Twenty seven

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"I don't think so, it's possible." They all turned to Jin. "Jimin is a human. He can't mate with us. Mating requires biting. And if we bite Jimin, he can't handle it. Human dies if we bite cause they don't have any mating gland." He told them.

Jungkook know Jin is right. They all know. When Taehyung told them about Jimin, he was happy. He also like Jimin. But they can't mate Jimin. Courting and mating are for wolves. But he wants to know how human relationship works.

"How do humans mate, hyung?" Jungkook asked.
"They go for dates, and will get married. Dating is like, trying to to know each other. If they like each other, they will get married." Namjoon, the brain of the pack replied. He likes to read. So he know a lot of things.

"Then can we ask him to go on a date with us?" Taehyung asked curiously. "And then we can marry him." He smiled excitedly.

"I think we should give him sometime. It's only been a month. He didn't even open up to us. If he was really comfortable with us, he would have tell us about what happened to him. So let him be comfortable first. Then we can talk about dating." Yoongi said.

"Okay, i will wait for three months. Then i m gonna ask him." Taehyung announced. They all nodded smiling at him.
"You know, i was scared. I thought you are gonna scold me for thinking like that. But turned out you like him too." He continued. "And i am really happy."

"When did we say we like him." Yoongi teased.
"But you didn't say i shouldn't get in to a relationship with him. And you were concerned about how to mate with him. That means you guys like him too." He said sticking his tongue out.

"I want to tell something too." Hoseok started speaking. They all looked at Hoseok. "There is something about Jimin- I don't know if i am imagining things- " He paused, then continued. "It's just his hair is growing and the root of it isn't black. It is white. I thought it's supposed to be black root." He concerned.

"I also noticed that." Yoongi said frowning.
"Maybe have albinism." Namjoon said after thinking.
"He must be. But his eyes and brows are not white." Jin pointed out.
"But it's not black either. It's kinda light brown." Taehyung said.
"No, it's blonde." Jungkook chimes in.
"Yeah, and you know that day, when he had nightmare, his eyes were glowing." Hoseok said, confusion clear in his face.
"I think it's because of the moonlight. He have really reflective eyes." Namjoon said. There is no explanation to it. "We shouldn't pry in to his life. It's not right. So let's hope he will talk to us one day." Jin advised. They all nodded. Only Jimin can answer their doubts. But it's not appropriate to force him.

After a while Jimin joined them for lunch. He talked about how his day went. The pack continued acting normal as if they aren't thinking about courting jimin into mateship. They spend their lunch talking and joking around.

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