'll fill the tub"
  He jumps up running downstairs to the freezer where the cooks From the canteen had left bags apun bags of ice for us, I turned on the cold tap and started getting everything prepared, we poured 4 huge bags of ice into the water filling the bath 3 quarters of the way then we both looked at each other.
  "Who is getting in first?"
  Scott asks me cringing
  "I'll do it this time"
  I stripped off and lifted Lucy from the bed, her body temperature was so high it would probably burn a normal person. I cringed as I stepped into the water and sat down, I swear I think my balls shriveled up and curled up inside myself
  "Damn this is a whole new level of blue balls"
  I pulled Lucy into me and her body instantly relaxed, I watched in amazement as the water around her simmered as the ice melted and her temperature finally started to drop. After a minute she was back to almost normal.

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